Education, Training and Development - Higher Education and Training
The purpose of the Bachelor of Education Honours in Language Education is to prepare the learner for in-depth, research-based Postgraduate studies in language education by developing, consolidating, and deepening his/her knowledge of the chosen field, as well as his/her research capacity in the methodologies and techniques in the attendant field of specialization. A significant portion of this will be demonstrated through a high level of theoretical engagement with the relevant and most recent literature, and successful completion of a research report based on an intellectually independent and largely self-directed investigation of a chosen topic of interest.
Qualifying learners will be able to:
English and isiZulu Language Education are offered in many of the undergraduate qualifications in the B.Ed. qualification. Currently, there is no honours qualification in language education. Hence, learners who specialize in language education cannot pursue Postgraduate Degrees in the aforementioned field. This was the impetus for the creation of a new qualification entitled Honours in Language Education - BEd Hons (Language Education).
The qualification includes core modules in language with specialization in English Language Education or isiZulu Language Education. The BEd Hons (Language Education) will provide professional educators and leaders at a Postgraduate level with a clear understanding of theories and theoretical frameworks; content and methodology which underwrite current language education systems and practice. This qualification will deepen the expertise of educators; broaden the leadership base in the field of language education, training and development for the following cohort of learners:
The Bed Hons (Language Education) is a Postgraduate qualification intended to accredit advanced and specialized academic, professional, and occupational study of aspects of language education. It includes an introduction to independent research and prepares learners for further post-graduate studies.
Given the different levels of preparation offered to educators, it could therefore serve as a conduit between pre-service professional education and advanced studies at the Master's level and beyond. Consequently, a primary function of this qualification is to ensure that educators have the competence required for independent research at higher levels. It provides a substantive benefit to society in developing educators into researchers. As researchers, these educators can make a difference in the realms of producing research that can impact on the current education offerings in language education; share their knowledge with colleagues to improve educational content and methodology in the language classroom.
This page includes information from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) . Builtneat Pty Ltd trading as Study Start, has modified all or some of this information. SAQA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.