
Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Marketing Management

Business, Commerce and Management Studies - Generic Management

Purpose and Rationale

Bachelor of Commerce Honours: Marketing Management


The Bachelor of Commerce Honours: Marketing Management is designed to further develop the applied competence of the student in preparation for a career in the marketing field. It provides a basis for further learning enabling marketing students to deal with the strategic aspects of marketing as well as the marketing complexities that exist in contemporary organisations.

The primary purpose of this honours degree is to provide qualifying learners with highly specialised applied competence in the mastering, analysis, interpretation and application of key marketing practices and principles in an organizational context. The learner should also develop advanced intellectual and practical knowledge in preparation for a career in a specialized area of marketing which also serves as a basis for further learning. The learner should develop the ability to do advanced research across the marketing discipline. The learners should be able to reflect on their decisions and applications of marketing management.

The Bachelor of Commerce Honours: Marketing Management student is actively engaged in becoming a well-rounded, educated person and in preparing for further, more specific study or the work environment. As such she or he develops and holds certain values and integrates knowledge and skills to achieve her or his purposes. The qualification integrates knowledge, skills and values in a number of fields such as Business, Commerce and Management Studies, Human and Social Studies and Physical, Mathematical, Computer and Life Sciences.


The Bachelor of Commerce Honours: Marketing Management is of special interest to the working professional in business and private organizations and those who wish to pursue a career in Marketing Management. The coursework is designed to provide the student with an understanding and working application of the principles essential to the effective management of organizations, with specialization in the Marketing function.

The program offers persons in employment the opportunity to extend their qualifications and become empowered in their quest to be Marketing managers. The Bachelor of Commerce Honours: Marketing Management will provide access to higher postgraduate education to persons wanting to consolidate their careers in the field of commerce and industry and will provide access to students aspiring to study the MANCOSA MBA program.

MANCOSA is a distance education institution and its programs are available to students internationally. Most of the existing intake is situated in the SADC region, where the learning program could serve fruitfully to integrate and regularize the business management practices amongst the states in the region. The access to higher education could have a significant positive influence on the ability of young businessmen and women to become leaders in their fields and to make positive contributions to the economies of their countries.

Finally, the program will address the issue of shortages of qualified personnel and contribute to the development of ethical practices and good governance in the private and business sectors.


