University of the Free State

Advanced Certificate in Senior Phase Life Orientation Teaching

Education, Training and Development - Schooling

Purpose and Rationale

Purpose of the Qualification:

The purpose of the qualification is to:

  • Strengthen the subject specialisation of practising teachers with a prior qualification in Senior Phase Life Orientation Teaching at a lower level, or to retrain teachers for the teaching of Life Orientation in the Senior Phase.

  • Enable these teachers to develop disciplinary, pedagogical, practical and situational learning reflexive competences in teaching and learning in the particular subject/phase in the school. This will be pursued in the curriculum through specialised learning, and the application of specialised knowledge and skills to teaching and learning in the classroom.

  • The qualification is designed to deepen the teachers' subject matter knowledge, general principles and methodology in Life Orientation teaching. As such, teachers will be enabled to develop disciplinary, pedagogical, practical and situational learning reflexive competences in teaching and learning in the Senior Phase of schooling.

  • Aims such as the following will also be pursued to explore the purpose of the qualification:

    • Fostering self-reflexivity and self-understanding.
    • Development of the competences to organise learning among a diverse range of learners in diverse contexts.


The Advanced Certificate in Senior Phase Life Orientation Teaching [AdvCert (SP Life Orientation Teaching)] addresses the requirement of the Department of Higher Education and Training to establish a teaching and learning pathway for teachers in order to advance their careers.

  • The AdvCert (SP Life Orientation Teaching) does not only focus on Senior Phase education in general, but also to improve teachers' knowledge and competencies in a new subject, or to strengthen their subject specialisation.

  • Extensive consultation with education departments on a national level, as well as conducting a national needs analysis revealed the shortage of adequately qualified teachers for the Senior Phase Life Orientation classroom.

  • Research undertaken by the institution to identify gaps in the knowledge base of Senior Phase Life Orientation teachers revealed a lack in professional capacity among many teachers employed to teach Senior Phase Life Orientation in the Free State Province and elsewhere.

  • Therefore, the AdvCert (SP Life Orientation Teaching) will not only help teachers currently employed as Life Orientation teachers in the Senior Phase (SP), but also those who do not have adequate skills and knowledge to upgrade their qualification or improve their subject specialisation.

  • It also offers specialist education to teachers who need to improve their SP Life Orientation knowledge base and provides retraining to teachers who wish to change their subject specialisation, widening the pool of teachers able to teach this subject.

  • The AdvCert (SP Life Orientation Teaching) is designed to address the subject specific needs of Life Orientation teachers in the Senior Phase and includes additional credits for deepening of content knowledge to meet the specific needs of South African teachers.

  • It is expected that education departments will welcome the delivery of an AdvCert (SP Life Orientation Teaching).


  1. Apply knowledge of the concepts, skills and values for life skills and health promotion to create a learning environment that accommodates a diversity of learner.
  2. Display skills of administrators of life skills education and health promotion.
  3. Display characteristics of a Learning Mediator.
  4. Interpret and design learning programmes and materials.

Assessment Criteria

Associated Assessment Criteria For Exit Level Outcome 1:

  • Interpret, adapt, and design learning and teaching resources.
  • Use approaches and teaching styles that are theoretically justified.
  • Select, justify, and employ a range of methodologies appropriate to learners and contexts.
  • Meet the challenge of improving the quality of life skills education and health promotion.
  • Develop critical thinking to enhance pedagogical and subject matter knowledge in life skills education and health promotion.

Associated Assessment Criteria For Exit Level Outcome 2:

  • Organize, manage, and administer INSET in life skills and health promotion for other teachers.
  • Understand various modes of assessment and integrate assessment into teaching.
  • Keep records of assessment results for diagnostic and course improvement purposes.
  • Display basic management functions for effective administrative duties in the classroom and sport management.
  • Display the ability to keep abreast of recent changes and innovations in Human Movement Studies.

Associated Assessment Criteria For Exit Level Outcome 3:

  • Demonstrate mediation of a variety of sports activities to learners.
  • Display well-founded knowledge of the learning content.
  • Understand limitations to the learning potential of learners and use strategies and resources to overcome them.

Associated Assessment Criteria For Exit Level Outcome 4:

  • Design, present, facilitate, and critically evaluate integrated, relevant, learner-centered physical education and sport-related programmes.
  • Consider challenges of the South African educational situation and sport.
  • Use sport development programmes for cricket, track and field, and perceptual motor learning programmes.

Integrated Assessment:

  • Demonstrate applied competence through formative assessment methods.
  • Summative assessment will be examinations.
  • Align assessment activities with qualification and module outcomes.
  • Integrate theory and practice in assessment.
  • Centralize assessment within the teaching and learning process.
  • Provide formative and summative assessment opportunities.
  • Conduct holistic, integrated assessment in line with the qualification's purpose.
  • Allow students to demonstrate achievement across exit-level outcomes.
  • Implement module-specific assessment strategies following institutional rules and policies.
  • Include continuous assessment activities such as tests, assignments, projects, presentations, critiques, group assignments, portfolios, and practical work.
  • Integrate Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) in teaching modules.
  • Include practical assessment activities, assignments, and reflective journals to develop students' sense of agency as teachers.

Qualification Details

Advanced Certificate
NQF Level
Min. Credits
SAQA Source
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University of the Free State
The University of the Free State (UFS) is a public research university located in Bloemfontein, South Africa. It was established in 1904 and is one of the oldest institutions of higher education in the country. The university offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs across various disciplines, including humanities, natural and agricultural sciences, law, health sciences, education, and economic and management sciences. UFS is known for its commitment to inclusivity and diversity, and it strives to provide quality education and promote social justice. The university has a strong research focus and collaborates with national and international partners to address societal challenges and contribute to knowledge creation. UFS also has a vibrant campus life with numerous student organizations, sports facilities, and cultural activities.

This page includes information from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) . Builtneat Pty Ltd trading as Study Start, has modified all or some of this information. SAQA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.