Cape Peninsula University of Technology

Bachelor of Nursing

Health Sciences and Social Services - Curative Health

Purpose and Rationale

Professional Bachelor of Nursing Degree


The professional Bachelor of Nursing degree prepares learners for professional practice in nursing. The qualification provides learners with a thorough grounding in the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values consonant with the nursing profession and the ability to apply conceptual and contextual knowledge and skills to a range of professional contexts. To this end, the delivery of the qualification includes a substantial component of work-integrated learning. The purpose of the qualification is to:

  • Equip learners with well-developed research skills to enable them to contribute meaningfully to the existing body of knowledge as well as to health services through the application of evidence-based solutions in the Nursing practice.
  • Endow learners with a developed sense of equity, justice and service ethics that will ensure that they work in a responsible and accountable manner, critically reflecting on the suitability of different ethical value systems in a diverse society.
  • Prepare learners to understand roles and relationships in the various systems of health care delivery in the country, ensuring a thorough understanding and application of management principles in different contexts.
  • Instil a commitment to, and desire for continuous professional development by participating in formal and informal education and training, as well as motivate other categories of nurses to do likewise.
  • Offer a wide range of transferable skills for application in other professions, disciplines, and general life, including:
    • A methodical solution-based approach to problem-solving.
    • An empowerment-based approach to the development of self and others.
    • Competence in written and oral communication.
    • Academic support will be offered to all learners.
    • Capacity to assess and implement health and other policies.
    • Ability to plan, implement and manage projects of a varied nature.
    • Research capacity.

Therefore, this qualification strives to produce competent, service-driven nurses, who understand and value the practice of culturally relevant healthcare and who can effect positive changes in healthcare practices for clients. The aim is to deliver professionals who portray in their knowing, doing, and being that they are learners of this qualification. This calls for a Professional Nurse to be able to engage in critical thinking, with a sound understanding of health's socio-cultural dynamic, a willingness to be an integral part of a multi-disciplinary health team and an intent, ability, and commitment to advocating at all levels of governance for an improvement in the community's health.


The rationale for this qualification is to ensure that the Nursing qualifications offered by this institution align with the requirements of the Higher Education Qualifications Sub-framework as well as the Nursing Qualifications Framework as defined by the South African Nursing Council (SANC). The qualification design of this Bachelor of Nursing Degree is therefore based on the professional requirements of SANC and in keeping with other national policy frameworks applicable to this field of study.

Legacy qualifications guided by Regulation 425, as formulated by SANC, will be phased out by 2020 and will be replaced by the phasing in of the new qualification, guided by Regulation 174 of 8 March 2013. The envisaged annual intake will take into account the regional and national needs of the country for this category of nurse.

The Western Cape Province must train between 600-800 professional nurses annually to replace retired staff and provide an adequate number of competent Professional Nurses required to service a District Health System. In the Western Cape alone, 46% of Professional Nurses are older than 55 years; and an estimated 788 will retire by 2018. Training data further predict a 54 % attrition rate in the category professional nurse.

The revitalisation of primary health care in South Africa places Professional Nurses in the role of heading up primary health care outreach teams. This qualification has been developed with these challenges and outcomes in mind and therefore on completion of this qualification, learners will be able to contribute meaningfully to the profession as Registered Professional Nurses.

On successful completion of this qualification, learners are eligible for registration with the relevant statutory body, the South African Nursing Council, as a Professional Nurse and Midwife. The quadruple burden of disease including HIV/AIDS, communicable diseases, non-communicable diseases as well as, in the Western Cape Province, a high rate of violence/injury and substance abuse presents a huge challenge to health care and will therefore be the core learning areas within the qualification, coupled with the development of research skills to ensure that evidence-based solutions are sought for Nursing practice.

As such, the qualification aims to contribute to meeting the Sustainable Development Goals as determined by the United Nations. Inevitably the qualification will produce competent Professional Nurse and Midwife practitioners for a wide range of health service settings with particular emphasis on community-based health care. These professional nurses will, therefore, be able to work as members of a team within a District Health System as well as lead community-based teams towards prevention, promotion, care, and rehabilitation of health issues.


