The Bachelor of Arts in Public Governance qualification aims to:
- Promote curricula that emphasize enquiry, innovation, and science in the context of South Africa as a developmental state.
- Develop academic and social skills, as well as generic skills like problem-solving, effective communication, analysis, and critical thinking across multiple related fields of study.
- Produce graduates who can serve as mid-level managers committed to excellence in governance through an understanding of the South African developmental state and its public management functions.
- Equip students with essential knowledge and sector-specific skills to perform management and leadership functions.
- Enhance graduates' employability in policing practice, management, and development in organizations such as the South African Police Service, Metro Police Service, Military Police, private security services, and related fields.
- Prepare graduates for further studies with an Honours degree or a Postgraduate Diploma in specialized fields.
- Public Governance is crucial for advancing South Africa as a developmental state.
- The qualification's programs are designed to meet the country's employment needs and prepare students for Postgraduate studies in various specializations.
- There is a demand to empower students with a wide range of fundamental skills to pursue related fields during Honours Degree studies.
- The South African Police Service requires a specialized degree in Policing Practice that includes both generic and sector-specific management and leadership knowledge.
- The qualification will address the sector-specific needs for personnel with management skills within the broader policing and security services.
- Existing SAQA-registered degrees do not focus on management training specific to policing practices in South Africa.
- The proposed qualification, with its specialization in police practice, will help the SAPS increase the number of eligible middle-management members pursuing formal degree studies to enhance policing practices through management training and development.