Business, Commerce and Management Studies - Human Resources
The purpose of the Bachelor of Human Resource Development Honours qualification is to provide Human Resource Development (HRD) professionals with high levels of theoretical engagement and intellectual independence by developing integrated and applied knowledge of, and a critical disposition regarding HRD theories and conceptual frameworks, national and international HRD systems, global emerging and best HRD practices as well as the link between HRD and adult learning. Furthermore, the qualification will develop research-capacity in methodology and techniques of the HRD discipline and learners will be introduced to scientific methods of enquiry that could be effectively applied during post-graduate research in HRD. This qualification would enable HRD professionals to effectively engage in current HRD discourse, to conduct independent HRD Postgraduate research) and to achieve some critical distance from conventional (including own) HRD practices and HRD systems. The learners will be able to consolidate and deepen their expertise by critically evaluating their own, organisational, national and international HRD practices and systems, to select, recommend, apply and implement applicable, creative and effective evidence-based, theory-driven and practice-related HRD solutions and strategies to HRD problems within a variety of HRD contexts, thereby also contributing to the advancement of HRD as an academic discipline/science and applied field of professional practice.
This qualification is designed to bring higher education, specifically Postgraduate studies, within the reach of already employed HRD practitioners who had already completed the undergraduate Bachelor of Human Resource Development, but who cannot attend classes on a full-time basis due to work commitments. This qualification is both internally and externally responsive. The qualification is designed to provide Postgraduate learners with access to cutting-edge developments in HRD and to develop their research competency, within a framework which respects socio-cultural diversity and encourage self-directedness and lifelong learning for them to contribute to their work, life in the twenty-first century and to serve the people of this country. HRD entails the integrated use of training and development, organisation development, and career development to improve individual, group and organisational effectiveness. HRD is a key national priority (HRD Strategy of South Africa (SA, 2009), driven and supported extensively by government policies and legislation, including the National Skills Development Strategies (DHET, 2011), the National Skills Development Plan 2030 (DHET, 2017) and the HRD Strategy of South Africa 2010 - 2030 (SA, 2009) with the view to improve individual and organisational effectiveness and productivity, thereby addressing national skills shortages and unemployment. The qualification will fulfil a niche in the market for an Honours Degree in HRD. The qualification will also prepare graduates for further study at Master's level in the field of HRD to address the national HRD research needs. Qualifying learners will be able to operate as HRD professionals in a senior/management capacity such as HRD executives, training providers, senior training programme designers and evaluators, senior quality assurers/senior quality managers of training programmes, employed within all industries where HRD is applied. Applicable industries, for example, may include small, medium, and large enterprises, the Sectoral Education Training Authorities (SETAs), the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO), public and government institutions, and private and non-governmental organisations (NGOs), amongst other. Further education and training of HRD professionals with advanced knowledge and critical understanding of HRD are essential to fulfil a leading role in the application and implementation of advanced HRD solutions in different contexts and to effectively address national HRD needs. Qualifying learners will be able to effectively address identified HRD gaps to the benefit of organisations, businesses and working individuals and ultimately society, as well.
This page includes information from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) . Builtneat Pty Ltd trading as Study Start, has modified all or some of this information. SAQA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.