  1. Apply knowledge of biological and natural sciences, psycho-social sciences and pharmacology in the provision of safe nursing and midwifery care, throughout the life span, in a variety of health care settings and communities in response to population needs.
  2. Identify and address ethical and legal issues based on critical reflection on the suitability of different ethical value (and legal) systems to the nursing and midwifery practice within the legal framework.
  3. Manage a health care unit and health facility based on the understanding of the roles and relationships within the multidisciplinary team.
  4. Access, produce and manage information effectively to a range of audiences, including health information.
  5. Conduct research to investigate in nursing and health-related problems aimed at improving the quality of care.
  6. Apply learning strategies effectively to address own and other's professional and personal ongoing learning needs in a self-critical manner.
  7. Apply knowledge of theories, methods and techniques in the practice of safe clinical nursing that is responsive to the needs of the individual, the family and the community, in accordance with national legislative and policy frameworks at all levels of health care.
  8. Provide safe and quality midwifery and neonatal care in a scientific, integrated and evidence based approach in all health care settings.

Assessment Criteria

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:

  • Apply knowledge of psychology and sociology in nursing and midwifery practice to benefit health care delivery.
  • Use bio-natural sciences knowledge to meet professional health care requirements.
  • Identify indicators of relapse or complications and prevent them.
  • Utilize technology in nursing and midwifery practice for effective diagnosis and treatment.
  • Initiate treatment for common conditions, including prescribing and dispensing medication.
  • Understand and apply principles of pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and standard treatment protocols in prescribing drugs for women perinatal.
  • Apply pharmacology principles in the care of neonates.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:

  • Advocate for individual, group, and community rights in health care provision.
  • Demonstrate understanding and application of South Africa Nursing and Health Care legislation.
  • Interpret and apply ethical codes, professional accountability, and standards consistently.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:

  • Plan health care provision based on assessments and informed decision-making.
  • Develop philosophy, vision, mission, goals, and policies for nursing and midwifery care provision.
  • Promote cost-effective and efficient service delivery.
  • Establish a team approach to health care.
  • Manage pharmacological preparations effectively.
  • Strategically manage resources within a health care unit.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:

  • Ensure accurate organization and communication of professional information.
  • Promote community involvement in health care.
  • Document assessments, planning, and evaluations accurately and securely.
  • Monitor and identify areas for improvement in health care delivery.
  • Communicate effectively using various media and technology.
  • Establish supportive and therapeutic relationships using interpersonal skills.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:

  • Conduct limited scope research based on identified needs.
  • Conduct research ethically.
  • Develop strategies based on comprehensive health assessments.
  • Base care provision on scientific evidence.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6:

  • Maintain personal development and emotional balance.
  • Engage in professional development activities.
  • Undertake research activities to contribute to nursing practice.
  • Use learning and mentoring activities effectively.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 7:

  • Provide health care appropriate to the context based on comprehensive health assessments.
  • Implement nursing care according to plans.
  • Monitor changes in health status and implement preventive measures.
  • Ensure accurate diagnosis and management of conditions.
  • Demonstrate competent clinical skills.
  • Use problem-solving strategies systematically.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 8:

  • Prepare women and families for pregnancy, childbirth, and family changes appropriately.
  • Conduct comprehensive obstetric assessments using available technology.
  • Monitor the wellbeing of the foetus effectively.
  • Manage labour and delivery comprehensively.
  • Manage emergencies and potential risks for mother and foetus.

Integrated Assessment:

  • Assessment based on Quality Assurance policies.
  • Assessment within a guided and supported learning environment.
  • Combination of formative and summative assessment methods.
  • Fair, reliable, and valid assessment practices.
  • Formative assessment aimed at enhancing learning.
  • Summative assessment to assess attainment against learning outcomes.
  • Integrated assessment aimed at holistic development of learners.
  • Completion of a research project as an example of integrated assessment method.

Qualification Details

National First Degree(Min 480)
NQF Level
Min. Credits
SAQA Source
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Cape Peninsula University of Technology
Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) is a public university located in Cape Town, South Africa. It was established in 2005 through the merger of three separate institutions. CPUT offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various fields including engineering, business, health sciences, applied sciences, and design and informatics. The university is known for its focus on applied research and innovation, and it has strong partnerships with industry and community organizations. CPUT is committed to providing quality education and preparing students for successful careers in their chosen fields.

This page includes information from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) . Builtneat Pty Ltd trading as Study Start, has modified all or some of this information. SAQA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.