Cape Peninsula University of Technology

Bachelor of Science in Diagnostic Ultrasound

Health Sciences and Social Services - Curative Health

Purpose and Rationale

Qualification in Sonography


The purpose of the qualification is to develop a professional competent in the knowledge and skills required for the profession of Sonography, a professional who has gained experience in applying such knowledge and skills in the appropriate workplace context. Skills in management, problem-solving, and research will also be demonstrated allowing the holder of this qualification to work independently and in a supervisory capacity within the health care team. Successful completion of this qualification will enable the learner to be registered by the relevant Statutory Health Council as a graduate in the field of Diagnostic Ultrasound. The outcomes achieved will allow the learner to practice his/her skills to the benefit of the community and to share their skills and knowledge with other learners and peers. Registration will be assurance to the community and society that the professional will practice at all times within the relevant scope as determined by the Statutory Health Council.


There is a national shortage of qualified sonographers to operate Ultrasound equipment in order to provide a safe and accessible service to the public. Many hospitals and clinics, especially in the Government sector, have ultrasound machines but lack operators with the necessary skills to provide a safe and meaningful service or are using personnel to operate these units who have not undergone formal training and assessment. The field of Medical Imaging is undergoing rapid advancement in both the technology and in the areas in which it can be applied. As more emphasis is placed on preventive rather than curative medicine, Ultrasound is a cost-effective means of screening for, and determining a wide range of disorders at a relatively early stage, thus helping improve the treatment and prognosis. There is scope for use at all health care levels, especially in Primary Health Care, where it is particularly useful in the assessment of the pregnant patient and foetal well-being. The qualification carries a minimum of 480 credits and, once registered with the relevant Professional Board, allows the holder to practice in both the public and private sectors and in private practice. The Exit-Level Outcomes of this qualification describe the foundational, practical, and reflexive competencies, which constitute the applied competencies required to provide a safe diagnostic sonographic service to the public. The holder of the Bachelor's Degree may register for a Master's Degree and may then proceed to a Doctoral qualification. Horizontal articulation may be into a Bachelor's Degree in another radiographic discipline. All learners for this qualification are required to be registered as learners by the relevant Statutory Health Council for the duration of the period of study in an accredited clinical training center.


  1. Demonstrate knowledge of natural and life sciences and pathology that enables application in the clinical field.
  2. Assess and perform patient care in a manner which ensures that the patient's welfare is maintained.
  3. Apply the principles of human rights, ethics and medical law which ensure the well-being of the patient.
  4. Perform the sonographic protocols and procedures to produce optimum quality images in the specified areas of diagnostic ultrasound.
  5. Critically assess the sonographic images and apply pattern recognition to determine aberrant appearances in keeping with pathology.
  6. Apply the ultrasound specific measures which ensure that the health and safety of patients, self and colleagues are maintained.
  7. Plan, develop and apply total quality management appropriate to the sonographic context.
  8. Demonstrate research skills and foster a research climate in Ultrasound imaging. Electives: Electives offered are at the discretion of the provider. The student must select one or more of the electives according to the credits allocated to the specific elective. Possible electives: Advanced computer skills. Didactics/Education Principles. Obstetric management. Applied Psychology. Small and medium business enterprises. The qualification promotes the critical cross-field outcomes in the following manner: Identifying and solving problems in which the responses display that responsible decisions are made within the health care context using creative and critical thinking will be evident in the way that the patient's welfare is maintained. Information literacy which includes the resourcing, organising and critical evaluation of data with particular emphasis on health issues through the development, planning and application of quality management principles. Working effectively with all levels of co-workers in the health care team and educational environment for the well being of the patients and the society. Evaluating and implementing strategies for effective learning in the academic or clinical environment, through the utilisation of natural and life sciences as well as pathology necessary to provide quality ultrasound service. Responsible self-management and development for the provision of life long learning through research in the field of ultrasound and healthcare in general. Effective communication through verbal, non-verbal and technological equipment to ensure a collaborative and effective healthcare service delivery for the benefit of patients. Knowledge and use of advanced science and technology in the health care environment will contribute to effective communication among healthcare workers and ensure that ultrasound services can be provided to communities through the use of teleradiology and other technological advancements. Identify health problems in the context of ultrasound, suggest and implement a solution or plan of action in order to solve the problem professionally will be promoted through effective and safe patient care practices following the patient's needs by taking into consideration ethical principles as well as human rights and medical law requirements.

