Bachelor of Information Science Honours

Communication Studies and Language - Information Studies

Purpose and Rationale

Qualification Purpose

  1. Comprehensive Information Science Competence: The primary purpose of the qualification is to equip BInf (Honours) graduates with foundational, reflexive, and practical competence in Information Science. This is aimed at facilitating the delivery of comprehensive library and information services to society.

  2. Personal Growth and Economic Opportunities: A second purpose of the qualification is to provide students with opportunities for personal intellectual growth and to engage in gainful economic activities within the field of Information Science.

  3. Leadership and Scholarship: The qualification aims to produce leaders and scholars in the field of information, contributing to South Africa and the global community in this important discipline.

  4. Research Proficiency: The qualification prepares graduates to conduct research aimed at solving a variety of issues related to library and information services. Graduates will also be equipped to contribute to the development of the theoretical foundations of Information Science.


  1. The BInf (Honours) graduate can identify, analyse, formulate, and solve convergent and divergent information problems of professions, personal and social kinds, creatively and innovatively.
  2. The BInf (Honours) graduate can work effectively with others as a member of a team, group, organisation, community, and to contribute to the group output in tasks growing out of the diverse fields of human knowledge and information.
  3. The BInf (Honours) graduate can manage and organise her or his personal, academic and professional activities and life responsibly and effectively.
  4. The BInf (Honours) graduate can collect, analyse, organise, interpret and critically evaluate information, as required in the pursuit of both her/his studies and profession.
  5. The BInf (Honours) graduate can communicate effectively using visual, mathematical and or language capabilities in the modes of oral and or written presentation in often extensive pieces of sustained discourse.
  6. The BInf (Honours) graduate can use science and technology, but also knowledge and information in general, appropriately and critically, with thorough understanding of the impact of paradigms and paradigm changes in the socio-intellectual filed, showing responsibility towards the well-being of others as well as the environment in community, national and global contexts.
  7. The BInf (Honours) graduate can demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems (world views) by recognising that information-related problem-solving contexts do not exist in isolation, and by acknowledging responsibilities to those in the local and broader community. Developmental: In order to contribute to the full personal development of each learner and the social and economic development of the society at large, it must be the intention underlying any programme of learning to make an individual aware of the importance of the following developmental outcomes:
  8. The BInf (Honours) graduate can reflect on and explore a variety of strategies to learn more effectively (see Critical Outcomes 3 and 5 above).
  9. The BInf (Honours) graduate can participate as a responsible citizen in the life of local, national and global communities (also see Critical Outcome 2 above).
  10. The BInf (Honours) graduate can be culturally, aesthetically, and informationally sensitive across a range of social contexts (see Critical Outcomes 2 and 7).
  11. The BInf (Honours) graduate can explore education ad career opportunities by drawing on the various knowledge, skills and values acquired in accomplishment of this qualification (see all Critical Outcomes above).
  12. The BInf (Honours) graduate can develop entrepreneurial and info-preneurial opportunities by drawing on the various knowledge, skills and values acquired in the accomplishment of this qualification (see all Critical Outcomes, plus 4 above). Specific: The BInf (Honours) student is actively engaged in becoming a well-rounded, educated person and in preparing for employment in the professions related to the discipline of Information Science, for example librarianship, archivism, etc. As such he/she develops and holds certain values and integrates knowledge and skills to achieve his or her purpose. The specific outcomes show how knowledge, skills and values in general, and those specific to the library and information profession, are integrated in the qualification and have a bearing on all the SAQA fields.
  13. The BInf (Honours) graduate can engage in critical, creative and inventive thinking, and problem solving in studying topics of a complex and specialised nature within the context of the library and information profession.
  14. The BInf (Honours) graduate can demonstrate an awareness of different forms of knowledge in Information Science, and a scientifically founded understanding of its methodological and theoretical foundations.
  15. The BInf (Honours) graduate can arrive at an informed assessment in terms of what happens to human knowledge in new, technological contexts.
  16. The BInf (Honours) graduate can contribute to the information policy process by taking cognisance of the political economy and ethics of information.
  17. The BInf (Honours) graduate can engage with the professional ethos that shapes all perspectives and practices in library and information services.
  18. The BInf (Honours) graduate can identify, describe and evaluate problems and solutions related to different cultures, both locally and globally.
  19. The BInf (Honours) graduate can assist in coordinating efforts to disseminate appropriate information to ensure a just and democratic society.
  20. The BInf (Honours) graduate can work at senior levels in library and information service contexts where he/she is recognised and employed as a professional and can apply the knowledge, skills and values acquired during the period of study.
  21. The BInf (Honours) graduate can demonstrate an ability to use information and communication technologies in accessing, organising, searching processing, storing, retrieving and disseminating information.
  22. The BInf (Honours) graduate can, independently and as part of a team, engage with the sources, resources and systems that are part of the information profession to render an information service.
  23. The BInf (Honours) graduate can pursue and promote lifelong learning and participation in continuing education in Information Science and library and information services.

