Advanced Diploma: Nature Conservation

Agriculture and Nature Conservation - Nature Conservation

Purpose and Rationale

Qualification: Advanced Diploma in Conservation Management


The purpose of this qualification is to develop competent conservation managers who can conduct research under supervision to scientifically manage natural resource areas. Qualifying students will be able to apply acquired research and management knowledge, skills, and attitudes to holistically manage areas according to required scientific objectives. This qualification provides the conservation industry with persons who are suitably skilled to scientifically manage ecosystems.


Southern Africa has large natural areas, which consist of enormous numbers of plant and animal species in a great diversity of habitats. The sustainable management of these indigenous biological natural resources, such as unique ecosystems, biodiversity, and species, is crucial for the survival of humankind and continued sustainable economic development of the conservation industry. This qualification provides the conservation industry with persons who are able to manage conservation areas, conduct research under supervision, and assist researchers. Qualified students would apply skills acquired to construct, interpret, and implement management plans of conservation areas, including business and financial aspects. In addition, the student would be able to conduct research addressing management problems and communicate outcomes to various stakeholders.


  1. Use suitable research techniques under supervision to critically assess various veld and game management strategies.
  2. Critically evaluate veld management theories.
  3. Critically evaluate resource management theories.
  4. Manage a conservation area according to defined management objectives. Critical Cross-Field Outcomes: The Critical Cross-Field Outcomes may be determined as follows: Identifying and solving problems are demonstrated by identification, analysis and addressing of components of ecosystem management using established and specialised techniques and skills to meet management objectives of ecosystems in their area of responsibility. Team work is demonstrated in the research and practical work involved in the qualification, under supervision and within a team context. Organising self is demonstrated in the completion of set activities, assignments and research which require self-management and the successful organisation of their activities. Collating information is indicated in the undertaking of a research project which will require students to carry out data collection, analysis and interpretation under supervision. Effective communicating is demonstrated through the activities which require effective written, graphic and electronic communication. Utilising science and technology is clearly indicated in the scientific approach to natural resource management which is promoted to emphasise ecological principles and environmental sustainability. Technology is used in accordance with accepted conservation and environmentally responsible principles and practices. Understanding the world as a set of related systems is indicated in the application of principles from a variety of disciplines and technologies in an integrated way throughout the programme.

Assessment Criteria

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:

  • 1.1 Appropriate research techniques are evaluated in terms of their suitability of application for the research to be done.
  • 1.2 Applicable research methods are used in collecting, analysing and interpreting data.
  • 1.3 Theories within the context of veld and game management are critically discussed.
  • 1.4 Research results are presented in a written and oral format.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:

  • 2.1 Appropriate vegetation survey techniques are evaluated and discussed in terms of their suitability for application.
  • 2.2 Appropriate vegetation monitoring techniques are evaluated and discussed in terms of their suitability for application.
  • 2.3 Theories and practical applications of appropriate veld management strategies are evaluated.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:

  • 3.1 Appropriate game population monitoring and analysis techniques are discussed in terms of their suitability for application.
  • 3.2 Theories and practical applications of appropriate game management strategies are evaluated.
  • 3.3 Wildlife diseases applicable to the Southern African context are discussed.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:

  • 4.1 Ecological management principles are assessed and implemented to ensure the holistic management of a nature area.
  • 4.2 Financial principles are implemented to ensure the effective financial management of a conservation area.
  • 4.3 Business management principles are implemented to ensure the effective business management of a conservation area.
  • 4.4 Effective communication is managed in the workplace.

Integrated Assessment:

Applied competence, that is, the integration of foundational, practical and reflective competence, will be assessed in a variety of ways and instances during the course of the programme. For example, students will be asked to conduct basic research on specified conservation topics involving the application of knowledge, as well as reflection. In the various modules of the qualification, students will be required to provide evidence of integrated knowledge, research skills and values. A variety of formative and summative assessments will be used during the course of the programme, including written assignments, practical activities, and examinations. All assessment will meet the criteria of the relevant UNISA policies and procedures.

Qualification Details

Advanced Diploma
NQF Level
Min. Credits
SAQA Source
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UNISA, short for the University of South Africa, is a distance education institution based in South Africa. It is the largest university on the African continent and offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various fields of study. UNISA provides flexible learning options, allowing students to study at their own pace and from anywhere in the world. The university is known for its commitment to providing accessible and affordable education to a diverse student population. UNISA also conducts research and collaborates with other institutions to contribute to the development of knowledge and skills in South Africa and beyond.

This page includes information from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) . Builtneat Pty Ltd trading as Study Start, has modified all or some of this information. SAQA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.