Physical Planning and Construction - Civil Engineering Construction
The aim of the qualification is to develop an engineering intellectual who can identify, assess, and formulate the engineering needs of society and creatively solve engineering problems by applying scientific, mathematical, engineering, economic, and other relevant principles and methods. This qualification prepares learners for a career in engineering science, design, and project-based work, equipping them with the necessary skills, tools, and knowledge. It also fosters a platform for lifelong learning.
This qualification equips learners for engineering careers by providing a solid foundation in engineering methods, skills, tools, and information technology. Following an accreditation visit by the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA), the qualification was updated to address industry concerns, after which it was approved and implemented.
Engineering problems are identified, assessed, formulated, interpreted, analysed, and solved effectively, creatively, and innovatively by applying knowledge of Mathematics, basic science, and engineering sciences from first principles. Small engineering projects are planned and managed demonstrating an underlying knowledge, understanding, and insight into socially responsible engineering practice. Participation in team projects showcases leadership and critical functions performance. Activities are organized and managed responsibly, effectively, professionally, and ethically, with judgment exercised within one's competence limits.
Investigations, research, and experiments are effectively planned and conducted using appropriate theories and methodologies. Data analysis and interpretation are performed accurately. Effective communication is carried out, orally and in writing, with engineering audiences and the community using appropriate structure, style, and graphical support.
Appropriate engineering methods, skills, tools, and information technology are critically used in engineering practice. An understanding and acceptance of responsibility for the impact of engineering activities on society and the environment are demonstrated. Design and synthesis of components, systems, products, or processes are assessed for their social, legal, health, safety, and environmental impacts and benefits.
Various learning strategies are employed to master module outcomes, preparing for lifelong learning in the engineering field. Responsible citizenship is practiced professionally and ethically within local, national, and global communities. Cultural and aesthetic sensitivity are shown in engineering activities execution.
Formative assessment includes informal class tests, projects, practical experiments, research projects, and presentations to peers. Major design and research projects are mainly done in the third and fourth year. Summative assessment focuses on exit-level outcomes and includes written examinations and oral examinations for certain modules like projects and design.
Education and career opportunities are explored, and entrepreneurial opportunities are developed through engineering problem solving, design, technical research, and managerial skills. Students are encouraged to continuously improve their knowledge and skills to stay relevant in the engineering field.
This page includes information from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) . Builtneat Pty Ltd trading as Study Start, has modified all or some of this information. SAQA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.