
Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology Management

Health Sciences and Social Services - Promotive Health and Developmental Services

Purpose and Rationale


We believe that MGI's proposed BSc Biotechnology Management Programme will provide a much needed model of higher education in this discipline:

  • The programme will fulfil the need for people who can communicate at appropriate technical levels to bridge the gap between the layman and the expert.

  • The programme has a strong entrepreneurial approach, encouraging graduates to connect biology with business.

  • Undergraduate learners will have an opportunity to participate in research and present their findings in a public forum.

  • MGI has developed a fully functional biotechnology laboratory for learners to develop practical skills in handling plant and animal tissues as well as DNA.

  • The programme provides a solid grounding in academic theory and includes an internship in the final year curriculum.

  • Learners are prepared for interdisciplinary research by gaining foundations in mathematical, physical, and information sciences.

  • The small institution size and interdisciplinary department facilitate collaboration and individualized attention for learners.


Biotechnology is a rapidly growing field, creating new opportunities for our societies and economies. The BSc Biotechnology Management Programme aims to meet future human resource needs by:

  • Contributing to building a talent pool of qualified scientists and scientific entrepreneurs.

  • Providing graduates with molecular biology knowledge and project management skills.

  • Offering professional roles in various businesses such as laboratory technicians, clinical research associates, and technical sales representatives.

  • Supporting South Africa's biotechnology research and development goals through the creation of Biotechnology Regional Innovation Centres.

  • Focusing on science and technology skills needed in South Africa.

  • Broadening access to higher education through flexible entry options.

  • Including generic competencies like teamwork, information analysis, and problem-solving in the curriculum.

  • Ensuring graduates are employable while also prepared for further learning in biotechnology.


  1. Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of fundamental concepts and principles.
  2. Recognise that scientific knowledge and understanding are changeable.
  3. Demonstrate key scientific reasoning skills through identifying and solve problems using critical and creative thinking.
  4. Work effectively as a member of a team or group in scientific projects or investigations.
  5. Manage and organize their learning activities responsibly.
  6. Communicate scientific understanding in writing, orally and using visual, symbolic and/or other forms of representation.
  7. Demonstrate effective Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skills.
  8. Apply scientific knowledge and ways of thinking to societal issues, taking into account ethical and cultural considerations. For reference on Core Module Outcomes see below: Year 1: Module Name: Science Skills (NQF Level 5): Specific Module Outcomes: At the end of this module learners should: Demonstrate an understanding of the scientific research process. Develop interpersonal, communication and information technology skills necessary to work in a team on a research project. Module Name: Biology IA: Principles of Biology (NQF Level 5): Specific Module Outcomes: After completion of this module, learners should be able to: Demonstrate an understanding of cellular structure and function as well as the inter-relationships between nucleic acids and proteins. Demonstrate basic laboratory skills. Module Name: Chemistry IA: Introduction to Chemistry (NQF Level 5): Specific Module Outcomes: After completion of this module, learners should be able to demonstrate a foundational understanding of chemical bonding and interatamoic interactions and the way these determine the structure and reactivity of compounds. Module Name: Biology IB: Plant and Animal diversity (NQF Level 5): Specific Module Outcomes: After completion of this module, learners should be able to demonstrate an understanding of biological diversity within the plant and animal kingdoms. Module Name: Chemistry IB: Applied Chemistry (NQF Level 5): Specific Module Outcomes: After completion of this module, learners should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the applications of chemistry in industry. Year 2: Module Name: Microbiology IIA: Introduction to Microbiology (NQF Level 5): Specific Module Outcomes: After completion of this module, learners should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the structure, metabolism, growth and genetics of the major groups of microorganisms. Module Name: Biochemistry IIA: Molecular Biology (NQF Level 5): Specific Module Outcomes: After completion of this module, learners should be able to demonstrate an understanding of gene structure, gene expression and its regulation work with DNA in laboratory. Module Name: BMarketing IIA: Biopharmaceutical Marketing (NQF Level 5): Specific Module Outcomes: After completion of this module, learners should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the basic marketing principles with respect to the promotion of health products. Module Name: Botany IIA: Ethnobotany (NQF Level 5): Specific Module Outcomes: After learners have completed this module they should be able to demonstrate an understanding of how people of a particular culture and region conceptualise plants in their local environment and use them in everyday life. Module Name: Microbiology IIC: Applied Microbiology (NQF Level 5): Specific Module Outcomes: After learners have completed this module they should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the principles and applications of environmental and industrial microbiology. Module Name: Biochemistry IIC: Enzyme Chemistry (NQF Level 6): Specific Module Outcomes: After learners have completed this module they should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the main methods and techniques used in modern biochemistry. Module Name: Marketing IIB: Personal Selling and sales management (NQF Level 5): Specific Module Outcomes: After completion of this module, learners should be able to understand the role of personal selling in the promotional mix. Module Name: Botany IIC: Plant physiology (NQF Level 6): Specific Module Outcomes: After completion of this module, learners should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the basic structural and functional relationships of the plant body and the pattern of plant development. Module Name: Bioethics (NQF Level 5): Specific Module Outcomes: After completion of this module, learners should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the diverse views on biotechnology. Year 3: Module Name: Biotechnology IIIA: Technology commercialization (NQF Level 6): Specific Module Outcomes: After completion of this module, learners should be able to demonstrate an understanding of how research into commercial use. Module Name: Biological Products IIIA: Medical Biotechnology (NQF Level 5): Specific Module Outcomes: After completion of this module, learners should be able to: Demonstrate an understanding of how biotechnology techniques are applied in the medical field. Recognize emerging technology developments in the field of biotechnology. Module Name: Bioprocessing IIIA: Fermentation technology (NQF Level 6): Specific Module Outcomes: After completion of this module, learners should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the practicalities of handling cells and organisms on a large scale, optimisation of growth and product formation and the techniques of downstream processing leading to the recovery and purification of cells and their products. Module Name: Bioprocessing IIIB: Operations Management (NQF Level 6): Specific Module Outcomes: After completion of this module, learners should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the managerial concepts and quantitative tools and techniques required in the design, operation and control of operation systems in the production of goods and/or services. Module Name: Biological Products IIIB: Agricultural biotechnology (NQF Level 5): Specific Module Outcomes: After completion of this module, learners should be able to: Demonstrate an understanding of how foods can be used to modify physiology. Recognize social, cultural and regulatory issues governing the nutraceutical industry. Module Name: Biotechnology IIIB: Tissue culture (NQF Level 6): Specific Module Outcomes: After completion of this module, learners should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the principles and practice of animal and plant cell and tissue culture. Module Name: Internship (NQF Level 6): Specific Module Outcomes: After completion of this module, learners should be able to develop the skills and attitudes to work within a biotechnology field.

