University of Pretoria

Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering

Physical Planning and Construction - Civil Engineering Construction

Purpose and Rationale

The graduate-level whole qualification in engineering aims to cultivate a comprehensive understanding, creativity, continuous learning, and practical expertise within the engineering discipline. Engineering involves the application of mathematical and natural sciences knowledge, acquired through education, experience, and practical application, to devise ways to efficiently harness the materials and forces of nature for the betterment of humanity.

Specifically focusing on civil engineering, this qualification is tailored to cater to the distinct requirements of the South African built environment, physical planning, construction, and manufacturing sectors. Civil engineers play a vital role in public engagement, feasibility assessment, design, operational planning, rehabilitation, maintenance, and research pertaining to infrastructural elements in different settings aimed at fostering economic growth and prosperity.

In addition to technical proficiency, civil engineers are expected to possess adept management skills to oversee the involvement of the public and various stakeholders, as well as to efficiently manage the processes involved in facility creation projects. The curriculum of this qualification is designed to meet the academic criteria for registration as a Professional Engineer, in accordance with the Accreditation Standards set forth by the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA), which strives to align with globally accepted engineering accreditation standards.


  1. Engineering problem solving by identifying, assessing, formulating and solving convergent and divergent engineering problems creatively and innovatively.
  2. Application of knowledge of mathematics, basic science and engineering science from first principles to solve engineering problems.
  3. Perform creative, procedural and non-procedural design and synthesis of components, systems, works, products or processes.
  4. Investigation, experimentation and data analysis.
  5. Use engineering methods, skills, tools and information technology.
  6. Communicate effectively in professional and in general terms.
  7. Understand and appreciate the impact of engineering activity on society and the environment.
  8. Work effectively as an individual, in teams and in multidisciplinary environments showing leadership and performing critical functions.
  9. Engage in lifelong learning through well-developed learning skills and to understand the need to maintain continued competence and to keep abreast of up-to-date tools and techniques.
  10. Act professionally and ethically and to take responsibility within his/her own limits of competence and is competent to exercise judgment commensurate with his/her knowledge and experience.

Assessment Criteria

Engineering Skills Development

  1. Engineering Problem Solving

    • Solve engineering problems through case studies, experimentation, and design projects.
    • Apply mathematical, numerical analysis, and statistical methods.
    • Utilize physical laws and knowledge for problem-solving.
  2. Cross-disciplinary Literacy

    • Work across engineering disciplines.
    • Share fundamental knowledge for problem-solving.
  3. Design and Synthesis Skills

    • Identify user needs and constraints for design projects.
    • Plan, manage, and evaluate the design process.
    • Communicate design logic effectively.
  4. Integrated Development

    • Apply research methods.
    • Conduct experiments and analyze data.
  5. Computer Skills

    • Use engineering methods, tools, and computer packages.
    • Enhance productivity through computer applications.
  6. Communication Skills

    • Communicate effectively with engineering audiences.
    • Provide information for engineering activities.
  7. Ethics and Environmental Management

    • Address societal and environmental impacts.
    • Consider technology's impact on society and cultural values.
  8. Responsibility and Multidisciplinary Skills

    • Emphasize individual and group responsibility.
    • Develop multidisciplinary skills through related modules.
  9. Thinking Skills and Continued Education

    • Develop critical thinking, scientific logic, and innovation.
    • Promote lifelong learning and continued education for professional registration.
  10. Ethics and Professional Attitudes

    • Develop ethical and professional attitudes through dedicated modules.

Integrated Assessment:

  • Work-place assessments.
  • Written and oral examinations.
  • Assignments, tutorials, presentations, laboratory reports, and thesis/design project reports.
  • Self and peer assessments.

Formative Assessment:

  • Ongoing assessment during modules.
  • Final mark based on semester and examination marks.

Summative Assessment:

  • Capstone design project in the final year.
  • Requires integration of various skills acquired throughout the qualification.
  • Includes presentation, written report, and oral examination.

Qualification Details

National First Degree(Min 480)
NQF Level
Min. Credits
SAQA Source
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University of Pretoria
The University of Pretoria is a leading research-intensive university located in Pretoria, South Africa. Established in 1908, it is one of the largest universities in the country and offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs across various disciplines. The university is known for its commitment to academic excellence, innovation, and social impact. It has a diverse student body and a vibrant campus life, with numerous clubs, societies, and sports facilities. The University of Pretoria is also recognized for its research contributions and collaborations with national and international partners.

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