
JavaScript Basics

Engineering and Technology

Short Description

Learn the basics of JavaScript, including primary data types, conditionals and loops, and more.

Long Description

JavaScript Basics is a course on Udacity that covers the fundamentals of JavaScript. The course starts with an explanation of the history of JavaScript and teaches how to run JavaScript code in the browser console. It also covers the use of console.log statements to log out values. The course then moves on to data types and variables, teaching how to declare variables and use number, string, and Boolean data types. It also covers the use of operators to manipulate numbers and string properties and methods to manipulate strings. The next topic is conditionals, where students learn how to add conditional logic to control program flow and identify truthy and falsy values. Ternary operators and switch statements are also covered for more concise conditional logic. The course then covers loops, teaching how to use for and while loops to automate repetitive tasks and nest loops for more complex automation. It also covers the use of assignment operators to write more concise code. The next topic is functions, where students learn how to create and run JavaScript functions to streamline and organize code. The use of return statements, scope, let and const in block scope, and storing functions in variables using function expressions are also covered. The course then moves on to arrays, teaching how to create and use JavaScript arrays to store a collection of data. It covers the use of indexes to reference array elements and array properties and methods such as length, push, pop, and splice. Looping through arrays using forEach and map is also covered. The final topic is objects, where students learn how to create and use JavaScript objects to store a collection of data as key:value pairs. The use of dot notation and bracket notation to access object elements, as well as adding and accessing methods in JavaScript objects, are covered. The course concludes with a course project where students apply their JavaScript skills to build the core functionality of an eCommerce shopping cart. They create a collection of products and write JavaScript code to add, remove, and change the quantity of a product in the shopping cart. They also write JavaScript code for the checkout functions, including making a purchase and returning change.

Course Details

4 weeks
Short Course
Course Link
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