Monash South Africa

Bachelor of Public Health Honours

Health Sciences and Social Services - Preventive Health

Purpose and Rationale

Qualification Description


This qualification aims for learners to develop critical and analytic skills as applied to contemporary global public health studies and research. It provides learners with advanced knowledge in specific areas of public health from a global context. The qualification develops learners' ability to do research in the public health domain. This entails the writing of a research proposal, applying suitable research methods, data collection and analysis techniques, to reach report findings, to draw conclusions and to make recommendations.


Public Health is a multi-disciplinary field of study that involves applying scientific approaches to the study of health. Undergraduate studies in Public Health are designed to provide learners with foundation skills and knowledge in determinants of health and disease, epidemiology, healthcare systems, health promotion and disease prevention, policy analysis and health sociology. The qualification has a distinctly global orientation, examining international health challenges. Graduates have a solid foundation for a professional health career in the wide range of public and private sector organisations working to improve health.

Employment may be found in public and private sector health organisations, government health departments, non-government health agencies and research centres. The Bachelor of Public Health Honours, BPH (Honours), Degree is intended to provide Bachelor of Public Health (or similar Degree) learners with an opportunity to complete an intercalated honours course as part of their studies. Assuming that equivalence of previous studies completed is able to be demonstrated, it will also be feasible for non-BPH learners to enrol in the BPH (Honours) course, with the two coursework subjects intended to provide such learners with the knowledge needed to successfully complete a BPH(Honours).


  1. Critically examine contemporary public health issues within a global context.
  2. Critically review the scientific literature relevant to their discipline.
  3. Describe the processes involved in the design, development and implementation of a research project.
  4. Develop a proposal for a research project and apply for ethics committee approval.
  5. Execute and analyse a research project, or a set of studies.
  6. Write up scientific work in a report suitable for publication.

Assessment Criteria

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:

  • Contemporary global public health issues are critically discussed.
  • The relationship of health policy matters to public health is analysed.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:

  • A systematic search strategy on a specific topic based on a research question, encompassing the development of inclusion-exclusion criteria, a search strategy and table summaries of selected studies is developed.
  • The scientific literature relative to a defined research question critically reviewed.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:

  • A research proposal to meet the standard required at honours level produced by developing an outline and plan of a research process suitable for the research project.
  • A good understanding of the range of quantitative and qualitative research frameworks utilised in public health and health science research is demonstrated.
  • The research frameworks used in a range of research projects are identified.
  • The most suitable research framework/methodology for given examples of research projects is selected.
  • The research framework/methodology chosen for the research project is justified.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:

  • All protocols are followed while developing a research proposal.
  • Ethical matters vital in developing and producing a research proposal are considered.
  • Research findings are linked with literature review in a discussion section.
  • Research paradigms or methods are linked to research questions.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:

  • The characteristics of research questions and formulating a research question relevant to the research project are explained.
  • A good understanding of data analysis methods in associated with the various research frameworks is demonstrated.
  • The most appropriate data analysis methods for different research frameworks identified.
  • The most suitable data analysis methods for the research project are selected.
  • Data analysis methods chosen for the research project is justified.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6:

  • The outline and plan for a research project are critiqued.
  • An introduction that clearly explains the structure and purpose of the study is formulated.
  • A report on a public health issue is prepared using critical analysis.
  • Conclusions are drawn and recommendations are made from the study.
  • Research findings are effectively communicated to a specialist scientific audience in oral and written format.

Integrated Assessment:

  • Theoretical and practical components are assessed together.
  • Formative and summative assessment methods are used.
  • Various assessment methods such as portfolios, simulations, workplace assessments, written assignments, case studies, peer group evaluation, competency evaluations, and face-to-face contact with learners are utilized.
  • Assessments are done in practical contexts whenever possible.
  • Simulations, case studies, role-plays, and similar techniques are used when workplace assessment is not possible.

Qualification Details

Honours Degree
NQF Level
Min. Credits
SAQA Source
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Monash South Africa
Monash South Africa is a private higher education institution located in Johannesburg, South Africa. It is a branch campus of Monash University, which is based in Australia. The campus offers a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various fields, including business, engineering, social sciences, and health sciences. Monash South Africa aims to provide a high-quality education that is internationally recognized and prepares students for successful careers. The campus boasts state-of-the-art facilities, including modern classrooms, laboratories, and a library. It also offers a vibrant campus life with various student clubs and organizations, sports facilities, and social events. The institution prides itself on its diverse and inclusive community, with students and staff from different cultural backgrounds and nationalities. It promotes a global perspective and encourages students to engage in community service and leadership activities. Monash South Africa is committed to academic excellence and research, with faculty members who are experts in their respective fields. It also emphasizes the importance of critical thinking, problem-solving, and practical skills development. Overall, Monash South Africa provides a unique educational experience that combines the best of Australian and South African academic traditions, preparing students for success in the global job market.

This page includes information from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) . Builtneat Pty Ltd trading as Study Start, has modified all or some of this information. SAQA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.