
Configuring Linux Web Servers

Engineering and Technology

Short Description

In this course you'll learn the basic Linux fundamentals every web developer needs to know to share their web applications with the world! You'll get a basic Python WSGI application up and running within a Vagrant virtual machine that queries data from a PostgreSQL database.

Long Description

The course, Configuring Linux Web Servers on Udacity, provides an in-depth introduction to the Linux operating system and its various distributions. It guides learners on setting up their own Linux virtual machine on their personal computers and exploring its functionalities. The course also covers the organization of the filesystem and identification of key files. It delves into Linux security, teaching how to execute administrative tasks, update software, manage users, and implement robust authentication mechanisms. It also instructs on interpreting Linux file permissions and configuring a firewall for system security. The course then transitions into transforming a secure server into a fully functional web application server. It includes lessons on installing and configuring an Apache HTTP Server and PostgreSQL database server, and writing a basic Python WSGI application that can query a database and present data upon a web request.

Course Details

1 weeks
Short Course
Course Link
More Information
Udacity is an online learning platform that offers a wide range of courses and programs in various fields such as technology, business, data science, and artificial intelligence. It was founded in 2012 by Sebastian Thrun, David Stavens, and Mike Sokolsky with the aim of providing accessible and affordable education to individuals worldwide. Udacity's courses are designed in collaboration with industry experts and leading companies, ensuring that the content is relevant and up-to-date. The platform offers both self-paced courses and guided programs, allowing learners to choose the learning style that suits them best. Udacity also provides career services and support, including resume reviews, interview preparation, and job placement assistance, to help learners transition into their desired careers.