
Cloud Data Warehouses

Engineering and Technology

Short Description

Build warehousing skills, gain an understanding of data infrastructure, and build on the cloud using AWS.

Long Description

In the course Cloud Data Warehouses on Udacity, you will learn about the fundamentals of data warehouses and how they support business users. You will explore the differences between OLAP and OLTP and understand how to implement ETL for OLAP transformations using SQL. The course will also cover data warehouse architecture and the concepts of OLAP cubes, including slice, dice, roll-up, and drill down operations. Additionally, you will compare columnar and row-oriented approaches and gain hands-on experience in implementing both. Furthermore, you will learn about ELT and data warehouse technology in the cloud, including the differences between ETL and ELT and when to prefer ELT. You will also gain knowledge on selecting appropriate cloud data storage, pipeline, and data warehouse solutions. The course will delve into AWS data warehouse services and technologies, allowing you to create and configure AWS storage resources and Amazon Redshift resources. Finally, you will have the opportunity to apply your learnings in a course project where you will act as a data engineer for a streaming music service, building an ELT pipeline to extract, stage, and transform data for analytics purposes.

Course Details

4 weeks
Short Course
Course Link
More Information
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