  1. Engage in critical thinking and problem solving in studying topics of a complex and specialised nature.
  2. Reflect on own knowledge and practice in the light of the theory and practice of the chosen discipline or field of study.
  3. Conduct research in the field of study.
  4. Communicate knowledge about the field of study and results of research clearly and systematically. Specific Outcomes for each Module: Strategic Marketing Management: Credits:
  5. Upon completion of this module, learners should be able to: Identify and critically evaluate marketing issues within various environments, utilising a wide variety of marketing techniques, concepts and models. Assess the relevance of, and opportunities presented by, contemporary marketing issues within any given scenario including innovations in marketing. Identify and critically evaluate various options available when given constraints and apply competitive positioning strategies, justifying any decisions taken. Formulate and present a creative, customer-focused and innovative competitive strategy for any given context, incorporating relevant investment decisions, appropriate control aspects and contingency plans. Demonstrate an understanding of the direction and management of marketing activities as part of the implementation of strategic direction, taking into account business intelligence requirements, marketing processes, resource markets and the company vision. Promote and facilitate the adoption and maintenance of a strong market and customer orientation with measurable marketing metrics. Services Marketing: Credits:
  6. Upon completion of this module, learners should be able to: Clarify how services are defined and classified, and how they differ from goods. Express how services are marketed. Discuss how service quality can be improved. Explain how service marketers create strong brands. Outline how goods-producing companies can improve customer support services. Marketing Research: Credits: 15 Upon completion of this module, learners should be able to: Understand the relationship between market research and decision making. Learn the processes used in formulating and conducting market research projects. Understand of the market conditions under which research may be undertaken, and the impact of these conditions on the type of research to be conducted, including the methodology and project management. Comprehend the range of qualitative and quantitative techniques and methods available in market research, including applicability and limitations. Be able to use the language of market research as it is used by practitioners and business people. Learn to perform some of the more common qualitative and quantitative techniques, including protocol/survey construction, data collection/fieldwork and analysis and reporting. Research Methodology: Credits:
  7. Upon completion of this module, learners should be able to: Demonstrate a sound grasp of business research methods. Be able to undertake a literature review. Demonstrate an ability to undertake field research, collate data and analyse these to uncover patterns and themes. Conduct research in the fields related to human resource management under supervision. Present the results of research in a scientific manner. E-Marketing: Credits:
  8. Module Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the module students will be able to: Analyse e-marketing strategies and tactics within an e-business perspective. Appreciate the range of e-marketing tools as well as their advantages and disadvantages. Develop an awareness of the digital impact on each element of the marketing mix. Explain the opportunities and challenges of the Internet as a market research tool. Discuss the importance of using e-technologies to build and nurture customer relationships. Recognise the marketing uses of online communities. Demonstrate an understanding of the variety of metrics available to evaluate e-marketing programmes. Apply the concepts, tools and frameworks learnt to solve e-business problems. Develop your analytical and problem solving skills through case studies based on realistic e-business scenarios. International Marketing: Credits:
  9. Upon completion of this module, learners should be able to: Explain different types of international marketing and international trade and how they impact on the international market. Evaluate the process of formulating an international marketing strategy. Evaluate the role of research and identify the main sources of information, in international marketing. Examine methods of foreign market entry and the factors influencing standardization/adaptation in the international marketing mix. Critically evaluate new knowledge, concepts and evidence from a range of sources. Apply diagnostic, analytical and creative skills in a range of situations. Research, critique and evaluate international marketing and international trade concepts in organisational contexts. Examine the effectiveness of existing international marketing and trade activities. Design and/or evaluate appropriate global marketing activities and programmes for organisations. Direct Marketing: Credits:
  10. Upon completion of this module, learners should be able to: Describe the relationship of direct marketing with other marketing communications tools. Explain the role of sales promotion, merchandising, point of sale and field marketing in the context of various sectors and in terms of consumer, trade and sales force/employee promotions. Develop, manage and maintain a marketing database. Devise, implement and control appropriate direct marketing and sales promotion campaigns to meet defined objectives. Apply the principles of testing and measurement and financial controls which support direct marketing and sales promotion campaigns. Explain the ethical, legal and self-regulatory environment around the disciplines of direct marketing and sales promotion. Justify and manage budgets for individual campaigns. Marketing Communication: Credits:
  11. Upon completion of this module, learners should be able to: Discuss the impact of culture (values and lifestyles) on consumer attitude towards and the execution of various marketing communication tools. Plan and manage communications program at both national and regional levels. Manage regional/worldwide advertising campaigns. Possess insight into the media landscape in the African region. Possess knowledge of the rules and regulations governing the marketing communications industry in selected African countries. Brand Management: Credits:
  12. Upon completion of this module, learners should be able to: Explain what is a brand and how branding works. Display knowledge on brand equity. Demonstrate how brand equity is built, measured, and managed. Apply decisions in developing a branding strategy. Explain how a firm can choose and communicate an effective positioning in the market. Discuss how brands are differentiated. Apply marketing strategies at each stage of the product life-cycle. Determine the implications of market evolution for marketing strategies. Research Report: Credits:
  13. Upon completion of this module, learners should be able to: Find and understand the major current information on the topic. Identify and assess the relevance of different sources of information to the particular Marketing research problem. Formulate an appropriate, feasible and circumscribed research enquiry. Clearly and concisely explain the nature, purpose and relevance of the research. Design a logical and coherent structure for the Research Report. Organise and synthesize information in a coherent and logical manner. Demonstrate an advanced competence in practical and theoretical problem-solving. Demonstrate an advanced understanding of the theoretical framework, key concepts, and core rules and principles of the particular Marketing research area. Select and apply information relevant to the argument. Formulate a complex and sustained Marketing argument. Demonstrate competence in comparative techniques where this is required. Produce research that is original in the sense that it does not simply duplicate or reproduce existing studies. All Critical Cross-Field Outcomes will be embedded appropriately in the modules, which constitute the programmes that lead up to the qualification. They will be assessed within the context of the programmes. The BCom Hons: Marketing Management graduate can: Identify, analyse, formulate, and solve convergent and divergent problems in public and non-governmental spheres through critical thinking. Work effectively with others as a leader of a team, group, organisation, community, and provide leadership to the group output in public and non-governmental spheres. Manage and organize her or his activities and life responsibly and effectively, including her or his studies and career. Collect, analyse, organize and critically evaluate information. Communicate effectively using visual, mathematical and/or language skills in the modes of oral and/or written presentation, in sustained discourse. Where appropriate, use science and technology effectively and critically, showing responsibility towards the environment and health and well being of others, in community, national and global contexts. Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems by recognizing that problem-solving contexts do not exist in isolation, and by acknowledging their responsibilities to those in the local and broader community. Reflect on and explore a variety of strategies to learn more effectively. Participate as a responsible citizen in the life of local, national and global communities. Be culturally and aesthetically sensitive across a range of social contexts. Explore education and career opportunities by drawing on the various knowledge, skills and attitudes acquired in the accomplishment of this qualification. Develop entrepreneurial opportunities by drawing on the various knowledge, skills and attitudes acquired in the accomplishment of this qualification.

