Engineering and Technology
Learn how to effectively and efficiently join datasets in tabular format using the Python Pandas library.
The process of joining multiple datasets is crucial for conducting real-world analysis. If you have previous experience using spreadsheets and functions like VLOOKUP, you can easily build upon that knowledge as you transition to Python. This course will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of how to merge datasets using pandas, which is widely recognized as the top tool for manipulating tabular data in Python. Throughout the course, you will gain hands-on experience by combining data from the National Football League (NFL) within a familiar spreadsheet environment. By mastering these pandas functions, you will gain the ability to seamlessly integrate larger and more intricate datasets into any analysis you undertake.
by DataCamp
Learn how to effectively and efficiently join datasets in tabular format using the Python Pandas lib...
by DataCamp
Learn to combine data from multiple tables by joining data together using pandas.
by DataCamp
Reshape DataFrames from a wide to long format, stack and unstack rows and columns, and wrangle multi...
by DataCamp
Build up your pandas skills and answer marketing questions by merging, slicing, visualizing, and mor...
by DataCamp
Explore the Stanford Open Policing Project dataset and analyze the impact of gender on police behavi...
by DataCamp
Learn how to import and clean data, calculate statistics, and create visualizations with pandas.
by DataCamp
Learn to acquire data from common file formats and systems such as CSV files, spreadsheets, JSON, SQ...
by DataCamp
Learn efficient techniques in pandas to optimize your Python code.
by DataCamp
Learn how to manipulate and visualize categorical data using pandas and seaborn.
by DataCamp
Level up your data science skills by creating visualizations using Matplotlib and manipulating DataF...