
Server Deployment and Containerization

Engineering and Technology

Short Description

Develop an understanding of containerized environments while working with Docker.

Long Description

In the course Server Deployment and Containerization on Udacity, you will learn about the benefits and use cases of containerized environments. You will install Docker on your local machine and create a container environment using a Dockerfile. Additionally, you will learn how to download and launch a Docker container, as well as store and share it. The course also covers AWS and commonly used services such as S3, EC2, and IAM. You will create AWS resources using both the AWS console and command-line interface (CLI). Container orchestration and how it works will be explained, along with an introduction to Kubernetes and how it manages container clusters. You will create an EKS Cluster using the AWS console and Eksctl (CLI), and manage Kubernetes clusters using the Kubectl (CLI). The course also covers deployment using CI/CD, where you will learn to deploy an application to the EKS cluster. You will use Cloudformation to create AWS resources using a YAML script and implement an end-to-end continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) pipeline using AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeBuild services. Finally, the course project involves creating a container for a Flask web app using Docker and deploying it to a Kubernetes cluster using Amazon EKS. By the end of the project, you will have deployed your application live to the world, accessible by an IP address. You will also learn to use automated testing to prevent bad code from being deployed and monitor your app's performance using AWS tools.

Course Details

4 weeks
Short Course
Course Link
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