City Varsity

Advanced Diploma in Professional Acting for Camera

Culture and Arts - Film Television and Video

Purpose and Rationale

Qualification Overview


The purpose of this qualification is to equip learners with knowledge and skills to become actors and/or presenters in theatre, film and television with the emphasis on acting for film and television. The qualification aims to produce actors who are versatile, disciplined, and professional in their approach to their work and who have a sound knowledge of the technical and artistic requirements of acting as well as the processes of making productions for the theatre, film, and television industries.


The rationale of this qualification is to train and equip learners to become actors and/or presenters in theatre, film, and television with the emphasis on acting for film and television. The programme aims to produce actors who are versatile, disciplined, and professional in their approach to their work and who have a sound knowledge of the technical and artistic requirements of acting as well as the processes of making productions for the theatre, film, and television industries.

Both national and regional governments recognize the importance of the arts in general and arts education in particular to the development of a healthy and functional society. Throughout history, the arts and artists have played an important role in reflecting the strengths and weaknesses of any society or culture and are therefore powerful instruments for creating change. Artists in our own society provided a loud and persistent voice for change and reform at a time when many individuals were voiceless. It is no exaggeration to say that actors in theatre and films in this country played an important role in keeping injustice in view when many other expressions of protest were silenced. Today, actors have an equally important role to play in the healing of wounds and the building of bridges between people and cultures. Because of the importance of the actor's place in our society, the national bodies dealing with the arts such as the NAC (National Arts Council), PAWE (Performing Arts Worker's Equity) and PANSA (Performing Arts Network of South Africa) recognize the need for training and development of skilled actors. City Varsity is contributing on both regional and national levels to providing actors who can contribute to the building and sustainability of a healthy and just society. The Advanced Diploma in Professional Acting for Camera focuses on the practical application and combination of all skills obtained. It comprises of six practical projects. The first semester focuses on live performance and the second on Acting for Camera.


  1. Demonstrate to be versatile, disciplined and professional actors who are able to portray a variety of roles honestly and credibly both on stage and in front of the camera. Critical Cross Field Outcomes: The programme aims to develop the SAQA critical cross-field outcomes listed below: Identify and solve problems in which responses display that responsible decisions using critical and creative thinking have been made. Work effectively with others as a member of a team, group, organisation, community. Organise and manage oneself and one's activities responsibly and effectively. Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information. Communicate effectively using visual, mathematical and/or language skills in the modes of oral and/or written presentation. Use science and technology effectively and critically, showing responsibility towards the environment and health of others. Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems by recognizing that problem solving contexts do not exist in isolation. Assessors should ensure that critical cross-field outcomes are assessed within the context of the specific outcomes. It should be ensured that learners have the competency to apply critical outcomes to his/her work or field of learning.

Assessment Criteria

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:

  • Explanation of the theory of Physical Theatre and application of related techniques.
  • Demonstration of movement vocabulary focusing on strength, flexibility, and phrasing in movement.
  • Discussion of the theory of live performance in Drama, Cabaret, Revue, or Dance Theatre with application of relevant skills.
  • Explanation and demonstration of the theory of character choice and development.
  • Mastery of scripting and creating dialogue.
  • Understanding and application of all aspects of stage acting, including vocal training, listening skills, projection, performance size, and physicality.
  • Interpretation and demonstration of Acting for Film.
  • Explanation and application of location scouting and technical acumen required for location and/or studio shoots.
  • Demonstration of Voice-over techniques.
  • Understanding and practice of Automatic Dialogue Replacement (ADR).
  • Demonstration of voice-overs for television commercials and documentaries.
  • Interpretation and mastery of Multi-camera Techniques, including Sitcom and Soap Opera Style.
  • Explanation and demonstration of performing in a television studio.
  • Understanding and explanation of technical terms encountered in the television studio.
  • Discussion and application of audition techniques and professional I.D.
  • Explanation and application of Stunt Training.
  • Explanation of Basic Stunt Co-ordination and Techniques, including elementary kickboxing, karate, stick-fighting, and simulated martial arts.

Integrated Assessment:

  • Assessment of competence through a combination of formative and summative assessment methodologies.
  • Formative assessment integrating theory with practice in a real or simulated workplace environment.
  • Fair, transparent, valid, and reliable assessment practices.
  • Assessment to determine if learners have met the outcomes of the qualification in theory and practice.
  • Use of integrative techniques to assess applied competence.
  • Requirement for candidates to demonstrate performance of outcomes with understanding and insight.
  • Evaluation of all exit level Outcomes and Critical Cross-Field Outcomes in assessment.
  • Integration of assessment of Critical Cross-Field Outcomes with assessment of exit level outcomes.
  • Design of learning and assessment programmes to extend and further reflect integration of Critical Cross-Field Outcomes.

Qualification Details

Advanced Diploma
NQF Level
Min. Credits
SAQA Source
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City Varsity
City Varsity is a private higher education institution located in Cape Town, South Africa. It specializes in offering creative arts and media-related courses, including film and television production, animation, graphic design, sound engineering, and acting. City Varsity aims to provide students with practical skills and industry-relevant training to prepare them for careers in the creative arts and media industries. The institution offers both diploma and degree programs, and its courses are designed to be hands-on and industry-focused. City Varsity also provides students with access to state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, as well as opportunities for internships and industry placements.

This page includes information from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) . Builtneat Pty Ltd trading as Study Start, has modified all or some of this information. SAQA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.