Independent Institute of Education

Bachelor of Education in Intermediate Phase Teaching

Education, Training and Development - Schooling

Purpose and Rationale

Bachelor of Education in Intermediate Phase Teaching


The purpose of this initial teacher education qualification is to promote access to higher education and to qualify learners to become Intermediate Phase teachers. The 4-year professional teaching qualification in Intermediate Phase Teaching will develop Intermediate Phase classroom teachers with the knowledge, skills and applied competencies identified as critical to enter the world of work as beginner teachers in order to teach learners from Grades 4 to 7. Specifically, the Bachelor of Education in Intermediate Phase Teaching will provide learners with specialisations linked to this phase of teaching along with competence in subject matter knowledge, and the integration of all types of learning associated with the acquisition, integration and application of knowledge for teaching purposes within the South African context (DHET, 2011: 8). This 4-year degree is structured in accordance with the new Minimum Requirements for Teacher Education Qualifications (July 2011). It is also aligned to the new HEQSF guidelines and will provide learners with the knowledge, skills and applied competencies identified to be critical for teaching at this level. Learners will be well-prepared with insight and skills that are both employable and relevant to further specialisation study in support of the principles of life-long learning.

Upon completion of the qualification, the learner will be able to:

  • Demonstrate integration of knowledge, skills and abilities when conducting the lesson.
  • Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the content of the curricular areas and phase specialisations.
  • Demonstrate the ability to carry out the roles of a teacher as appropriate to their practice that includes: specialist in a phase, subject discipline or practice; learning mediator; interpreter and designer of learning programmes and material; leader, administrator and manager; scholar, researcher and lifelong learner; assessor; and community, citizenship and pastoral role.
  • Demonstrate the ability to undertake various functions responsibly in terms of manager/administrator/leader within the education system, institution and community, underpinned by respect for and commitment to the teaching profession.


"The primary purpose of all Initial Teacher Education (ITE) qualifications is to certify that the holder has specialised as a beginner teacher in a specific phase. This specialisation can take a variety of forms, all of which are associated with competence in subject matter knowledge, and it integrates all types of learning" (DHET, 2011: 15). The Bachelor of Education in Intermediate Phase Teaching is intended as an initial professional qualification with specialisation linked to the Intermediate Phase of teaching (Grades 4 to 7). This qualification will provide learners with a thorough grounding in the key disciplines related to Intermediate Phase teaching. This qualification is thus structured in such a way so as to ensure knowledge specialisation linked with the Intermediate Phase of teaching, while simultaneously developing practical skills and work integrated learning experiences in order to prepare beginner teachers for teaching in diverse contexts.

The design for this qualification has been informed by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) minimum requirements for teacher education qualifications (2011) coupled with the national drive to produce and increase the number of teacher, while also ensuring a better quality teacher in the classroom. This qualification seeks to provide a fundamental and comprehensive education underpinned by subject knowledge in the teaching in various Intermediate Phase subjects, underpinned by subject knowledge, educational theory and methodology aligned with the requirements of a professionally qualified beginner teacher. This degree will enable qualified learners to work in schools, teaching at the Intermediate Phase. The outcomes in the design of this qualification were identified as critical to drive a successful career in teaching the Intermediate Phase. Therefore, learners will be suitably prepared to move into their teaching career whereby they will be able to demonstrate basic competences of a beginner teacher (as laid out in the Minimum requirements for Teacher Education Qualifications, 2011):

These include the following for newly qualified teachers (DHET, 2011: 53):

  1. Posses sound subject knowledge.
  2. Know how to teach their subject(s) and how to select, determine the sequence and pace content in accordance with both subject and learner needs.
  3. Know who their learners are and how they learn; they must understand their individual needs and tailor their teaching accordingly.
  4. Communicate effectively in general, as well as in relation to their subject(s), in order to mediate learning.
  5. Possess highly developed literacy, numeracy and Information Technology (IT) skills.
  6. Knowledgeable about the school curriculum and be able to unpack its specialised content, as well as being able to use available resources appropriately, so as to plan and design suitable learning programmes.
  7. Understand diversity in the South African context in order to teach in a manner that includes all learners. They must also be able to identify learning or social problems and work in partnership with professional service providers to address these.
  8. Manage classrooms effectively across diverse contexts in order to ensure a conducive learning environment.
  9. Able to assess learners in reliable and varied ways, as well as being able to use the results of assessment to improve teaching and learning.
  10. Possess positive work ethic, display appropriate values and conduct them in a manner that befits, enhances and develops the teaching profession.
  11. Reflect critically, in theoretically informed ways and in conjunction with their professional community of colleagues on their own practice in order to constantly improve it and adapt it to evolving circumstances.


Assessment Criteria

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:

  • Content Competence: Demonstrated in the chosen specialisation of the Intermediate Phase teaching.
  • Language Use: Utilizing relevant written and spoken language to foster relationships within the teaching context.
  • Learner Analysis: Analyzing information collected about learners to enhance learning in the Intermediate Phase.
  • Self-Management: Demonstrating self-management competencies as a foundation for successful leadership within a school.
  • ICT Use: Using ICT to enrich the learning experience of others and facilitate continued self-learning.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:

  • Knowledge Demonstration: Understanding the field of knowledge underpinning Intermediate Phase teaching.
  • Global Changes: Recognizing global changes impacting the relevance of subject content and applying current pedagogically sound content.
  • Terminology Use: Employing correct terminology within the subject/phase of specialisation.
  • Curricular Knowledge: Interpreting curricular knowledge to design relevant learning material for the Intermediate Phase.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:

  • Knowledge Understanding: Demonstrating an understanding of the knowledge underpinning the Intermediate Phase of teaching.
  • Programme Planning: Selecting, adapting, or designing coherent learning programmes and lessons appropriate for learners in the Intermediate Phase.
  • Assessment Strategies: Using a range of assessment strategies to accommodate differences in learning styles, pace, and contexts.
  • Professional Development: Presenting a reflective commentary on professional development supported by evidence.
  • Supportive Contexts: Providing supportive and empowering learning contexts for learners and colleagues.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:

  • Professional Work: Working professionally with colleagues in the institutional setting.
  • Communication: Engaging in effective, professional communication with parents, guardians, and the community.
  • Respect and Responsibility: Cultivating a critical, committed, and ethical attitude towards others.
  • Commitment to Best Interests: Acting in and promoting the best interests of learners, parents, communities, colleagues, and the profession.

Integrated Assessment:

  • Formative Assessment: Continuous feedback and assessment based on learning outcomes.
  • Summative Assessment: Judging learning in relation to Exit Level Outcomes through examinations, projects, reports, or portfolios.
  • Work Integrated Learning: School-based practical experience over the four-year duration to assess teaching practices.

Qualification Details

National First Degree
NQF Level
Min. Credits
SAQA Source
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Independent Institute of Education
The Independent Institute of Education (IIE) is a private higher education institution based in South Africa. It offers a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various fields, including business, humanities, health sciences, and creative arts. The IIE focuses on providing quality education that is relevant to the needs of the industry and prepares students for successful careers. It has campuses located in major cities across South Africa and offers both contact and distance learning options. The IIE is known for its innovative teaching methods, industry partnerships, and commitment to student support and development.

This page includes information from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) . Builtneat Pty Ltd trading as Study Start, has modified all or some of this information. SAQA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.