
Sentiment Analysis in R

Business and Economics

Short Description

Learn sentiment analysis by identifying positive and negative language, specific emotional intent and making compelling visualizations.

Long Description

Enhance Your Text Mining Proficiency Broaden your text mining capabilities by incorporating sentiment analysis into your toolkit. Sentiment analysis is a valuable tool utilized by text miners across various industries such as marketing, politics, and customer service. This comprehensive course will equip you with the skills to identify positive and negative language, discern specific emotional intent, and create compelling visualizations. The course begins with an introduction to polarity scoring using qdap's sentiment function, allowing you to grasp the fundamentals. As you progress, you will delve into the intricacies of Zipf's law and subjectivity lexicons, further expanding your understanding. Utilize Tidytext for Effective Sentiment Analysis Sentiment analysis is a complex and nuanced field, influenced by linguistics, sociology, psychology, culture, and slang. The second chapter of this course provides guidance on navigating these complexities, employing Plutchik's wheel of emotion as a framework. Additionally, you will learn how to organize your work using Tidytext from the Tidyverse, streamlining your analysis process. Enhance Your Insights with Sentiment Analysis Visualizations Transforming your sentiment analysis into clear and visually appealing data representations is crucial for conveying a coherent narrative and effectively sharing your insights with colleagues and stakeholders. The third chapter of this course focuses on advanced visualization techniques, moving beyond basic word clouds to create impactful graphics that comprehensively communicate the story behind your data. To culminate your learning experience, you will apply all acquired knowledge through a compelling case study. By analyzing Airbnb reviews, you will gain valuable insights into the key factors that individuals prioritize when seeking a desirable rental experience.

Course Details

4 hours
Short Course
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