Damelin College

Bachelor of Public Management

Business, Commerce and Management Studies - Public Administration

Purpose and Rationale

Bachelor of Public Management


The purpose of the Bachelor of Public Management is to provide learners with a sound knowledge of the public sector environment and to develop the skills, competencies, and attitudes necessary to implement the essential elements of public management, including general and specific frameworks and systems, in all spheres of government. The qualification aims to equip learners to perform their roles effectively, enhance their capabilities, and have a thorough understanding of government, the environment in which it operates, and how it is managed.

Upon completion of the qualification, learners will be able to:

  • Understand the socio-political environment of government operations
  • Identify and address the challenges that government needs to overcome
  • Critically analyze precepts and principles of public administration, public finance, financial management, planning, governance, and ethics
  • Apply the precepts and principles in the context of South Africa
  • Acquire knowledge of the functions of all government spheres, institutions, and necessary frameworks
  • Apply the knowledge acquired in practical situations
  • Participate effectively in government to address societal needs
  • Navigate challenges in the politico-administrative interface

This qualification aims to immerse learners in the public sector environment, providing a comprehensive understanding of context, legislative frameworks, and practical applications.


The Bachelor of Public Management aims to enable learners working or intending to work in the public sector to develop advanced skills and competencies that promote intellectual growth, career advancement, and contribute meaningfully to society through public service. The qualification aligns with the democratic values and principles enshrined in South Africa's Constitution, emphasizing professional ethics, efficiency, impartiality, transparency, and accountability in public administration.

In line with the National Development Plan (NDP) and the Public Service Commission (PSC) reports, the qualification supports building a capable state by addressing skills deficits, promoting professionalism, and enhancing the quality of service delivery in government institutions. It aims to make the public service and local government attractive career choices, essential for building a skilled and professional public service as envisioned by the NDP.

Benefits of the qualification include empowering learners to perform their roles effectively, addressing skills gaps in the public sector, promoting effective service delivery, and contributing to economic progress through good governance practices. The qualification targets individuals aspiring to public sector careers, including first-time employees, career changers, current public sector employees seeking advancement, and those interested in pursuing academic careers in public administration.

In summary, the Bachelor of Public Management is designed to develop the necessary skills and knowledge for individuals to understand and function effectively in the public sector, contributing to the building of a capable state, enhancing service delivery, and promoting good governance in the public sector.


  1. Explore the nature of politics and evaluate the essential features of political ideologies.
  2. Identify, analyse, formulate and debate the political, social, economic, technological and financial needs of the public sector.
  3. Assess and analyse policy challenges facing the government in all public sector environments.
  4. Analyse the history and role of the Constitution and assess the application of the South African Constitution in the public sector.
  5. Critically examine structures of government and their role in the South African Context.
  6. Analyse and evaluate the role of three spheres of government and explore how they cooperate.
  7. Evaluate and apply core management principles, concepts, theories and competencies in the public and development sector context.
  8. Apply the Public Management related knowledge and practical skills to address theoretical and practical management problems.
  9. Critical reflection on, and understanding and application of, appropriate methods or practices to resolve complex socially and economically related problems and thereby introduce change within a related practice.
  10. Interpret the South African legislation as it applies to the work environment particularly the legal compliance and the ethical concerns and its importance in the public sector environment.
  11. Analyse the importance of, and techniques employed in communications with various stakeholders.
  12. Evaluate and apply the principles of administrative law and the importance of the proper application thereof.
  13. Explore the structures, administrative systems, and functions of local government in the Constitutional context,
  14. Critically reflect on the role, development, and framework of South Africa's public finance management system.
  15. Assess the management of public finances and examine the relevant legislation.
  16. Evaluate the formulation of policy in government, its importance and application of public policy.
  17. Examine critically the concept of good governance, and its role in service delivery.
  18. Analyse the types, purpose and functions of the local spheres of government, including the accountability and responsibilities of public and municipal entities.

