Bachelor of Science in Computing

Physical, Mathematical, Computer and Life Sciences - Information Technology and Computer Sciences

Purpose and Rationale

Qualification Overview

Purpose: Successful learners should have:

  • A systematic and coherent body of knowledge.
  • An understanding of underlying concepts and principles of computing and the ability to apply this in the workplace.
  • High-level cognitive and other generic skills including problem-solving, written and spoken communication.
  • The ability to access and evaluate scientific information; competence in applying knowledge through basic research methods and practice.
  • Specific skills and applied competence leading to continued personal intellectual growth, gainful economic activity, and valuable contributions to society in science and technology.

Competencies and skills include programming, computational modeling and problem-solving, system analysis and design, interaction design, and project management. The qualification aims to produce graduates who are:

  • Professional and ethical in their roles within the economy and society.
  • Proficient in innovative, scientific, technological, and scholarly activities.
  • Able to understand, evaluate, consolidate, and widen scientific knowledge.
  • Capable of integrating and applying knowledge and skills in contributing to the good of society.

Rationale: This qualification is relevant to the country's economic and technological development. Computing is a scarce skill that enables holders to participate in economic and technological development in the digital society. It narrows the knowledge divide between Africa and the global world, providing for redress. The qualification prepares students for current workplace needs and future emerging opportunities as professionals (e.g., software engineers, software developers, network specialists, system analysts, etc.) in the computing field.

Graduate Capabilities: Graduates of this Bachelor's degree should be able to provide South Africa and other countries with citizens capable of making a constructive contribution to their society and empowered to play a leadership role. This qualification equips students to design, develop, maintain, enhance, manage, and evaluate computer software systems.

Further Studies: This Bachelor's degree serves as a pathway to an Honours-degree, providing a core of business information and information systems knowledge and skills. Research skills acquired also prepare students for advanced study in the field.

Curriculum Highlights:

  • Embedded language development
  • Statistical skills
  • Mathematical modeling
  • Software design and analysis
  • Programming skills

By completing this qualification, students gain access to a wide array of career opportunities and pave the way for further academic achievements in the field of Computing.


  1. Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of fundamental concepts of computer science and principles, within a changeable context.
  2. Access, evaluate and synthesise scientific information.
  3. Generate scientific information.
  4. Demonstrate scientific reasoning skills.
  5. Solve scientific problems.
  6. Apply scientific knowledge and ways of thinking to societal issues, taking into account ethical and cultural considerations. Critical Cross-Field Outcomes: Identify and solve problems in which responses display that responsible decisions using critical and creative thinking have been made: The ability of the learner to apply fundamental Information Systems and Business Management principles, methodologies and techniques in order to identify and solve problems pertaining to the information systems in organisations. Work effectively with others as a member of a team, group, organisation, community: The ability and willingness of the learner to accept work instructions pertaining to Information Systems management and maintenance, to interpret these correctly. To provide leadership in the field of specialisation or request assistance in an appropriate manner as a team member. Organise and manage oneself and one's activities responsibly and effectively: In making the necessary preparations for establishing proper procedure for designing, developing, implementing and maintain Information Systems the learner must indicate what prerequisites and precautions are required and must be able to communicate this in writing. Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information: The ability of the learner to reconcile the information from various sources and examination of evidence relevant to the design, implementation, management and maintenance of the information systems. Communicate effectively using visual, mathematical and/or language skills in the modes of oral and/or written presentation: The ability to present and communicate information and opinions related to the field of information systems in the appropriate notation, using well-structured arguments, showing awareness of audience and using professional discourse appropriately. Use science and technology effectively and critically, showing responsibility towards the environment and health of others: The ability of the learner to identify varying and diverse contexts in which Computer Science and Information Systems practices are conducted and operate with respect for best practices. Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems by recognising that problem-solving contexts do no exist in isolation: The ability to operate in variable and unfamiliar learning contexts, requiring responsibility and initiative### a capacity to self-evaluate and identify and address personal learning needs and to interact effectively in a learning group. Reflect and explore a variety of strategies to learn more effectively: Meta-cognition as evident in the ability to reflect and monitor progress. Participate as responsible citizens in the life of local, national and global communities: The ability to interact effectively in a global society by demonstrating an awareness and sensitivity to the specific local protocol. Being culturally and aesthetically sensitive across a range of social contexts: The ability to operate across a range of social contexts by demonstrating an awareness and sensitivity to cultural differences. Exploring education and career opportunities: The ability of the learner to progress with a career path by exploring education and career opportunities without fear, favour or prejudice. Developing entrepreneurial opportunities: The ability of the learner to create entrepreneurial opportunities.

