Assessors will determine if the learner meets the requirements for the specific Exit-Level Outcome by looking for the following critical evidence:
Use of Correct Terminology: Demonstrating the correct use of terminology, concepts, principles, and theories in written and/or oral communication.
Analysis of Research Findings: Analyzing, evaluating, and synthesizing recent and relevant research findings in the disciplines included.
Proposing Solutions: Proposing solutions to well-structured and practical problems based on theory-driven arguments.
Scholarly Discourse: Communicating clearly using scholarly discourse and discipline-specific conventions efficiently.
Problem Identification: Representing well-defined and coherent identification of problems.
Application of Methods: Selecting and applying appropriate methods, techniques, tools, and procedures relevant to the discipline.
Theory-Driven Arguments: Proposing solutions based on theory-driven arguments and using relevant modes of inquiry consistently.
Critical Reasoning Skills: Demonstrating scholarly and critical reasoning skills.
Awareness of Context: Explicit recognition of the diversity, complexity, and multi-dimensionality of a context and its impact on the work being undertaken.
Resource Identification: Identifying relevant role players and resources contributing to problem resolution.
Factors Analysis: Identifying critical factors impacting practical problems from the discipline's perspective.
Evaluation of Theories: Evaluating and defining the boundaries and limitations of theories and research findings.
Ethical Solutions: Providing ethical and responsible solutions for practical problems.
Communication Competence: Communicating effectively using scholarly discourse and different modes of communication.
Knowledge Demonstration: Demonstrating knowledge and comprehension of discipline-specific conventions and scholarly discourse.
Critical Appraisal: Reflecting critical appraisal of recent and relevant literature, including primary and secondary sources.
Problem Contextualization: Clearly stating and contextualizing identified problems for research purposes.
Research Strategies: Describing essential modes of inquiry and research strategies relevant to the discipline.
Procedures Description: Clearly describing all procedures for undertaking the research project in a coherent fashion.
Ethical Awareness: Demonstrating awareness of ethical accountability and cultural sensitivity in all related aspects.
Integrated Assessment: Utilizing continuous formative and summative assessment methods to ensure integrated assessment of all Exit Level Outcomes.
Evaluation of Learner Performance: Evaluating learner performance to demonstrate applied competence.
Criterion-Referenced Assessment: Using clearly explained criteria and methods of assessment, including recognition of prior learning.
Innovative Integration: Integrating a wide range of knowledge, skills, competencies, and attitudes using innovative methods.
Purpose Achievement: Demonstrating the achievement of Exit-Level Outcomes to show the purpose of the qualification has been met.
Comprehensive Assessment: Assessing outcomes appropriately and adequately to cover the required knowledge, skills, competencies, and attitudes.
In conclusion, the learner's ability to meet the specific Exit-Level Outcome requirements will be assessed based on a comprehensive evaluation of their use of terminology, application of theory, critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, ethical considerations, communication competence, and integration of knowledge through various assessment methods.