Assessment Criteria

Evidence of Graduate Attributes:

  1. Problem-solving Skills:

    • Graduates will identify, analyze, and solve complex problems by drawing on theoretical knowledge and personal experience within their field of study. They will offer creative solutions at various levels of society, including managerial strategies for poverty and public administration issues. They will critically evaluate different viewpoints and support their own views with evidence.
  2. People Skills:

    • Evidence of tolerance, empathy, and listening skills will be demonstrated through group work. Graduates will respect diverse opinions without bias, lead effectively in public administration, and communicate and organize effectively within groups.
  3. Theoretical Skills and Learning Strategies:

    • Graduates will demonstrate effective time management, independent thinking, and a strong theoretical base to support their decisions. They will assess their strengths and weaknesses and develop organizational strategies accordingly.
  4. Research Skills:

    • Graduates will show competency in research skills within their field of study, using various resources effectively. They will follow scholarly conventions, evaluate theories, and communicate research findings appropriately.
  5. Communication Skills:

    • Graduates will communicate ideas effectively using language accessible to their community. They will evaluate academic arguments, follow discipline-specific language conventions, and use statistics to support their ideas.
  6. Scientific Methods and Ethics:

    • Graduates will use scientific methods responsibly, select appropriate technology, and promote sustainable use of natural resources. They will show respect for ethics in science and technology and towards others' well-being.
  7. Interdisciplinary Approach:

    • Graduates will draw on personal knowledge and experiences to analyze diverse problems, look beyond disciplinary boundaries for solutions, and relate public administration to broader socio-economic issues.

Developmental Associated Assessment Criteria:

  1. Application of Knowledge:

    • Graduates will apply their knowledge in various contexts, demonstrate advanced study and research skills, and manage diversity effectively for marketing projects.
  2. Cultural Diversity and Marketing Impact:

    • Graduates will assess the impact of cultural diversity on marketing, draw out cultural contexts of others, and apply skills in culturally diverse settings.
  3. Skill Transfer and Workplace Value:

    • Graduates will connect theoretical knowledge to practical applications in the workplace, demonstrating valued skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication.
  4. Self-Esteem and Adaptability:

    • Graduates will create job opportunities, contribute to their community, demonstrate confidence in their skills, and handle complex situations with flexibility.

Integrated Assessment:

  • Assessment Methods: Include case studies, report writing, analytical problem-solving, work-based assignments, and self-assessment activities to measure competence in different areas of study.
  • Formative Assessment: Continuous feedback on smaller sections of work to focus on limited outcomes.
  • Summative Assessment: Examinations or research essays to test integration of knowledge and achievement of outcomes.
  • Integrated Assessment: Evaluation of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and applied competence across all assessments.

Qualification Details

Honours Degree
NQF Level
Min. Credits
SAQA Source
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Mancosa, also known as the Management College of Southern Africa, is a private higher education institution based in South Africa. It offers a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in business and management disciplines. Mancosa aims to provide quality education and develop future leaders in the business world. The college focuses on practical and industry-relevant learning, with a strong emphasis on entrepreneurship and innovation. Mancosa also offers flexible study options, including online and distance learning, to cater to the needs of working professionals.

This page includes information from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) . Builtneat Pty Ltd trading as Study Start, has modified all or some of this information. SAQA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.