
Client-Server Communication

Engineering and Technology

Short Description

Learn how a client communicates with a server, including HTTP's request and response cycle, HTTP/2 and HTTPs.

Long Description

In the course Client-Server Communication on Udacity, you will delve into the intricacies of the HTTP request and response cycle. You will gain a comprehensive understanding of the components that make up an HTTP request and response, as well as how they are interconnected. The course will also cover the practical applications of HTTP/1, including mapping requests and response types to HTTP verbs, response codes, and headers. Additionally, you will explore the differences between HTTP and HTTPS, including topics such as TLS, cryptography, and Certificate Authorities. The course will also delve into the issues surrounding HTTP mixed content. Furthermore, you will learn about the advancements and extensions introduced in HTTP/2, as well as the optimizations for HTTP/1 that are now considered anti-patterns in HTTP/2. Lastly, the course will address common security problems such as CORS, CSRF, XSS, and provide strategies to resolve them.

Course Details

5 weeks
Short Course
Course Link
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