University of Johannesburg

Advanced Certificate in Medical Rescue

Health Sciences and Social Services - Rehabilitative Health/Services

Purpose and Rationale

Advanced Certificate in Medical Rescue


The purpose of the Advanced Certificate in Medical Rescue is to develop a learner to be competent in the knowledge, attitudes, insights, and skills required for the emergency care profession. The qualification will enable the learner to competently apply an integration of theoretical principles, proven techniques, practical experience, appropriate management, and analytical skills to provide medical rescue services to all sectors of the community.


This qualification will produce Rescue Technicians who can function on an incident management and technical operations level within the emergency medical care and rescue environments. It will develop cognitive, technological capabilities, and skills necessary for the management of urban, rural, and wilderness rescue incidents. Learners will practice primarily within the South African Emergency Services and Para Military environments. The aim is to promote an understanding of the multi-disciplinary approach to effective, efficient patient care with the patients' needs being central to the rescue operation. The qualification enables the learner to pursue further personal and professional development, and to promote lifelong learning. Demand for the qualification comes from staff within the emergency medical and allied services. Learners will be registered practicing emergency care providers. The qualifying learner will be empowered to participate in technical rescue operations and serve the community in times of need. Upon completion of the qualification, the learner can register with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as a Medical Rescue Technician.


  1. Demonstrate effective teamwork, leadership, and communication and application of the principles of incident management, command and control, medical ethics, professional behaviour and the legal framework to the context within which medical rescue technician operates while maintaining personal health, physical fitness and safety.
  2. Manage and conduct high angle rescue operations in both structural and wilderness environments.
  3. Utilise and apply appropriate incident command, control and management principles, technologies and techniques to access, stabilise, package and remove patients involved in motor vehicle accidents and or machinery entrapment.
  4. Manage and conduct search and rescue activities associated with structural fire and or low visibility environments.
  5. Participate in search and rescue activities utilising rotor-winged aircraft.
  6. Manage and conduct wilderness search and rescue operations.
  7. Utilise and apply appropriate management principles, technologies and techniques to rescue patients from rivers, dams and lakes.
  8. Manage and conduct urban search and rescue activities within the confined space, trench rescue, structural collapse and hazardous material environments.

Assessment Criteria

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1

  • Communicate effectively with patients, colleagues, and other services using appropriate modalities, including electronic media, with consistent use of professional terminology.
  • Promote human dignity and sensitivity to diversity in all interactions, applying ethical principles of beneficence, autonomy, justice, truth-telling, promise-keeping, and confidentiality.
  • Ensure adherence to the codes of ethics of the HPCSA and professional associations.
  • Highlight the importance of mental health and wellness for emergency care providers, emphasizing their impact on job effectiveness.
  • Demonstrate methods for achieving and maintaining operational fitness through lifestyle, diet, and exercise techniques, understanding their impact on job performance.
  • Apply methods for personal safety through risk assessment, scene evaluation, decision-making, and action-taking.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2

  • Manage injuries unique to high angle rescue environments within the learner's scope of practice.
  • Define roles and responsibilities of high angle technicians and team members.
  • Address safety and rescuer fatigue in high angle environments.
  • Describe high angle rescue equipment types, functions, usage, and maintenance.
  • Utilize high angle rescue equipment effectively, constructing labeled diagrams of anchor points and rigging them safely.
  • Secure and package patients during high angle rescue operations.
  • Select appropriate gear for high angle rescue scenarios.
  • Discuss stretcher characteristics and mechanical advantage systems.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3

  • Safely and effectively manage injuries unique to vehicle and machinery entrapment rescue environments.
  • Identify and utilize support services correctly, including appropriate attire for light motor vehicle rescue.
  • Understand scene safety principles and demonstrate effective use of stabilization equipment and tools.
  • Maintain and utilize motor vehicle rescue tools effectively.
  • Demonstrate scene stabilization and patient management in practical scenarios.
  • Address machinery entrapment principles and demonstrate correct patient access, disentanglement, packaging, and removal.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4

  • Analyze and operationalize plans for structural fire and low visibility environments.
  • Select and use firefighting equipment effectively, discussing elements of combustion and fire behavior.
  • Classify combustible materials and discuss extinguishing methods.
  • Address the dangers of fire search and rescue comprehensively.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5

  • Address aircraft accidents, dangers posed, and key components of winged rotor aircraft.
  • Explain lift generation by an aerofoil and discuss flight controls.
  • Identify crew roles, landing site requirements, and communication methods.
  • Demonstrate safe approaches, embarkation, disembarkation, and communication with aircraft crew.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6

  • Identify and discuss dangers in wilderness search and rescue activities.
  • Interpret topographical maps effectively for route planning and decision-making.
  • Demonstrate accurate navigation, survival requirements, good campsite characteristics, and search management principles.
  • Apply search management principles effectively in scenarios, showcasing teamwork and leadership skills.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 7

  • Analyze, synthesize, and operationalize plans for aquatic rescue incidents.
  • Demonstrate swimming abilities and rescue techniques effectively.
  • Address common causes of drowning, dangers in river rescue, and low head dam risks.
  • Utilize high lines and zip lines for patient rescue in water scenarios.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 8

  • Analyze and plan for urban search and rescue incidents, including hazardous materials environments.
  • Classify and discuss hazards of ventilation strategies, confined spaces, trench accidents, and structural collapse incidents.
  • Demonstrate equipment use and procedures for confined space and trench rescues, as well as structural collapse incidents.

Integrated Assessment

  • Assessment methods include written and oral exams, projects, case studies, portfolios, logbooks, clinical reports, reflective practice journals, and simulated scenarios.
  • Assessment practices are fair, transparent, and aligned with institution policies on assessment and moderation.

Formative Assessment

  • Continuous assessment of smaller sections of work, focusing on learning integration and practical skills evaluation.

Summative Assessment

  • Evaluate learners' abilities to manage knowledge and skills, integrating theory and practical assessments in the area of medical rescue.

Qualification Details

Advanced Certificate
NQF Level
Min. Credits
SAQA Source
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University of Johannesburg
University of Johannesburg
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The University of Johannesburg (UJ) is a public university located in Johannesburg, South Africa. It was established in 2005 through the merger of the Rand Afrikaans University, Technikon Witwatersrand, and the Soweto and East Rand campuses of Vista University. UJ is one of the largest universities in South Africa, with over 50,000 students enrolled across its four campuses. The university offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various fields, including arts, humanities, sciences, engineering, business, and health sciences. UJ is known for its commitment to providing quality education, promoting social justice, and fostering innovation and entrepreneurship.

This page includes information from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) . Builtneat Pty Ltd trading as Study Start, has modified all or some of this information. SAQA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.