Cape Peninsula University of Technology

Advanced Diploma in Sport and Leisure Management

Culture and Arts - Sport

Purpose and Rationale

Advanced Diploma in Sport and Leisure Management


The Advanced Diploma in Sport and Leisure Management aims to deepen learners' understanding of managing sport and leisure organizations, events, facilities, individuals, and teams in various contexts. It equips learners with modern management skills and knowledge to navigate the ever-changing environment in the sports and leisure industry. Key focus areas include national legislation, leadership, technology for digital marketing, social and cultural issues, promoting wellness, and conducting research projects to address industry challenges. The qualification strives to produce ethical, socially responsible sport and leisure managers with effective teamwork and communication skills.


The qualification addresses the gap in post-diploma level studies specifically focused on sport and leisure management. With the growing professionalization of the sports industry globally, there is a need for managers with business acumen and industry-specific knowledge, especially in emerging economies like South Africa. The alignment of qualifications with the Higher Education Qualifications Sub-Framework (HEQSF) presents an opportunity to update and broaden the scope of the existing qualification to include the leisure industry.

The Advanced Diploma aligns with the strategic goals of the World Leisure Organisation, emphasizing the link between sport and leisure to sustainable development goals and advancing research and scholarship. It also meets the requirements set by governmental departments, local institutions, and industry bodies in the sport and leisure sector. The qualification aims to enhance employability, support entrepreneurship, and equip learners for managerial positions in the industry.

By addressing the need for skilled professionals in the sport and leisure sector, the qualification contributes to economic development, youth employment, and promotes physical activity and mass participation. It aligns with the mission of Sport and Recreation South Africa to provide equitable access and excellence in sport and recreation, ultimately contributing to a better quality of life for all South Africans.


  • UN Sustainable Development Goals (2016)
  • National Development Plan (2012)
  • Sport and Recreation South Africa (SRSA) Mission (2012)


  1. Apply selected strategic business management principles of particular relevance to the Western Cape and South African contexts, for the management of sport and leisure organisations, events, athletes or facilities.
  2. Apply advanced marketing and branding principles to the sustainable management of sport and leisure events, athletes and facilities.
  3. Select and apply a range of methods of enquiry to resolve identified problems in the sport and leisure industry or to introduce change within a sport and leisure organisation.
  4. Demonstrate ethical, environmental and socially responsible leadership and management practice in a sport and leisure environment.
  5. Identify, explain and apply the principles of exercise physiology and technology that informs sport and leisure or human performance in general and use appropriate technology to assess performance.
  6. Present or communicate information in written, visual, electronic and verbal forms, including the use of IT and software packages, appropriate to the sport and leisure industry.

Assessment Criteria

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:

  • Demonstrate sound project management skills in the development of a sport and leisure project plan.
  • Assess local or global case studies of the management practices of sport and leisure facilities, events, and athletes, demonstrating awareness of best practice relating to managing in a changing environment.
  • Design strategic business goals and objectives for a sport and leisure organisation in the Province.
  • Interpret and discuss financial statements for a sport and leisure organisation.
  • Review selected global and government policies (such as the United Nations Sustainability Goals, SRSA's White Paper and Transformation Charter, the National Development Plan for South Africa, and the City's Strategic Goals) and infer implementation strategies to achieve these objectives.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:

  • Design marketing materials that reflect the brand identity and values of a sport and leisure organisation, event, team, or facility.
  • Develop a new media and social media plan to promote a sport and leisure organisation, event, team, or facility.
  • Assess the branding practices of sport and leisure organisations and suggest improvements based on contemporary best practice and social responsibility.
  • Design marketing plan elements for sports events that consider the principles of sustainable development and government priorities.
  • Assess a range of sport event impacts and legacies in the context.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:

  • Review an academic journal paper in sport and leisure research, identify and assess the key research methodology principles and activities used.
  • Design a research project/proposal to solve an applied sport and leisure industry problem, using appropriate methods and based on sound ethical considerations.
  • Perform appropriate data analysis techniques for qualitative and quantitative findings.
  • Interpret and communicate the research results coherently and scientifically to selected audiences, in verbal, written and/or visual form.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:

  • Apply social and environmental sustainability principles in the design of sport and leisure events and activities.
  • Plan, design and execute a sport or leisure development program for a designated social group, e.g. youth, women, elderly, or disabled.
  • Assess the impact and social/environmental sustainability of sport and leisure organisations or programs in South Africa through case study analysis.
  • Adapt an existing activity, product, or service to cater to the needs of a designated social group.
  • Submit a portfolio of evidence that demonstrates ethical leadership and social responsibility through community engagement in a sport or leisure context.
  • Work effectively in collaboration with staff, learners, and the local sport and leisure community, through group projects and activities.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:

  • Prescribe a fitness-training programme for an individual or team based on an understanding of human anatomy and exercise physiology.
  • Create a modified training programme for a special population group, e.g. youth, women, elderly, or disabled.
  • Use technology to perform various fitness and physiological tests required to assess sport or leisure performance.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6:

  • Prepare professional presentations, technical reports, proposals, strategic plans, and portfolios of evidence using industry-relevant software packages, across a range of sport and leisure-based subjects and for a variety of potential industry audiences.
  • Use an online learner management platform to facilitate blended-learning elements such as group communications, self-study, and the submission of assignments.

Integrated Assessment:

Integrated assessment forms part of continuous assessment at the institution and takes the form of an appropriate mix of both formative and summative assessment methods. Formative assessment strategies within the qualification are designed to promote learning and to diagnose teaching methodologies in preparation for integrated assessments that measure attainment of knowledge and skills in a manner appropriate to the aims and outcomes of each unit of study. A variety of assessment methods are used to enable learners to demonstrate their progress. Formative assessment is aimed at enhancing learner learning and provides learners with an opportunity to reflect critically on their learning and to improve their levels of personal accountability and time management. The formative assessment consists of a variety of assessment tasks relevant to the field of study and depending on the specific requirements of that particular subject. This normally includes a combination of the following: Classroom-based activities and tasks, assignments, projects (individual and group), essays, reports, and case studies, practical planning and executing of events and leisure programs, experiential learning project reports, integrated portfolios of evidence, online assessments, self-study assessments, tutorials, moderated discussions/forums (including online), practical/laboratory work. Summative integrated assessments will take place at the end of a section of work/quarter or semester and is aimed at assessing learners' attainment against the learning outcomes of the qualification and subject(s). Summative assessments are internally and externally moderated based on institutional policy and requirements. Summative assessments usually consist of a variety of formal assessment tasks relevant to the field of study, including written tests, reports, and examination. This qualification consists of written assessments in the form of written class tests and examinations conducted during and at the end of the academic semester/year. Integrated assessment often cuts across several subjects/modules of qualification and is aimed at the holistic development of learners and contributes to learners' personal and professional development in the field of study in terms of foundational, practical and reflexive competence. Integrated assessments in this qualification will take place through research projects conducted across different subject fields and in community engagement projects that make use of the different knowledge and skills from different subject areas.

Qualification Details

Advanced Diploma
NQF Level
Min. Credits
SAQA Source
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Cape Peninsula University of Technology
Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) is a public university located in Cape Town, South Africa. It was established in 2005 through the merger of three separate institutions. CPUT offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various fields including engineering, business, health sciences, applied sciences, and design and informatics. The university is known for its focus on applied research and innovation, and it has strong partnerships with industry and community organizations. CPUT is committed to providing quality education and preparing students for successful careers in their chosen fields.

This page includes information from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) . Builtneat Pty Ltd trading as Study Start, has modified all or some of this information. SAQA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.