Stellenbosch University

Advanced Diploma in Education in Senior Phase Natural Sciences Teaching

Education, Training and Development - Schooling

Purpose and Rationale


The purpose of the Advanced Diploma in Education is to enhance specialization in Natural Sciences Teaching and develop new practices to support teaching and learning in education. Specifically, the diploma aims to:

  • Strengthen Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) through Professional Practice-Based Learning (PPBL).
  • Further specialize in Life Sciences Teaching in Further Education and Training (FET).
  • Provide Continuous Professional Development (CPD) to educators.
  • Develop competency in subject content knowledge, educational theory, and methodology.
  • Cultivate skills in teaching Natural Sciences.
  • Foster initiative, responsibility, and research competence in the field of education.
  • Promote understanding of diversity to teach inclusively in the South African context.


The qualification aligns with the Higher Education Qualifications Sub-Framework (HEQSF) and the Minimum Standards for Teacher Education Qualifications (MRTEQC). It aims to meet the demands of advancing teacher education and career pathways. Key aspects include:

  • Developing educators who are adaptable and reflexive.
  • Enhancing critical thinking and professional, technological, and cultural knowledge.
  • Cultivating specific professional attributes and skills for Life Sciences educators.
  • Implementing Professional Practice-Based Learning (PPBL) to improve teaching practices.
  • Providing intellectual enrichment and specialized training in Life Sciences Teaching.

Overall, the qualification seeks to equip educators with the necessary knowledge and skills to excel in diverse teaching environments in South Africa.


  1. Understand and interact responsibly with the required subject content knowledge base, educational theory and methodology.
  2. Show intellectual independence and develop some level of research competence in the field of education and more specifically in the leadership roles of teaching and learning.
  3. Understand the diversity in the South African and human context in order to teach in a manner that includes all learners.

Assessment Criteria

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:

  • Demonstration of integration of knowledge of learning, instructional theories, and psychology in the educational context through teaching.
  • Identification and application of appropriate instructional theories.
  • Explanation of facilitation of collaborative learning processes and theory-driven arguments.
  • Integration of knowledge of South African education systems, educational contexts, policies, and curriculum.
  • Explanation, description, and application of appropriate knowledge and educational perspectives.
  • Application of integrated knowledge and practical skills of Senior Phase Chemistry and Physics fundamentals.
  • Identification, management, and use of teaching, learning, and assessment resources.
  • Creation of innovation in Senior Phase Natural Science Teaching.
  • Application of integrated knowledge and practical skills of Senior Phase Life Sciences and Earth and Beyond fundamentals.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:

  • Evaluation of necessary specialized knowledge and critical social cognition for significant leadership in the South African teaching environment.
  • Evaluation and identification of evidence-based solutions to problems and theory-driven arguments.
  • Development of leadership in a complex and rapidly changing society as the South African teaching environment.
  • Evaluation of facilitation of collaborative learning processes and basic research skills.
  • Evaluation of social cognition needed for significant leadership in a complex and rapidly changing teaching environment.
  • Provision of leadership in curriculum implementation and guidance on the development of learning programs, teaching, and assessment methods.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:

  • Identification and addressing of barriers to learning and curriculum differentiation for multiple learning levels within a grade in the Senior Phase.
  • Development of appropriate work schedules, lessons, learning materials, and assessments for learners.
  • Evaluation of learners' activities to identify misconceptions and deploy appropriate pedagogic strategies for remediation.
  • Use of appropriate assessment tools to evaluate pupil performance and inform future teaching.

Integrated Assessment:

  • Integration of learner assessment in the qualification approach to teaching and learning.
  • Alignment of qualifications with the Assessment Policy (2012-2017).
  • Combination of formative assessments (tests/assignments/projects/case studies) and summative assessments (formal examinations).
  • Calculation of class mark based on class attendance, class work, and practical work.
  • Determination of final mark by considering examination results and class marks with a fixed formula.
  • Practical learning involving learning from and in practice, including studying practice and teaching in authentic and simulated classroom environments.

Qualification Details

Advanced Diploma
NQF Level
Min. Credits
SAQA Source
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Stellenbosch University
Stellenbosch University is a public research university located in Stellenbosch, South Africa. It is one of the oldest universities in the country, established in 1918. The university offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs across various disciplines, including arts and social sciences, science, engineering, health sciences, and business. Stellenbosch University is known for its high academic standards and research output, with a strong focus on innovation and sustainability. It is also recognized for its multicultural and inclusive campus environment, attracting students from diverse backgrounds both locally and internationally.

This page includes information from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) . Builtneat Pty Ltd trading as Study Start, has modified all or some of this information. SAQA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.