Online Short Courses

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Object-Oriented Programming in Python

by DataCamp

Dive in and learn how to create classes and leverage inheritance and polymorphism to reuse and optimize code.

USD 39.00

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Object-Oriented Programming with S3 and R6 in R

by DataCamp

Manage the complexity in your code using object-oriented programming with the S3 and R6 systems.

USD 39.00

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Optimizing R Code with Rcpp

by DataCamp

Use C++ to dramatically boost the performance of your R code.

USD 39.00

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Pandas Joins for Spreadsheet Users

by DataCamp

Learn how to effectively and efficiently join datasets in tabular format using the Python Pandas library.

USD 39.00

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Parallel Computing in R

by DataCamp

This course covers in detail the tools available in R for parallel computing.

USD 39.00

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Parallel Programming in R

by DataCamp

Unlock the power of parallel computing in R. Enhance your data analysis skills, speed up computations, and process large datasets effortlessly.

USD 39.00

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Parallel Programming with Dask in Python

by DataCamp

Learn how to use Python parallel programming with Dask to upscale your workflows and efficiently handle big data.

USD 39.00

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Pivot Tables in Spreadsheets

by DataCamp

Explore the world of Pivot Tables within Google Sheets, and learn how to quickly organize thousands of data points with just a few clicks of the mouse.

USD 39.00

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Practicing Coding Interview Questions in Python

by DataCamp

Prepare for your next coding interviews in Python.

USD 39.00

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Practicing Machine Learning Interview Questions in Python

by DataCamp

Sharpen your knowledge and prepare for your next interview by practicing Python machine learning interview questions.

USD 39.00

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Practicing Statistics Interview Questions in Python

by DataCamp

Prepare for your next statistics interview by reviewing concepts like conditional probabilities, A/B testing, the bias-variance tradeoff, and more.

USD 39.00

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Practicing Statistics Interview Questions in R

by DataCamp

In this course, you'll prepare for the most frequently covered statistical topics from distributions to hypothesis testing, regression models, and much more.

USD 39.00

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Predicting CTR with Machine Learning in Python

by DataCamp

Learn how to predict click-through rates on ads and implement basic machine learning models in Python so that you can see how to better optimize your ads.

USD 39.00

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Predictive Analytics using Networked Data in R

by DataCamp

Learn to predict labels of nodes in networks using network learning and by extracting descriptive features from the network

USD 39.00

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Preprocessing for Machine Learning in Python

by DataCamp

In this course you'll learn how to get your cleaned data ready for modeling.

USD 39.00

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Probability Puzzles in R

by DataCamp

Learn strategies for answering probability questions in R by solving a variety of probability puzzles.

USD 39.00

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Programming with dplyr

by DataCamp

Learn how to perform advanced dplyr transformations and incorporate dplyr and ggplot2 code in functions.

USD 39.00

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Python Data Science Toolbox (Part 1)

by DataCamp

Learn the art of writing your own functions in Python, as well as key concepts like scoping and error handling.

USD 39.00

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Python Data Science Toolbox (Part 2)

by DataCamp

Continue to build your modern Data Science skills by learning about iterators and list comprehensions.

USD 39.00

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Python for MATLAB Users

by DataCamp

Transition from MATLAB by learning some fundamental Python concepts, and diving into the NumPy and Matplotlib packages.

USD 39.00