Assessment Criteria

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:

  1. Identification of Core Concepts: The ability to identify, describe, and explain core concepts and principles within the discipline.

  2. Demonstration of Relationships: Demonstrating the relationships among core concepts and principles.

  3. Applicability: Identifying the range and limits of applicability of core concepts and principles.

  4. Application to Problems: Applying core concepts and principles to standard problems.

  5. Changes in Knowledge: Describing and explaining examples of changes in knowledge and understanding within the discipline.

  6. Appraisal of Limitations: Appraising the limitations of basic techniques used in the discipline.

  7. Recognition of Contested Knowledge: Recognizing the significance of contested scientific knowledge in a contemporary context.

  8. Understanding Acceptance of Ideas: Demonstrating an understanding of how scientific information and ideas become generally accepted.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:

  1. Information Access: Using library, internet, and other data storage facilities to access information.

  2. Evaluation of Information: Using scientific reasoning to evaluate the quality of information.

  3. Information Synthesis: Synthesizing information from a variety of sources, which may be contradictory or divergent.

  4. Scientific Language Usage: Using scientific language correctly to produce clear and coherent written documents following appropriate scientific conventions.

  5. Verbal Presentation: Presenting scientific information verbally in front of others.

  6. Referencing and Intellectual Property: Using appropriate referencing conventions, avoiding plagiarism, and respecting intellectual property.

  7. Non-Verbal Representation: Using non-verbal forms of representation correctly and appropriately.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:

  1. Design and Application of Procedures: Designing and applying appropriate procedures for generating relevant information with consideration for bias and ethical/safety concerns.

  2. Conducting Enquiries: Conducting appropriate forms of enquiry by applying standard procedures within the discipline.

  3. Accurate Data Collection: Collecting and recording data accurately, truthfully, and in appropriate formats.

  4. Data Analysis and Presentation: Analyzing data and scientific evidence to present valid arguments and conclusions.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:

  1. Logical Thinking: Demonstrating logical thinking and identifying naive and flawed reasoning.

  2. Reasoning Discrimination: Discriminating between inductive and deductive reasoning.

  3. Hypothetical-Deductive Reasoning: Performing hypothetical-deductive reasoning.

  4. Cause-Effect Relations: Discerning cause-effect relations in the face of uncertainty.

  5. Reflection on Thinking Processes: Reflecting on thinking and reasoning processes.

  6. Problem Solving Judgment: Demonstrating the capacity to judge when understanding has been achieved or a problem has been adequately solved.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:

  1. Problem Formulation and Solution: Formulating, analyzing, and solving concrete and abstract problems in various contexts.

  2. Application of Knowledge: Applying theoretical knowledge to real-world contexts.

  3. Interdisciplinary Integration: Integrating knowledge from various disciplines in solving scientific problems.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6:

  1. Identification of Relevant Scientific Knowledge: Identifying scientific knowledge relevant to current societal issues.

  2. Critical Evaluation: Critically evaluating public information on scientifically related issues.

  3. Ethical and Cultural Decisions: Making ethically and culturally sensitive decisions on the effects of scientifically based activities on society.

  4. Socio-Economic Impact: Identifying the socio-economic impact of scientific interventions in society.

  5. Application of Knowledge for Benefit: Applying scientific knowledge for the benefit of others, such as junior students or the community.

Integrated Assessment:

  • Formative Assessment: Continuous feedback on specific learning outcomes, self-assessment tasks, assignments, and smaller sections of work.

  • Summative Assessment: Judgement of learning in relation to exit-level outcomes through examinations, projects, and integrated assessments that test the integration of knowledge, skills, and attitudes.

These criteria ensure a comprehensive evaluation of students' understanding, application, and integration of scientific knowledge and principles across various contexts and disciplines.

Qualification Details

National First Degree
NQF Level
Min. Credits
SAQA Source
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UNISA, short for the University of South Africa, is a distance education institution based in South Africa. It is the largest university on the African continent and offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various fields of study. UNISA provides flexible learning options, allowing students to study at their own pace and from anywhere in the world. The university is known for its commitment to providing accessible and affordable education to a diverse student population. UNISA also conducts research and collaborates with other institutions to contribute to the development of knowledge and skills in South Africa and beyond.

This page includes information from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) . Builtneat Pty Ltd trading as Study Start, has modified all or some of this information. SAQA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.