
Zero Trust Security

Engineering and Technology

Short Description

Learners leave the course with a reinvigorated perspective on cybersecurity and a lexicon of practices and solutions that support what is rapidly becoming the new dominant strategy in enterprise security.

Long Description

The Udacity course on Zero Trust Security provides a comprehensive understanding of the zero trust security model. It begins with an analysis of a recently breached company's security approach, distinguishing between the perimeter network security model and the zero trust model, identifying areas for improvement, and understanding the recent cybersecurity trends that led to the adoption of zero trust models. The course then delves into the philosophical principles behind the zero trust movement, its foundational requirements, logical components, and pillars. Practical deployment resources, requirements for Zero Trust Network Architecture (ZTNA), and foundational capabilities for evaluating and refining safeguards are also covered. The course also assesses the readiness of an organization to adopt zero trust principles, evaluates challenges to implementation, and differentiates deployment strategies. Finally, the course project involves an analysis of a sample company's corporate profile and cybersecurity capabilities, evaluating its potential for implementing zero trust best practices, and creating a roadmap towards a Zero Trust Architecture.

Course Details

4 weeks
Short Course
Course Link
More Information
Udacity is an online learning platform that offers a wide range of courses and programs in various fields such as technology, business, data science, and artificial intelligence. It was founded in 2012 by Sebastian Thrun, David Stavens, and Mike Sokolsky with the aim of providing accessible and affordable education to individuals worldwide. Udacity's courses are designed in collaboration with industry experts and leading companies, ensuring that the content is relevant and up-to-date. The platform offers both self-paced courses and guided programs, allowing learners to choose the learning style that suits them best. Udacity also provides career services and support, including resume reviews, interview preparation, and job placement assistance, to help learners transition into their desired careers.