Assessment Criteria

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1

  • Knowledge of natural and life sciences and pathology supports the range of routine and advanced techniques utilised in the clinical context.
  • Knowledge of natural sciences helps the learners build knowledge and skills necessary for the choice of equipment and manipulation of controls necessary for patient management and healthcare service delivery.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2

  • Relevant patient care is identified and correctly applied before, during and after the examination in a manner which ensures that patient well-being and needs are met.
  • Procedures and requirements are communicated effectively to allow informed consent to be given either verbally or in writing as appropriate.
  • Decision-making and accountability demonstrates an understanding of the ethical requirements of a professional medical environment.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3

  • Psychological, cultural and ethical considerations of the patient and their families are recognised and acted upon professionally.
  • Rights of the patient, as entrenched in the Human Rights Bill, the Patients Charter and medical law are protected and confidentiality maintained.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4

  • The merits of each technique can be evaluated, concerning other diagnostic procedures.
  • Images demonstrate the anatomy, pathology and measurements relevant to the sonographic protocol.
  • The choice of equipment and control settings demonstrates the knowledge of ultrasound physics and Doppler required for quality image production.
  • Advanced recording and imaging principles are understood in order to be applied appropriately in the clinical context.
  • Image artefacts are recognised and minimised, where possible, to avoid misdiagnosis.
  • Relevant clinical information is understood and utilised to allow for the correct interpretation of the images.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5

  • Correct scanning planes for each organ are demonstrated to ensure an optimal examination is performed.
  • Images show the correct patient and technical information to comply with medico-legal requirements.
  • Required technical information is demonstrated to aid in the interpretation of the image.
  • Appropriate modifications made during the examination show that technical problems are correctly identified.
  • Normal sonographic appearances of each specified examination are recognised.
  • Variations to the above are recognised, which allows for the detection of abnormalities.
  • Normal and abnormal appearances are accurately described (verbally and in written format) and the information acted upon to the benefit of the patient.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6

  • The relevant legislature is known for general health and safety principles to be applied in the working environment.
  • Knowledge of ultrasound bio-effects and their potential for harm is demonstrated in the performance of scanning protocols in keeping with the ALARA principle.
  • Manipulation of the safety indices shows a knowledge of their relevance.
  • A hygienic and neat work environment is maintained in order to eliminate the possibility of cross-infection.
  • Knowledge of the special precautions required in specific examinations is demonstrated which ensures the safety of patients, colleagues and self.
  • Equipment is maintained in order to comply with national and international safety standards.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 7

  • Principles of quality assurance and quality control are demonstrated in the development of departmental protocols.
  • Equipment and accessories are selected, purchased and maintained within an available budget to provide a cost-effective service.
  • Communication and co-operation between all role players are effectively developed and maintained in order to provide an optimal service.
  • Performance management strategies are developed in a manner which shows an understanding of management principles and current legislation.
  • Departmental records and statistics are accurately maintained in accordance with the departmental and Statutory Health Council requirements.
  • Integrated knowledge of management, technology and legislation is demonstrated in the ability to design and equip a new or alter an existing, ultrasound facility.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 8

  • Research principles and methodology in the field of Ultrasound research are demonstrated in the form of a research proposal and project.
  • The relevance of the research is in line with national needs and ethical policies and procedures.
  • Suitable resources are critically evaluated and used to facilitate the research project.
  • Information is critically assessed in order to be presented professionally.
  • Written work submitted reflects the knowledge and appropriate use of information sources.
  • Computer literacy of adequate knowledge and use is demonstrated.

Integrated Assessment

  • Integrated assessment takes the form of an appropriate variety of assessments methods for example: written and oral examinations, problem-solving assignments, projects, presentations, case studies, portfolios, logbooks, clinical reports, assessment of clinical competence through simulated and clinical assessment in situ, objective structured clinical examinations (OSCE) and the successful completion of a mini-dissertation.
  • The qualification will be awarded to a learner who has provided evidence, to the satisfaction of the assessors, that the competence of the qualification, as detailed in the stated outcomes, has been achieved, either through education and training in a single provider's learning programme or though experience that complies with the stated specific outcomes, i.e. RPL is recognised.
  • The integrated assessment needs to have the following characteristics:
    • It should assess the extent to which learners can practice competently, effectively and safely in any clinical context nationally and internationally.
    • It should measure the extent to which learners have integrated the professional roles, knowledge and skills delivered through the different outcomes reflected in the relevant programme.
    • It should provide opportunities for reflection-in-action and reflection-on-action to develop reflexive competence.

Qualification Details

National First Degree(Min 480)
NQF Level
Min. Credits
SAQA Source
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Cape Peninsula University of Technology
Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) is a public university located in Cape Town, South Africa. It was established in 2005 through the merger of three separate institutions. CPUT offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various fields including engineering, business, health sciences, applied sciences, and design and informatics. The university is known for its focus on applied research and innovation, and it has strong partnerships with industry and community organizations. CPUT is committed to providing quality education and preparing students for successful careers in their chosen fields.

This page includes information from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) . Builtneat Pty Ltd trading as Study Start, has modified all or some of this information. SAQA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.