Central University of Technology

Advanced Diploma in Language Practice

Communication Studies and Language - Language

Purpose and Rationale


The primary purpose of an Advanced Diploma in Language Practice is to provide entry-level vocational or professional preparation or specialization for holders of a Bachelor qualification or a Diploma by offering intensive, focused, and applied specialization in Language Practice. This qualification meets the requirements of a specific niche in the labor market and prepares learners for Postgraduate study by deepening their knowledge and understanding of theories, methodologies, and practices in Language Practice. The Advanced Diploma in Language Practice enhances the skills of Language Practitioners, serves as a means of further professional development, deepens existing knowledge, and helps to understand theories and practices in a language context. It also prepares learners for postgraduate study in Language Practice, enabling them to resolve complex problems using appropriate methods and techniques in Language Practice.


According to the OECD Reviews of Vocational Education and Training Report (2014:58), the South African economy needs more artisans and technical skills. The National Skills Development Strategy III (2013:6) emphasizes the need for substantial qualifications to improve career-pathing. The Advanced Diploma in Language Practice balances a knowledge-based learner society and a work-based industry, addressing the skills mismatch issue highlighted in recent reports. Highly competent and skilled Language Practitioners are essential for the effective functioning of the national and provincial industry and economy in South Africa, as well as for education, training, and societal development. PanSALB, established by parliament, aims to develop the 11 official languages and promote multilingualism in South Africa through various focus areas. The Advanced Diploma in Language Practice aims to produce learners skilled in language, translation, lexicography, and terminology to contribute meaningfully to language development in South Africa. This qualification includes entrepreneurship modules to empower learners to create opportunities for themselves. The Advisory Board of the Department of Communication Sciences supports the development of a curriculum for learners pursuing a career in Language Practice, expecting graduates to be job-ready without additional training costs and proficient in writing for various purposes and efficient document editing.


  1. Acquire integrated knowledge of Language Practice as well as apply and evaluate types of knowledge, including key terms, concepts, facts, principles, rules and theories pertaining to the field.
  2. Select and apply different research methods to resolve complex language related problems and provide tangible, evidence-based solutions as well as theory driven arguments.
  3. Develop and manage appropriate processes of information gathering in a language related environment or context.
  4. Create and communicate ideas as well as opinions in carefully, structured arguments, using appropriate academic, professional or occupational discourse.
  5. Communicate, translate, edit and proofread at an advanced level for a variety of purposes in consultation with the appropriate stakeholders.
  6. Demonstrate through the revision of creative works, an awareness of the complexity of the revision process.

Assessment Criteria

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:

  • Discuss and explain the relationship between theory and practice.
  • Select and apply appropriate and effective research methodologies.
  • Critically, logically and objectively analyse professional problems.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:

  • Display skills in drafting language plans and promoting language services.
  • Demonstrate skills in effective planning and conducting organizational communication audits.
  • Demonstrate the use of innovative problem-solving techniques.
  • Demonstrate competence in sophisticated report writing skills.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:

  • Demonstrate skills in business writing.
  • Conduct a range of formal meetings and compile a variety of formal reports.
  • Effectively and accurately transfer meaning from one language to another in professional, community, and technical contexts.
  • Accurately and meticulously correct language errors in professional texts.
  • Evaluate various language-related computer applications effectively.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:

  • Effectively and accurately transfer meaning from one language to another in professional, community, and technical contexts.
  • Apply various styles and registers appropriately to different situations.
  • Demonstrate listening and summarizing skills.
  • Demonstrate effective listening, aural, and writing skills.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:

  • Assess the difference between the user's and the translator's view on translation.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the process of translations.
  • Interact socially as the key focus of the translator's experience of the world.
  • Use the workplace as the interactive setting for specialized terminologies.
  • Acquire skills of translation as an operation performed in and on languages.
  • Assess competence and acquisition of using social networks.
  • Acquire knowledge of the impact of culture on translation.
  • Demonstrate competence when habit fails and the translator needs to check rules and theories.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6:

  • Develop a skill set to identify grammatical errors in a variety of texts.
  • Rewrite texts that are unintelligible.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of language and form in different literary genres.
  • Demonstrate skill and thinking creatively when editing texts.
  • Work independently or collaboratively to provide critical commentary on revised creative works.

Integrated Assessment: Integrated assessment is used to allow learners to demonstrate a deep and systematic understanding of current thinking, practice, theory, and methodology in Language Practice. Formative and summative assessment methods will be used to assess learners' competence in formulating, undertaking, and resolving complex theoretical and practice-related problems and tasks through the selection and use of appropriate methods and techniques. For example, a research project/task/assignment that incorporates related outcomes can be given to learners to assess their knowledge, values, and skills.

Qualification Details

Advanced Diploma
NQF Level
Min. Credits
SAQA Source
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Central University of Technology
Central University of Technology
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The Central University of Technology (CUT) is a public university located in Bloemfontein, South Africa. It was established in 1981 and is one of the largest universities of technology in the country. CUT offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various fields including engineering, health sciences, business and management, information technology, and applied sciences. The university is known for its focus on practical and industry-oriented education, providing students with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in their chosen careers. CUT also has a strong research culture and collaborates with industry partners to address real-world challenges and contribute to the development of the region.

This page includes information from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) . Builtneat Pty Ltd trading as Study Start, has modified all or some of this information. SAQA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.