
Object Oriented Programming in Java

Engineering and Technology

Short Description

Learn how to apply powerful object-oriented programming concepts in Java

Long Description

In the course Object Oriented Programming in Java on Udacity, you will delve into the world of objects and learn how to create classes and objects, as well as how to use them in programs. You will explore the purpose of constructors, fields, and methods, and understand how to use access modifiers to set your classes to public or private. Additionally, you will discover how to accept user input at runtime and pass it to be stored for later access, enabling you to build interactive programs. The course also covers the core OOP concepts of encapsulation, polymorphism, and inheritance, teaching you how to use interfaces to extend and add features to classes, and experiment with overriding methods and the super keyword to access methods. Finally, you will learn about different collection types such as list, set, queue, stack, and map, and gain an understanding of how the Collection interface is implemented.

Course Details

4 weeks
Short Course
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