North-West University

Bachelor of Arts Honours

Communication Studies and Language - Literature

Purpose and Rationale

Qualification Specialisations:

This program offers various specialisations. Please refer to "Notes" for details on the specialisations.

Program Purpose:

The program aims to provide further but more focused general education in a variety of fields for which groundwork has been laid in the BA degree. The goal is to train students in this program to gain access to further postgraduate study (especially the various MA programs and teaching and other qualifications).


Assessment Criteria

Vaardighede en Bevoegdhede

  • Kritiese denke: Die student moet in staat wees om krities te dink en dit toe te pas op probleme binne die vakgebied.
  • Entrepreneuriese insig: Die student moet 'n begrip hê van die entrepreneuriese moontlikhede binne die vakgebied.
  • Onafhanklike hantering van studiemateriaal: Die student moet in staat wees om studiemateriaal op 'n meer onafhanklike wyse te bestudeer as tydens voorgraadse studies.
  • Gesofistikeerde kommunikasievaardighede: Die student moet die ontwikkeling van toepaslike en gesofistikeerde kommunikasiestrategieë binne die veld van studie demonstreer.
  • Lewenslange leer: Die student moet besef dat die huidige program slegs 'n stap is in die proses van lewenslange leer.
  • Integrasie van Christelike lewensbeskouing: Die student moet insig hê in hoe 'n Christelike lewensbeskouing sterker tot uiting gebring kan word in die hantering van wetenskaplike materiaal.


  • Prinsipiele denke: Die student moet in staat wees om prinsipiele denke te identifiseer en toe te pas.
  • Uitnemendheid: Die student moet uitnemendheid nastreef deur nougesette aandag aan sy/haar werk te gee.
  • Integriteit: Die student moet sterk integriteit vertoon.


  • Deelname aan die samelewing: Die student moet bewus wees van die belang van deelname aan die samelewing.
  • Plurale samelewing: Die student moet die belang en uitdagings van 'n plurale samelewing erken.

Geïntegreerde Assessering

Die assessering van studenteprestasie moet sigbaar reageer op die bogenoemde vaardighede, waardes en bewustheid. Dit kan geskied deur modulêre toetse, eksamens, projekte, gevallestudies, voordragte, self-evaluerings en mede-student evaluasies. Navorsingsmetodologie kan getoets word deur 'n navorsingsvoorstel gevolg deur 'n skripsie wat onafhanklik uitgevoer word onder begeleiding van 'n studieleier.

Qualification Details

Honours Degree
NQF Level
Min. Credits
SAQA Source
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North-West University
North-West University (NWU) is a public university located in South Africa. It was established in 2004 through the merger of three institutions: the Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, the University of Bophuthatswana, and the University of North-West. NWU has three campuses, namely Potchefstroom, Mahikeng, and Vanderbijlpark. The university offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs across various disciplines, including arts, business, education, engineering, health sciences, law, natural sciences, and theology. NWU is known for its strong focus on research and innovation, with several research centers and institutes dedicated to advancing knowledge and addressing societal challenges. NWU is committed to providing quality education and fostering a supportive and inclusive learning environment. It strives to produce graduates who are well-equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to contribute to the development of South Africa and the global community. The university also promotes community engagement and social responsibility through various outreach programs and initiatives. Overall, North-West University is a reputable institution that values academic excellence, research, and community engagement, making it a sought-after choice for students seeking higher education in South Africa.

This page includes information from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) . Builtneat Pty Ltd trading as Study Start, has modified all or some of this information. SAQA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.