
String Manipulation with stringr in R

Engineering and Technology

Short Description

Learn how to pull character strings apart, put them back together and use the stringr package.

Long Description

Character strings are a common occurrence in various stages of a data science project. It is often necessary to preprocess and clean string inputs before conducting analysis, extract relevant information embedded within text, or convert numeric results into coherent sentences for inclusion in reports. In some cases, the strings themselves may be the primary focus, requiring the detection and matching of patterns within them. This course aims to equip you with the skills to effectively handle these tasks by teaching you techniques to deconstruct and reconstruct strings, as well as utilizing stringr, a powerful tool for detecting, extracting, matching, and splitting strings using regular expressions. By mastering these techniques, you will enhance your ability to work with character strings in a data science context.

Course Details

4 hours
Short Course
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More Information
DataCamp is an online learning platform that offers interactive courses and tutorials for data science and analytics. It provides a wide range of courses covering topics such as Python, R, SQL, machine learning, data visualization, and more. The platform offers a hands-on learning experience through coding exercises and projects, allowing users to practice and apply their skills in real-world scenarios. DataCamp also offers a personalized learning experience with adaptive learning technology that adjusts the course content based on the user's skill level and progress. It is widely used by individuals, professionals, and organizations to enhance their data science skills and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in the field.