Durban University of Technology

Bachelor of Applied Arts Honours in Photography

Culture and Arts - Visual Arts

Purpose and Rationale


The purpose of the Bachelor of Applied Arts Honours in Photography is to develop versatile, critical, and adaptable emerging technological specializations in photography. Learners are encouraged to think beyond their specialization boundaries, identifying and solving problems in diverse contexts of practice. The qualification trains learners in multiple image production skills using evolving technology to become professional practitioners. Throughout the program, learners will explore research processes to critically evaluate photographic campaign options. The qualification aims to enhance learners' analytical and critical skills, as well as their ability to integrate modular content and processes. Learners will recognize photography's significant role in print and electronic media applications, exploring alternative technological expressions. Upon completion, graduates will be able to:

  1. Develop a highly individualized, conceptualized personal project with key aims, theory, objectives, and methodology leading to a coherent research proposal.
  2. Analyze social, cultural, and environmental influences that shape photography projects.
  3. Conduct independent research for employment or further studies.
  4. Reflect on photographic decisions made during projects to articulate photographic positioning.
  5. Create a portfolio of quality artifacts exhibited through various forms of media, making a positive impact locally and globally.


Photography is essential in fine art, fashion, advertising, and digital applications, playing a significant societal and cultural role. The qualification acknowledges photography's interconnection with various professions, requiring updated technology, innovation, and industry partnerships. There is a need for enhanced education and scholarly output due to digital advancements reshaping the industry. The qualification addresses these changes through progressive learner opportunities, leading to diverse employment prospects in photography specializations. Learners are exposed to emerging technologies locally and internationally, preparing them for self-employment, collaborations, or learnerships. Skilled photographers with traditional and digital proficiency are sought for print, electronic media, advertising, corporate, and architectural fields. Additionally, the program facilitates the development of conceptual criteria within various photographic genres, fostering community engagement projects and exploring Africanization in South African photography.


  1. Demonstrate the ability to evaluate and apply key photographic concepts, theories, principles, objectives, and methodology leading to a coherent research proposal in a highly individualised and well conceptualised personal project.
  2. Develop and analyse social, cultural, and environmental influences that inform the photography project.
  3. Execute an innovative photography project through a combination of theoretical concepts, contextual inquiry, and photographic experimentation.
  4. Reflect on photographic decisions during and after the implementation of a photographic research project to articulate photographic positioning.
  5. Work with complex ideas and apply contextual significant theories, research methods, data generation, and findings in the practical implementation of photography projects.

Assessment Criteria

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:

  • Analyse and apply photographic key terms, concepts, principles, rules, and theories of professional photography in different contexts, including different areas of specialisation.
  • Ascertain personal interest in a significant context of photographic application and identify key aims, theories, methods, and techniques in a research proposal.
  • Research, analyse, evaluate, and apply theories and movements of photography to various assignments.
  • Critically analyse/evaluate the relationship between research, experimental photography, and practical work using appropriate concepts and techniques relevant to a personal project.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:

  • Critically analyse the social cultural or environmental influences that contextualise photographic focus.
  • Reflect on decisions during and after the implementation of a photography research project to articulate photographic positioning.
  • Investigate, and critically analyse case studies and recommend solutions and reflect critically on own and fellow peers' work.
  • Evaluate philosophies and concepts through a wide range of critical theories in accordance with the research proposal.
  • Collect and analyse data from primary and secondary sources, and acquire knowledge through a critical, creative, and risk-taking approach.
  • Narrate theoretical originations and implement them into own study to articulate their own experiences as both researchers and photographers in relation to historical and contemporary issues.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:

  • Identify and assess the challenges and opportunities in South African Applied Photographic Techniques such as social justice, gender issues, sexual orientation, and disability.
  • Critique independently and collaboratively the interpretation of ideas and presentation of imagery.
  • Work independently using calculations and formulas for various aspects of the Applied Photographic Techniques modules.
  • Demonstrate an awareness of industry expectations whilst defending their projects during critiques.
  • Use a wide range of camera systems and related software to develop, integrate and extend research as a tool for individual photographic practice.
  • Execute an innovative photography project through a combination of theoretical concepts, contextual inquiry, and photographic experimentation.
  • Link contextual significance, theory, data generation and analysis, practical implementation, and reflection in the final report.
  • Select relevant theory to produce specific images and undertake research from primary and secondary sources.
  • Produce an applied photography project in a coherent and logically structured report.
  • Use in-text and reference list citations according to the Harvard method.
  • Acquire appropriate skill sets to solve visual problems and critically engage with the theories and practice of photography to demonstrate how research and experimentation have informed photographic practice.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:

  • Engage in self-study, independent and group research, reflective writing, and online discussions through deliberate pedagogic choices.
  • Reflect upon and evaluate current photography practices against new trends and forecasts in the industry and identify as well as take actions for professional growth within a lifelong learning approach.
  • Plan and execute own photography clearly using a personal Visual Diary.
  • Present the portfolio work in an exhibition format using presentation equipment, related software, and printed artefacts.
  • Show the relationship between research, experimental photography, and practical work using appropriate concepts and techniques relevant to personal projects.
  • Identify solutions to visual problems and critically engage with the theories and practice of contemporary photography.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:

  • Support the research project with an extensive literature review and rigorous analysis of data.
  • Critically evaluate the rationale of research methods selected to best address research aims.
  • Assess the rationale for the practical research project and narration of its implementation.
  • Uphold ethical behaviour associated with the photographic profession.
  • Assess final report### the subject area is relevant to current issues in the photographic industry.

The qualification will be assessed through a combination of formative and summative assessments. Formative assessments will be used to support the learner developmentally and to provide feedback on the teaching and learning process. This links the relationship between assessment, learning and teaching and ensures that assessments inform and strengthen both the teaching and learning process and the learner improves from their areas of difficulty. Formative assessments will comprise activities such as assignments, projects, group work, tutorials and tests, individual and group feedback sessions, peer reviews and peer assessments, and individual and group critiques. Summative assessments will be used to evaluate and measure the learner's learning, skills acquisition, and academic achievement. Summative assessments will typically comprise tests, examinations and/or projects and will be used to determine whether, and to what extent, learners have learned the material they have been taught and have attained the learning outcomes. The final deliverable that is submitted will be an integrated contextual research project that combines both theoretical (research report) and practical (exhibition) component.

Qualification Details

Honours Degree
NQF Level
Min. Credits
SAQA Source
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Durban University of Technology
Durban University of Technology
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Durban University of Technology (DUT) is a public university located in Durban, South Africa. It was established in 2002 through the merger of Technikon Natal and ML Sultan Technikon. DUT offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs across various disciplines including engineering, business, health sciences, arts and design, and applied sciences. The university is known for its focus on practical and career-oriented education, providing students with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in their chosen fields. DUT also has strong industry partnerships and collaborations, ensuring that its graduates are well-prepared for the job market.

This page includes information from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) . Builtneat Pty Ltd trading as Study Start, has modified all or some of this information. SAQA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.