Assessment Criteria

Associated Assessment Criteria for Generic Critical Cross-field Outcomes and Exit-Level Outcome 1:

  • Identify, describe, and explain core concepts and principles of the Biotechnology discipline.
  • Demonstrate relationships among core concepts and principles.
  • Identify the range and limits of applicability of core concepts and principles.
  • Apply core concepts and principles to standard problems.
  • Describe and explain changes in knowledge and understanding in the fields of Biomedicine.
  • Assessment within core modules of the Biotechnology Programme.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Generic Critical Cross-field Outcomes and Exit-Level Outcome 2:

  • Appraise limitations of basic techniques in Biotechnology.
  • Recognize the significance of contested scientific knowledge in a contemporary context.
  • Demonstrate understanding of how scientific information becomes generally accepted.
  • Identify naive and flawed scientific reasoning.
  • Discriminate between inductive and deductive reasoning.
  • Reflect on thinking and reasoning processes.
  • Demonstrate the capacity to judge understanding and problem-solving.
  • Formulate, analyze, and solve concrete and abstract problems in various contexts.
  • Apply knowledge of theory to real-world contexts.
  • Integrate knowledge from various disciplines in solving scientific problems.
  • Assessed through practical assignments, research papers, visual presentations, and formative assessment tasks.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Generic Critical Cross-field Outcomes and Exit-Level Outcome 3:

  • Provide evidence of successful and effective contributions in group work.
  • Communicate outcomes of scientific group work effectively and respectfully.
  • Apply organisational skills in managing group work.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Generic Critical Cross-field Outcomes and Exit-Level Outcome 4:

  • Demonstrate appropriate study skills.
  • Develop and use effective learning strategies.
  • Demonstrate effective time management.
  • Use scientific language correctly in written documents.
  • Present scientific information verbally.
  • Use appropriate referencing conventions.
  • Avoid plagiarism and respect intellectual property.
  • Use non-verbal forms of representation correctly.
  • Present visual presentations in various module assignments.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Generic Critical Cross-field Outcomes and Exit-Level Outcome 5:

  • Perform tasks related to basic computer literacy skills.
  • Critically assess the validity of ICT solutions for problems in the Informatics discipline.
  • Use appropriate ICT for computational applications, simulation applications, pattern recognition, automation and control, and managing large volumes of data.
  • Identify relevant scientific knowledge for current societal issues.
  • Critically evaluate public information related to current scientifically related issues.
  • Make ethically and culturally sensitive decisions on the effects of scientifically based activities on society.
  • Identify the socio-economic impact of scientific interventions.
  • Apply scientific knowledge for the benefit of others in schools or the community.

Year 1: Module Name: Science Skills (NQF Level 5):

  • Organize, graph, interpret, and make predictions based on data.
  • Design experiments demonstrating scientific problem-solving.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of laboratory safety.
  • Communicate effectively in a professional setting.
  • Understand ethical complexities of scientific research.
  • Develop study skills for success in a university environment.
  • Solve well-defined but unfamiliar problems using correct procedures.
  • Develop an understanding of necessary skills for chosen career.

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Qualification Details

National First Degree
NQF Level
Min. Credits
SAQA Source
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Eduvos, formerly known as Pearson Institute of Higher Education, is a private higher education institution in South Africa. It is part of the global education company Pearson, which is known for its educational products and services. Eduvos offers a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various fields such as business, humanities, law, and creative arts. The institution aims to provide quality education and equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in their chosen careers. Eduvos also emphasizes practical learning and industry-relevant curriculum to ensure graduates are prepared for the job market.

This page includes information from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) . Builtneat Pty Ltd trading as Study Start, has modified all or some of this information. SAQA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.