Stellenbosch University

Bachelor of Science in Forestry and Wood Science

Agriculture and Nature Conservation - Forestry and Wood Technology

Purpose and Rationale

Purpose and Rationale of the Qualification:

  1. The first purpose of this qualification is to equip qualifiers with the necessary knowledge, specific skills, applied competence, and professional insights and attitude in various fields of Forestry Sciences. This preparation is essential to fully utilize the opportunities for continued personal intellectual growth, gainful economic activity, and rewarding contributions to society.

  2. Another key objective is to provide significant numbers of graduates in various fields of Forestry Sciences. This will ensure the broadening of the local leadership base of innovative and knowledge-based economic and scholarly activities within the forestry sector.

  3. This qualification aims to stimulate and prepare learners for postgraduate studies by providing subsequent opportunities to obtain the required knowledge, skills, and insights to develop as Forestry Researchers. This will help in advancing research and knowledge in the field of Forestry Sciences.

  4. Lastly, the qualification intends to provide forestry scientists who will have a clear and continuously growing understanding of the methods and progress of forestry sciences. Additionally, graduates will be educated on their responsibilities to provide timber, fiber, and wood products in an economically viable, sustainable, and environmentally friendly manner. The areas covered include Forest Science, Nature Conservation, Wood Science, and Community Forestry.


  1. The Bachelor of Science (BSc) for graduate will have demonstrated the following generic/cross field outcomes: Identifying and solving problems in which responses indicate that responsible decisions using critical and creative thinking have been made. Working effectively with others as a member of a group, organisation and community. Organising and managing himself/herself and his/her activities responsibly and effectively. Collecting, analysing, organising and critically evaluating information. Communicating effectively using visual, numerical/mathematical and language skills in the modes of oral and written persuasion. Using science and technology effectively and critically, showing responsibility towards the environment and public health. Possess an understanding of the world as a set of related systems by recognising that problem-solving contexts do not exist in isolation. Contributing to his/her full personal development and the social and economic development of the society at large. Reflecting on and exploring a variety of strategies to learn more effectively. Participation as a responsible citizen in the life of local, national and global communities. Culturally and aesthetically sensitive across a range of social contexts. Exploring education and career opportunities. Able to develop entrepreneurial opportunities. General outcomes:
  2. The BSc Forestry graduate will demonstrate: A sound understanding of the theoretical background of core aspects of forestry sciences. An introductory knowledge of the operation and application of a range of scientific equipment, techniques and experimental approaches. The ability to apply the acquired knowledge to solve theoretical and practical problems. An ability to read and interpret scientific literature including the ability to teach themselves from source material. Show an understanding of the importance of using sound experimental controls and statistical methods. An appreciation of the role of scientific modelling in the assembly and understanding of scientific observations. Basic skills in the presentation of scientific reports (both written and verbal) including use of information technology as an aid to effective communication skills.
  3. The graduate will thus have demonstrated the acquisition of a good general and scientific background of sufficient depth and width to enable the graduate to practise as a competent scientist. Specific outcomes:
  4. The BSc Forestry graduate will have: An understanding of the operatives of forestry science. The ability to detect and solve problems in forestry science. An understanding of the interdisciplinary interrelationships within forestry science. The ability to use relevant statistical methods and evaluation. An awareness of the social responsibility towards the environment. The basic entrepreneurial skills to identify and explore the commercial potential. A grasp of opportunities available in the commercial forestry environment.

Assessment Criteria

The assessment used for these outcomes ensures that the purpose of the qualification is achieved through a range of formative and summative assessment methods such as portfolios, simulations, work-place assessments, written and oral tests, and examinations. These methods are integrated to assess whether the specified outcomes have been achieved and are conducted in a systematic way to ensure reliability at Level 7 standards.

For written and oral presentations, students must demonstrate proficiency in either Afrikaans or English language and present information in a structured and organized manner. The assessments for the BSc qualification focus on the accuracy and validity of the information and conceptual content submitted by students. Competence in correlating and integrating information from various modules is necessary to propose solutions for theoretical and practical problems.

To demonstrate competence, students must write logical reports and essays using computer software, complete supervised research projects, and successfully answer test and examination questions. Integrated Assessment methods include assignments, workplace assessments, and oral examinations to evaluate a student's ability to integrate knowledge across different disciplines within the qualification.

Qualification Details

National First Degree(Min 480)
NQF Level
Min. Credits
SAQA Source
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Stellenbosch University
Stellenbosch University is a public research university located in Stellenbosch, South Africa. It is one of the oldest universities in the country, established in 1918. The university offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs across various disciplines, including arts and social sciences, science, engineering, health sciences, and business. Stellenbosch University is known for its high academic standards and research output, with a strong focus on innovation and sustainability. It is also recognized for its multicultural and inclusive campus environment, attracting students from diverse backgrounds both locally and internationally.

This page includes information from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) . Builtneat Pty Ltd trading as Study Start, has modified all or some of this information. SAQA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.