University of Johannesburg

Bachelor of Engineering Technology in Mechanical Engineering

Manufacturing, Engineering and Technology - Engineering and Related Design

Purpose and Rationale


The purpose of the Bachelor of Engineering Technology in Mechanical Engineering is to build the necessary knowledge, understanding, abilities, and skills required for further learning towards becoming a competent practicing Mechanical Engineering Technologist. Specifically, the qualification enables learners to:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the impact of mechanical engineering activity on society, economy, industrial, and physical environment.

  2. Comprehend and apply ethical principles by committing to professional ethics, responsibilities, and norms of mechanical engineering practice.

  3. Engage in independent and life-long learning through well-developed learning skills.

  4. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of mechanical engineering and management principles and apply these to one's work.

  5. Communicate effectively both orally and in writing with engineering audiences and affected parties.

  6. Use appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering tools including information technology, prediction and modeling, with an understanding of their limitations, restrictions, premises, assumptions, and constraints.

  7. Systematically diagnose and solve broadly defined engineering problems by applying mechanical engineering principles.


The phasing out of the National Diploma and Baccalaureus Technologiae prompted the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Technology to replace the two qualifications in Mechanical Engineering with a three-year professional Bachelor's Degree, according to the standards set out by the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA). This qualification is known as the Bachelor of Engineering Technology (B Eng. Tech).

The new B Eng. Tech is a step towards the alignment of all the technology-based engineering qualifications offered by the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment (FEBE) and with the new requirements of the professional body for the training of engineering technologists (ECSA). The curriculum is continuously scrutinized by the industry and ECSA to ensure conformity with the required standards.

The curriculum for the new qualification is based on the ECSA standards (ECSA document E-02-PT Rev1 Bachelor Engineering Tech). This qualification enables learners to prepare for careers in engineering and in workplaces that potentially benefit from engineering skills, and for learners to make a contribution to the economy and national development.

Furthermore, upon completion of the qualification, learners are required to register as a Professional Engineering Technologist with ECSA.


  1. Systematically diagnose and solve broadly defined engineering problems by applying mechanical engineering principles.
  2. Use appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering tools including information technology, prediction and modelling, with an understanding of their limitations, restrictions, premises, assumptions and constraints.
  3. Communicate effectively both orally and in writing with engineering audiences and the affected parties.
  4. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of mechanical engineering and management principles and apply these to one's work.
  5. Engage in independent and life-long learning through well-developed learning skills.
  6. Comprehend and apply ethical principles by committing to professional ethics, responsibilities and norms of mechanical engineering practice.
  7. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the impact of mechanical engineering activity on the society, economy, industrial and physical environment.

Assessment Criteria

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:

  • Analyse the problem and define it clearly.
  • Identify criteria for an acceptable solution.
  • Generate possible approaches for a workable solution.
  • Formulate possible solutions.
  • Evaluate possible solutions and select the best one.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:

  • Assess the method, skill, or tool for applicability and limitations.
  • Apply the method, skill, or tool correctly to achieve required results.
  • Create, select, and use computer applications as required.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:

  • Use appropriate structure, style, and language for oral and verbal communication.
  • Utilize graphics effectively.
  • Deliver oral communication fluently with intended meaning apparent.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:

  • Explain the principles of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.
  • Carry out individual work effectively, strategically, and on time.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:

  • Manage learning tasks autonomously and ethically.
  • Reflect on own learning requirements and strategies.
  • Comprehend and apply knowledge acquired outside of formal instruction.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6:

  • Describe the nature and complexity of ethical dilemmas.
  • Apply ethical reasoning to evaluate engineering solutions.
  • Maintain continued competence through staying up-to-date with tools and techniques.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 7:

  • Explain the impact of technology on society.
  • Explain the impact of engineering activity on occupational and public health and safety.
  • Consider personal, economic, social, and cultural values of those affected by engineering activity.

Integrated Assessment:

  • Monitor learner's progress through continuous assessment.
  • Conduct formative and summative assessments through class tests, assignments, practical projects, and examinations.
  • Undertake internal moderation checks for reliability of assessment procedures.

Formative Assessment:

  • Supports teaching and learning process.
  • Provides feedback to learners.
  • Diagnoses strengths and weaknesses.
  • Assists in planning future learning.
  • Contributes to capacity for self-evaluation.
  • Helps make decisions on readiness for summative assessment.

Summative Assessment:

  • Judgement of learner's competence in relation to module outcomes.

Qualification Details

National First Degree
NQF Level
Min. Credits
SAQA Source
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University of Johannesburg
University of Johannesburg
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The University of Johannesburg (UJ) is a public university located in Johannesburg, South Africa. It was established in 2005 through the merger of the Rand Afrikaans University, Technikon Witwatersrand, and the Soweto and East Rand campuses of Vista University. UJ is one of the largest universities in South Africa, with over 50,000 students enrolled across its four campuses. The university offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various fields, including arts, humanities, sciences, engineering, business, and health sciences. UJ is known for its commitment to providing quality education, promoting social justice, and fostering innovation and entrepreneurship.

This page includes information from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) . Builtneat Pty Ltd trading as Study Start, has modified all or some of this information. SAQA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.