University of Pretoria

Bachelor of Science Honours in Wildlife Management

Agriculture and Nature Conservation - Nature Conservation

Purpose and Rationale

  1. The primary purpose of the qualification is to equip qualifiers with specialized knowledge, skills, and applied competence in the field of wildlife management science.

  2. The secondary purpose is to develop a proficient cadre of wildlife managers in South Africa who can effectively manage renewable natural resources in a scientifically sound manner, benefiting various levels of the South African community. This management extends to state-owned, corporately-owned, and private land, forming the foundation for sustainable natural resource use. This includes activities such as eco-tourism and trophy hunting, which can significantly contribute to the conservation-based development of rural communities. Ultimately, these efforts aim to enhance the quality of life for all inhabitants of South Africa, humans, and wildlife alike.

  3. The qualification adopts a multidisciplinary approach, teaching graduates to collaborate with individuals and institutions to promote effective wildlife management for capacity building in rural communities and as a foundation for eco-tourism activities.


  1. Knowledge and understanding of wildlife and the associated environment with insight of the conservation through wise use. Scientific skills of field analysis of ecological values.
  2. Empathy towards environmental issues.
  3. The learner will be able to formulate, plan and execute a wide range of field projects aimed at solving specific conservation or management problems. Critical cross-field outcomes:
  4. A BSc(Hons) Wildlife Management graduate is able to manage wild animals in different systems and can identify, formulate and solve problems related to wildlife management and conservation innovatively.
  5. A BSc(Hons) Wildlife Management graduate will comply with the professional and ethical standards in the agricultural and wildlife sciences.

Assessment Criteria

  1. Discussion sessions: These are informal sessions where students can actively participate, ask questions, share their perspectives, and engage with the course material in a collaborative environment.

  2. Intranet self-assessment & discussions: Students can assess their understanding of the course material through online quizzes or self-assessment tools on the intranet. This can be followed by online discussions or forums where students can clarify doubts or discuss challenging topics.

  3. Assignments & Tests: Assignments and tests are regular assessments that evaluate students' understanding of the subject matter. They can be in the form of written assignments, problem-solving tasks, or quizzes.

  4. Class tests: These are short tests conducted during class time to assess students' comprehension of recent topics covered in class.

  5. Semester tests: These tests evaluate students' overall understanding of the course material covered during the semester. They are more comprehensive than class tests and cover a wider range of topics.

  6. Practical: Practical assessments evaluate students' ability to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios. This can involve conducting experiments, simulations, or hands-on tasks.

  7. Exams: Exams are formal assessments that test students' knowledge and understanding of the entire course. They can be conducted at the end of the semester or academic year.

  8. Seminars & presentations: Students may be required to present their research findings, projects, or assigned topics in seminars. This assesses their ability to communicate effectively and present information coherently.

Integrated assessment:

  • Written examinations
  • Oral examinations
  • Other: Evaluation of written reports and oral presentation of project reports and seminars

Integrated assessment methods ensure that students' understanding and skills are evaluated through a variety of formats, providing a comprehensive view of their performance.

Qualification Details

Honours Degree
NQF Level
Min. Credits
SAQA Source
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University of Pretoria
The University of Pretoria is a leading research-intensive university located in Pretoria, South Africa. Established in 1908, it is one of the largest universities in the country and offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs across various disciplines. The university is known for its commitment to academic excellence, innovation, and social impact. It has a diverse student body and a vibrant campus life, with numerous clubs, societies, and sports facilities. The University of Pretoria is also recognized for its research contributions and collaborations with national and international partners.

This page includes information from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) . Builtneat Pty Ltd trading as Study Start, has modified all or some of this information. SAQA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.