
Security Engineer

Engineering and Technology

Short Description

Take advantage of the growing need for skilled security professionals by mastering the sought-after skills to protect an organization’s computer networks and systems from security threats or attacks.

Long Description

This course on Udacity, Security Engineer, introduces the fundamental concepts and practices of security engineering. You will learn about the basic principles and properties that a security engineer applies when evaluating, prioritizing, and communicating security topics. The course also covers practical applications of cryptography, strategies for risk evaluation, security review, and audit. Additionally, you will explore system security at the operating system level, including implementing authentication and authorization, detecting unauthorized changes, and building logging, monitoring, and auditing tools. The course also covers industry best practices for security configurations and controls, vulnerability scanning, and producing industry-standard reports. Finally, you will learn about secure web application development, including understanding OWASP's Top 10 vulnerabilities, conducting static code scans, and manual testing. By the end of the course, you will have the skills to work as a security expert and help shape the security posture of development teams to build more secure web applications.

Course Details

16 weeks
Short Course
Course Link
More Information
Udacity is an online learning platform that offers a wide range of courses and programs in various fields such as technology, business, data science, and artificial intelligence. It was founded in 2012 by Sebastian Thrun, David Stavens, and Mike Sokolsky with the aim of providing accessible and affordable education to individuals worldwide. Udacity's courses are designed in collaboration with industry experts and leading companies, ensuring that the content is relevant and up-to-date. The platform offers both self-paced courses and guided programs, allowing learners to choose the learning style that suits them best. Udacity also provides career services and support, including resume reviews, interview preparation, and job placement assistance, to help learners transition into their desired careers.