Tshwane University of Technology

Advanced Diploma in Analytical Chemistry

Physical, Mathematical, Computer and Life Sciences - Physical Sciences

Purpose and Rationale

Advanced Diploma in Analytical Chemistry


The purpose of the Advanced Diploma in Analytical Chemistry is to provide learners with further knowledge, skills, and competencies in the field of Analytical Chemistry. The modules Atomic and Molecular spectroscopy, Chromatography, Electro-analytical techniques, and Synthetic Chemistry will equip the learner as an Analytical Chemistry Technologist, enabling them to apply qualitative and quantitative chemical principles of analysis using sophisticated methods and current technologies to propose and design innovative solutions to problems.

Learners will be equipped with skills, values, and attitudes allowing them to function independently and as part of a team in various chemical environments as chemists and technologists. The Analytical Chemistry Practice and Sampling and sample preparation modules will provide learners with research skills to be part of research and development teams, contributing innovatively towards economic and social transformation.


The current trend in product development and value addition to raw materials and products has led to a growing demand for properly trained and qualified analytical chemists and technologists. This qualification addresses this need by equipping learners with skills in the field. Role players in the chemical sector have also indicated the need for this qualification through consultation at advisory board meetings.

The Advanced Diploma in Analytical Chemistry is designed to fulfill the current need for knowledge enhancement for qualified Analytical Chemistry technologists in South Africa. It aligns with the Higher Education Qualifications Sub-Framework (HEQSF) and aims to provide deeper knowledge in the field of Analytical Chemistry for professional skill improvement.

The qualification allows learners who have completed a National Diploma or a Diploma in Analytical Chemistry to continue their professional development by enrolling in this Advanced Diploma. It partially substitutes aspects of the current B Tech Degree, which will be phased out, making it imperative and sustainable for the market.

Comparability with qualifications at other national and international tertiary institutions ensures that learners can articulate with other institutions globally. The qualification promotes self-discipline to keep up with developments in the field of analytical chemistry and enables articulation with qualifications on various levels within the HEQSF. Learners can articulate vertically to a Postgraduate Diploma in Analytical Chemistry or diagonally to a BSc (Honours) Degree in Chemistry. Horizontal articulation to other Advanced Diplomas for career change, such as an Advanced Diploma in Quality Control, is also possible.


  1. Demonstrate integrated knowledge of the central areas of analytical chemistry such as chromatography, spectroscopy and electro-chemistry, including an understanding of and apply and evaluate the key concepts, principles and theories of these fields and practices### and knowledge of how they relate to other fields of Science.
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of a range of methods and procedures of chemical analysis, and their suitability to specific investigations and an ability to select and apply a suitable method to resolve problems.
  3. Access, process, manage, produce and communicate information, in respect of which a learner is able to demonstrate an ability to develop appropriate processes of information gathering in Analytical chemistry### and an ability to validate the sources of information and evaluate, manage and communicate the information, using appropriate academic and professional discourse.
  4. Solve problems in respect of which a learner is able to demonstrate an ability to identify, analyse, evaluate, critically reflect on and address complex problems associated with analytical chemistry techniques, applying evidence-based solutions and theory-driven arguments.
  5. Take decisions and full responsibility for his or her work, act ethically and professionally, and the ability to justify those decisions and actions drawing on appropriate safety, health and environmental regulations as well as assume limited accountability in supervisory roles in laboratory contexts.
  6. Identify, manage and sustain personal continuous learning.

Assessment Criteria

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:

  • Integrated and detailed knowledge and knowledge literacy of analytical chemistry concepts, principles and rules are recognised, explained, and compared to industry relevant examples.
  • Applied knowledge and skills typically required from an analytical chemist within the chemical industry is demonstrated.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:

  • Methods of enquiry are used to investigate complex problems in the fields of: analytical technologies, food chemistry, forensic chemistry, industrial chemistry and mining.
  • Evidence-based solutions are evaluated and applied to case studies relevant to the fields mentioned.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:

  • Appropriate academic and professional discourse are justified and adhered to using an assortment of methods and processes relevant to the field of Analytical Chemistry.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:

  • Problem solving skills are applied to complex problems associated with analytical chemistry techniques.
  • Evidence-based solutions are critically evaluated and applied to case studies relevant to analytical chemistry techniques.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:

  • Activities, decisions and actions are identified, formulated and executed regarding project and risk management and the development of analytical techniques and methods by facilitating and managing the process in an ethical, moral and professional manner.
  • Ethical values and approaches are defended, appraised and judged to management principles and professional practice, with regards to decisions and actions made, to assess the validity and appropriateness of the actions taken in the work environment.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6:

  • Continuous professional development of learning needs in a self-directed manner are identified, tailored, evaluated and addressed in order to facilitate collaborative learning processes of both the technologist and his/her peers within the food industry.

Integrated Assessment:

  • Integrated assessment is ensured by incorporating both formal and informal continuous assessment strategies into the qualification to ensure that not only assessment of learning takes place but also assessment for learning.
  • Assessment strategies are underpinned by the Exit Level Outcomes, which are designed in articulation with the Level Descriptors and the scope of practice.
  • All elements are aligned with the purpose statement of the qualification.

Formative Assessment:

  • Formative assessment will involve integrated types of assessment, used to inform learners about their progress on a continuous basis through the whole year.
  • Marks collected from this evidence will be recorded for promotional purposes or may be used for the sole purpose of learner and lecturer reflection, growth and development.
  • Formative assessment will be used to support the learner developmentally and to provide feedback to all involved in the learning process of how teaching and learning can be improved.
  • Throughout the qualification, formative assessment strategies will be used to ensure that Exit Level Outcomes are achieved, which include: Assignments, Practical work, Projects, Tests and/or any other applicable methods.

Summative Assessment:

  • Summative assessment will involve assessment opportunities that take place at the end of a learning experience.
  • Information will be gathered about a learner's level of competence upon completion of a unit, module or qualification.
  • Results may be expressed in marks in terms of the level of competence achieved, with regard to Level Descriptors, specific outcomes and assessment standards.
  • This type of assessment is often used for promotional purposes and may take the form of: Examinations (theoretical and practical), Portfolios, Presentations, Tests and/or other applicable methods.

Qualification Details

Advanced Diploma
NQF Level
Min. Credits
SAQA Source
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Tshwane University of Technology
Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) is a higher education institution located in Pretoria, South Africa. It was established in 2004 through the merger of three separate institutions. TUT offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs across various fields of study, including engineering, business, science, arts, and technology. The university is known for its focus on practical and career-oriented education, providing students with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in their chosen professions. TUT also has a strong emphasis on research and innovation, contributing to the development of new technologies and solutions. With a diverse student body and state-of-the-art facilities, Tshwane University of Technology is committed to providing quality education and making a positive impact on society.

This page includes information from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) . Builtneat Pty Ltd trading as Study Start, has modified all or some of this information. SAQA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.