Walter Sisulu University

Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences

Physical, Mathematical, Computer and Life Sciences - Life Sciences

Purpose and Rationale

Qualification Title: Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences


The purpose of this qualification is to provide biological science learners with the following:

  1. Comprehensive understanding of key disciplines such as anatomy and physiology of plants and animals, ecology, microbiology, conservation biology, biochemistry, and more.
  2. Expansion of knowledge in cell and molecular biology, genetics, plant and animal development, evolutionary biology, behavioral ecology, and homeostasis.
  3. Development of practical skills needed in the study of life, including dissection, cataloguing organisms, scientific knowledge creation, assessment, and evaluation of biological science information.
  4. Acquisition of critical cross-cutting skills like problem-solving, written and spoken communication, computer literacy, and research methods application.
  5. Attainment of sufficient depth of knowledge, values, and ethics for personal, academic, and professional growth to serve society with integrity.


  • Biology's impact on various global issues necessitates knowledge of fundamental biological processes for future advancements.
  • The Eastern Cape Province's biodiversity requires sustainable management to improve socio-economic status, leading to the need for this qualification.
  • The program aims to develop a foundation in plant and animal biology to contribute to natural resource management sustainably.
  • Targets learners from under-resourced rural communities, providing work experience and opportunities for advancement in related fields.
  • Offers a multidisciplinary approach making graduates marketable for various roles such as conservation biologists, ethnobotanists, academics, and more.
  • Prepares learners for BSc Honours in fields like Botany or Zoology, empowering them for strategic positions in consultancies, research institutions, and industries.

The qualification aims to instill values and attitudes that appreciate and contribute towards sustainable use of the rich biodiversity of the Eastern Cape and South Africa.


  1. Demonstrate an understanding of fundamental concepts and principles used in biological sciences.
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of the structures making up the plant and animal body and how these structures individually and in cooperation work together to perform their functions.
  3. Demonstrate basic knowledge of the cell structure and its organelles and how these structures individually and in cooperation, work together to perform their functions.
  4. Provide an overview of Mendelian Genetics.
  5. Demonstrate understanding of the basic principles of plant and animal development.
  6. Provide an outline of the major components of the micro-organisms, plant and animal kingdoms and related groups.
  7. Apply scientific knowledge and ways of thinking to tackle societal issues, taking into account ethical and societal considerations.
  8. Explain the physiological processes that regulate body functions and the regulation of an organ system from the molecular to the whole animal level.
  9. Demonstrate practical knowledge of physiological techniques and carry out physiological studies in the laboratory.
  10. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of animal behaviour.
  11. Explain the proximate control of behaviour, including the role of hormones and the animal's environment in the development of behaviour.
  12. Apply appropriate data collection techniques for the study of animal behaviour, and explain the study of animal behaviour from an evolutionary standpoint.
  13. Demonstrate a broad understanding of environmental law.
  14. Apply legislation in environmental protection programmes.
  15. Use information-gathering tools effectively.
  16. Communicate scientific knowledge effectively in writing, orally and using visual, symbolic and other forms of representation.
  17. Apply scientific knowledge and critical thinking skills to tackle societal issues, taking into account ethical and cultural considerations.
  18. Work effectively as a member of a team or group while carrying out scientific projects or laboratory experiments.
  19. Manage and organise one's learning activities responsibly.

Assessment Criteria

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:

  • Define and apply key terms, concepts, principles and theories used in biological sciences in relevant contexts.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:

  • Describe the structure of the plant and animal body together with their modifications and explain how they function.
  • Provide a comparative analysis of the anatomy and physiology of plants and animals.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:

  • Draw the structure of the cell and its constituents and explain how these communicate with the outside environment.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:

  • Describe the principles and patterns of inheritance.
  • Distinguish between monohybrid and dihybrid crosses.
  • List the common genetic disorders.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:

  • Describe the process of gamete formation and development in plants and animals.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6:

  • Describe the three-domain system of classification, particularly the evolutionary relationships among micro-organisms, plants and animals.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 7:

  • Explain interactions at individual, population, community and ecosystem level.
  • Identify threats to biodiversity and take appropriate interventions.
  • Appreciate the value of ecosystem benefits or services to various life forms.
  • Utilise and manage natural resources in a sustainable manner.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 8:

  • Describe the anatomy of different physiological systems and their specific functions.
  • Explain how changes in one system may impact a different system.
  • Apply knowledge of a physiological mechanism to explain how a whole animal physiological process occurs.
  • Describe interactions among different organ systems (homeostasis).

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 9:

  • Critically interpret physiological data and phenomena.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 10:

  • Assess the core concepts and theories used in animal behaviour critically.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 11:

  • Explain the adaptive significance of behaviour, with special emphasis on animal communication, social behaviour, territoriality, sexual selection and mating systems.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 12:

  • Undertake behavioural surveys, collect and analyse behavioural data.
  • Interpret and present findings in the format of a scientific research paper.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 13:

  • Define and explain key environmental law terms as they relate to biological sciences.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 14:

  • Explain the rules and laws that govern the sustainable use of natural resources.
  • Apply knowledge of environmental legislation and policy to make ethical decisions in relevant contexts.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 15:

  • Assess, evaluate and synthesise biological information from a variety of sources including Information and Communications Technology (ICT).

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 16:

  • Compile and present clear, coherent laboratory reports and documents both orally and in writing according to acceptable standards.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 17:

  • Evaluate biological science knowledge that is relevant to current societal issues critically.
  • Handle culturally sensitive biological issues in an ethically sensitive and sound manner.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 18:

  • Provide evidence of successful and effective contribution to group work.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 19:

  • Demonstrate appropriate study skills (e.g. learning from text, note-taking, summarising, analysis and synthesis).
  • Develop and use effective learning strategies in relevant contexts.
  • Manage time effectively, e.g. by completing tasks and submitting them within stipulated timeframes.

Integrated Assessment:

  • The qualification uses formative and summative assessment.
  • Formative assessments include assignments, practical reports, presentations and theory tests.
  • Summative assessment judges the learning in relation to the Exit Level Outcomes of the qualification.
  • The final mark is obtained from the continuous assessment and the summative assessment into the ratio of 3:2.

Qualification Details

National First Degree
NQF Level
Min. Credits
SAQA Source
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Walter Sisulu University
Walter Sisulu University
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Walter Sisulu University (WSU) is a comprehensive university located in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. It was established in 2005 through the merger of three institutions: the University of Transkei, the Eastern Cape Technikon, and the Border Technikon. WSU offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs across various disciplines, including arts and humanities, business and management sciences, education, health sciences, natural sciences, and engineering. The university is committed to providing quality education and promoting social justice, equity, and sustainable development. WSU has multiple campuses spread across different regions of the Eastern Cape, including Mthatha, Butterworth, Buffalo City (East London), and Queenstown. Each campus offers a unique learning environment and facilities to cater to the diverse needs of students. The university is named after Walter Sisulu, a prominent anti-apartheid activist and leader of the African National Congress (ANC). It aims to honor his legacy by fostering a culture of activism, social responsibility, and community engagement among its students and staff. Overall, Walter Sisulu University strives to be a leading institution of higher learning in South Africa, providing accessible and relevant education to empower individuals and contribute to the development of the Eastern Cape region and the country as a whole.

This page includes information from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) . Builtneat Pty Ltd trading as Study Start, has modified all or some of this information. SAQA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.