Online Short Courses

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Introduction to Importing Data in Python

by DataCamp

Learn to import data into Python from various sources, such as Excel, SQL, SAS and right from the web.

USD 39.00

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Introduction to Importing Data in R

by DataCamp

In this course, you will learn to read CSV, XLS, and text files in R using tools like readxl and data.table.

USD 39.00

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Introduction to Julia

by DataCamp

Julia is a new programming language designed to be the ideal language for scientific computing, machine learning, and data mining.

USD 39.00

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Introduction to Linear Modeling in Python

by DataCamp

Explore the concepts and applications of linear models with python and build models to describe, predict, and extract insight from data patterns.

USD 39.00

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Introduction to MLflow

by DataCamp

Learn how to use MLflow to simplify the complexities of building machine learning applications. Explore MLflow tracking, projects, models, and model registry.

USD 39.00

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Introduction to Natural Language Processing in Python

by DataCamp

Learn fundamental natural language processing techniques using Python and how to apply them to extract insights from real-world text data.

USD 39.00

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Introduction to Natural Language Processing in R

by DataCamp

Gain an overview of all the skills and tools needed to excel in Natural Language Processing in R.

USD 39.00

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Introduction to Network Analysis in Python

by DataCamp

This course will equip you with the skills to analyze, visualize, and make sense of networks using the NetworkX library.

USD 39.00

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Introduction to NumPy

by DataCamp

Master your skills in NumPy by learning how to create, sort, filter, and update arrays using NYC’s tree census.

USD 39.00

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Introduction to Oracle SQL

by DataCamp

Sharpen your skills in Oracle SQL including SQL basics, aggregating, combining, and customizing data.

USD 39.00

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Introduction to Portfolio Analysis in Python

by DataCamp

Learn how to calculate meaningful measures of risk and performance, and how to compile an optimal portfolio for the desired risk and return trade-off.

USD 39.00

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Introduction to Portfolio Analysis in R

by DataCamp

Apply your finance and R skills to backtest, analyze, and optimize financial portfolios.

USD 39.00

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Introduction to Portfolio Risk Management in Python

by DataCamp

Evaluate portfolio risk and returns, construct market-cap weighted equity portfolios and learn how to forecast and hedge market risk via scenario generation.

USD 39.00

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Introduction to Power BI

by DataCamp

Master the Power BI basics and learn to use the data visualization software to build impactful reports.

USD 39.00

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Introduction to Predictive Analytics in Python

by DataCamp

In this course you'll learn to use and present logistic regression models for making predictions.

USD 39.00

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Introduction to Programming Paradigms

by DataCamp

Explore a range of programming paradigms, including imperative and declarative, procedural, functional, and object-oriented programming.

USD 39.00

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Introduction to Python for Finance

by DataCamp

Learn to use Python for financial analysis using basic skills, including lists, data visualization, and arrays.

USD 39.00

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Introduction to Python in Power BI

by DataCamp

Learn how to use Python scripts in Power BI for data prep, visualizations, and calculating correlation coefficients.

USD 39.00

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Introduction to R for Finance

by DataCamp

Learn essential data structures such as lists and data frames and apply that knowledge directly to financial examples.

USD 39.00

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Introduction to Regression in R

by DataCamp

Predict housing prices and ad click-through rate by implementing, analyzing, and interpreting regression analysis in R.

USD 39.00