Business and Economics
Apply your finance and R skills to backtest, analyze, and optimize financial portfolios.
In the field of investing, it is essential to adhere to a fundamental principle: thoroughly test the portfolio strategy using historical data and continuously monitor its performance once implemented. This course offers a comprehensive understanding of this principle through the critical analysis of portfolio returns using the PerformanceAnalytics package. Additionally, the course provides insights into estimating portfolio weights that effectively balance risk and return. By combining portfolio theory with practical applications in R, the course utilizes real-life examples of equity portfolios and asset allocation problems. Upon completion of this data-driven course, individuals can further explore the data by accessing the tseries-package, which contains the data used in the first three chapters. Furthermore, the data used in chapter 4 can be conveniently downloaded here.
by DataCamp
Apply your finance and R skills to backtest, analyze, and optimize financial portfolios.
by DataCamp
Advance you R finance skills to backtest, analyze, and optimize financial portfolios.
by DataCamp
Learn how to calculate meaningful measures of risk and performance, and how to compile an optimal po...
by DataCamp
Learn about risk management, value at risk and more applied to the 2008 financial crisis using Pytho...
by DataCamp
Evaluate portfolio risk and returns, construct market-cap weighted equity portfolios and learn how t...
by DataCamp
Using Python and NumPy, learn the most fundamental financial concepts.
by DataCamp
Master the basics of data analysis in R, including vectors, lists, and data frames, and practice R w...
by DataCamp
Master the basics of data analysis with Python in just four hours. This online course will introduce...
by DataCamp
Learn A/B testing: including hypothesis testing, experimental design, and confounding variables.
by DataCamp
Learn how to implement and schedule data engineering workflows.