Assessment Criteria

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:

  • Explain the concept of politics.
  • Explore the concepts and roles of the state and government.
  • Analyse the important political ideologies.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:

  • Explain South Africa's historical, economic and social context.
  • Describe South Africa's political development and its political context.
  • Explain the concept of the developmental state and its relevance to South Africa.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:

  • Discuss and analyse a selection of policy issues about poverty, unemployment, housing, basic services, and education.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:

  • Discuss the foundation of the South African state.
  • Explain the concept of constitutional democracy.
  • Analyse the Bill of Rights.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:

  • Discuss and explain the concepts of unitary, federal and decentralised states, and the application of these concepts to South Africa.
  • Discuss and analyse the spheres of government in South Africa, and their institutions and functions.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6:

  • Explain and analyse the branches of government in South Africa and their functions.
  • Discuss and explain other important institutions of government (including Chapter 9 Institutions) and their roles.
  • Discuss the concept of intergovernmental cooperation.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 7:

  • Understand the concept of public management as a discipline.
  • Discuss the development of public management as a discipline.
  • Analyse themes and theories of public management, and demonstrate the application in practice.
  • Discuss and analyse the process of public sector reform in South Africa.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 8:

  • Explain organisational theory.
  • Analyse selected elements of the Public Service Act and the Public Service Regulations.
  • Explain the external environment of public administration.
  • Describe the public sector workplace.
  • Discuss public sector office management.
  • Analyse the principles and application of human resource management in the public sector.
  • Explain the concept, purpose, and application of individual performance management.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 9:

  • Explain the politico-administrative interface.
  • Discuss the purpose of planning and strategy in the public sector, analyse and explain planning instruments.
  • Discuss and apply the concept of institutional performance management.
  • Discuss the principles and purpose of monitoring and evaluation.
  • Discuss, analyse and apply the approach to service delivery and its mechanisms.
  • Discuss the use of technology in public management.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 10:

  • Discuss the concept of ethics and its application in the public sector.
  • Interpret and analyse the various codes of conduct applicable to the public sector.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 11:

  • Describe the various audiences - politicians, colleagues, citizens, business.
  • Explain the importance of oral communication.
  • Demonstrate the writing of reports and other documents.
  • Demonstrate preparation and techniques of presentations.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 12:

  • Explain the place of administrative law in the general legal framework.
  • Demonstrate basic principles of administrative law.
  • Analyse various statutory enactments specific to public administration.
  • Analyse various statutory enactments which have a bearing on public administration.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 13:

  • Analyse local government's place within the broader constitutional framework.
  • Explain the functions of local government.
  • Analyse the legislative framework for local government.
  • Explain local government structures and their functions.
  • Analyse Local government management systems.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 14:

  • Describe the public finance management reform process.
  • Analyse constitutional provisions relating to public finance.
  • Analyse key aspects of legislation relating to financial management in the national and provincial spheres (the Public Finance Management Act).
  • Analyse key aspects of legislation relating to financial management in the local sphere (the Municipal Finance Management Act).

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 15:

  • Examine sources of public funding.
  • Explain the concept of intergovernmental financing.
  • Explain the objectives and classification of public expenditure.
  • Analyse and explain the public budgeting process.
  • Explore and analyse the supply chain management framework.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 16:

  • Explain the role of policy.
  • Explain the policy-making process.
  • Describe policy models.
  • Explain policy application and management.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 17:

  • Explain the theory, paradigms, and concept of governance.
  • Demonstrate the application of good governance principles to promote effective government.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 18:

  • Discuss the concepts of disaggregation and corporatisation in the public sector.
  • Analyse the purposes of public entities.
  • Explain the types of public entities (including SOEs).
  • Explain the management of public entities.
  • Explain the purpose and types of municipal entities.

Qualification Details

National First Degree
NQF Level
Min. Credits
SAQA Source
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Damelin College
Damelin College is a private higher education institution in South Africa. It offers a wide range of courses and qualifications in various fields, including business management, marketing, finance, information technology, engineering, hospitality, and creative arts. The college has campuses located in major cities across the country, providing students with convenient access to quality education. Damelin College aims to provide practical and industry-relevant training to prepare students for successful careers in their chosen fields. It also offers flexible study options, including full-time, part-time, and online learning, to cater to the diverse needs of its students.

This page includes information from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) . Builtneat Pty Ltd trading as Study Start, has modified all or some of this information. SAQA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.