Assessment Criteria

Critical Cross-field:

Evidence generated in the form of tasks in study materials, written (and in some cases, oral) assignments, portfolio tasks, projects, case studies and examinations, will show that graduates:

  1. Problem-solving and Critical Thinking:

    • Identify, analyze, and solve problems by exploring and evaluating abstract and personal situations.
    • Generate alternative strategies for problem-solving.
    • Overcome communication problems creatively.
    • Critically evaluate various viewpoints and compare them with their own.
    • Offer evidence to support their views from theoretical and experiential knowledge.
    • Identify and solve problems in various contexts at community, national, and global levels.
  2. Interpersonal Skills:

    • Demonstrate tolerance, empathy, and listening skills in group situations.
    • Respect others' opinions without bias.
    • Undertake projects and interact successfully with others.
    • Lead with consideration, be a supportive follower, and communicate effectively within a group.
  3. Study Skills:

    • Organize study plans, especially in distance learning.
    • Use creative learning approaches suitable for personal situations.
    • Exercise self-discipline for distance learning.
    • Assess strengths and weaknesses and develop coping strategies.
  4. Research Abilities:

    • Use library and resources effectively.
    • Integrate information from various sources.
    • Act responsibly as a researcher.
    • Demonstrate awareness of scholarship conventions and ethics.
  5. Effective Communication:

    • Communicate ideas and provide evidence cohesively.
    • Use language conventions appropriately.
    • Utilize statistics and visuals effectively.
    • Recognize and address communication limitations.
  6. Attitude towards Scholarship and Technology:

    • Use scientific methods for investigation.
    • Apply technology responsibly.
    • Demonstrate respect for knowledge, science, and technology.
  7. Prior Knowledge and Experience:

    • Connect abstract knowledge to personal contexts.
    • Grasp different worldviews and assess their impact.
    • Demonstrate awareness of insights' impact on other outcomes.


  1. Learning Strategies:

    • Explain knowledge in their own words.
    • Apply knowledge in various contexts.
  2. Tolerance and Participation:

    • Demonstrate tolerance and willingness to participate in groups.
  3. Cultural Awareness:

    • Show respect for other cultures and diverse opinions.
  4. Application of Knowledge:

    • Apply knowledge in practical, real-world situations.
  5. Career Development:

    • Create job opportunities and effectively communicate value.


  1. Information Theory and Application:

    • Analyze information theory and its applications.
    • Reflect on learning from personal experience in information science.
  2. Knowledge Universe and Linkages:

    • Link indigenous and scholarly knowledge.
    • Relate information across disciplines.
  3. Technology and Multimedia:

    • Assess technology impact and multimedia developments.
    • Utilize ICT for societal benefit.
  4. Information Policy and Ethics:

    • Assess information policy issues.
    • Identify key issues in public policy and ethics.
  5. Intellectual and Social Roles:

    • Analyze the Information Age's impact on services.
    • Reflect on service ethics for information professionals.
  6. Cultural Issues and Relationships:

    • Analyze cultural issues' impact on actions.
    • Apply disciplinary information in social contexts.
  7. Information Accessibility and Preservation:

    • Assess and make information accessible to society.
    • Develop collection policies for diverse needs.
  8. Practical Application:

    • Apply methods for information creation and dissemination.
    • Support users in information services.
  9. ICT Application:

    • Analyze technology's impact on society.
    • Utilize ICT for information access and dissemination.
  10. Information Needs Identification:

    • Identify and assist various information users.
    • Organize and retrieve information based on needs.
  11. Lifelong Learning and Information Literacy:

    • Promote information literacy for lifelong learning.
    • Apply knowledge to solve information problems in society.

Integrated Assessment:

  1. Formative Assessment:

    • Learning and assessment are integrated with continuous feedback.
  2. Summative Assessment:

    • Assessments test the integration of knowledge and practical skills for stated outcomes.
  3. Integrated Assessment:

    • Assessments integrate knowledge, skills, and attitudes for applied competence.

Qualification Details

Honours Degree
NQF Level
Min. Credits
SAQA Source
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UNISA, short for the University of South Africa, is a distance education institution based in South Africa. It is the largest university on the African continent and offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various fields of study. UNISA provides flexible learning options, allowing students to study at their own pace and from anywhere in the world. The university is known for its commitment to providing accessible and affordable education to a diverse student population. UNISA also conducts research and collaborates with other institutions to contribute to the development of knowledge and skills in South Africa and beyond.

This page includes information from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) . Builtneat Pty Ltd trading as Study Start, has modified all or some of this information. SAQA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.