Mangosuthu University of Technology

Bachelor of Applied Science in Nature Conservation

Agriculture and Nature Conservation - Nature Conservation

Purpose and Rationale

Qualification Overview


The purpose of this qualification is to supply the nature conservation industry with competent nature conservation scientists to identify, investigate, and evaluate biodiversity issues.


The institution has developed a center of excellence within the nature conservation industry, strongly focusing on supplying Nature Conservators (technological staff). However, there is a need within the industry for Nature Conservation Scientists with at least an Honours Degree. Currently, traditional Universities offer a general biological sciences Degree to cater to this niche. The institution believes that it can better serve the industry by providing a focused Applied Science Degree that leads to an Honours degree, followed by research Master's and Doctorate degrees. This program would run alongside the existing suite of Diplomas, Master's, and Doctorate programs offered.


  1. Perform advanced natural resource and conservation management.
  2. Communicate effectively with supervisors, peers, subordinates, other nature conservation professionals and the general public.
  3. Demonstrate effective Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skills.

Assessment Criteria

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:

  • Demonstrate and apply knowledge of conservation of freshwater species
  • Apply and understand the principles of aquaculture
  • Apply and demonstrate knowledge of farming with freshwater species
  • Demonstrate and apply knowledge of monitoring methods
  • Effectively implement appropriate monitoring method
  • Apply appropriate legislation
  • Understand and apply the principles of aquaculture
  • Demonstrate and apply knowledge of farming with marine species
  • Demonstrate and apply knowledge of monitoring methods
  • Select and effectively implement appropriate monitoring method
  • Demonstrate and apply knowledge of Protected Area size and shape
  • Demonstrate and apply knowledge of heterogeneity and ecological dynamics within the Protected Area
  • Consider landscape elements, both natural and modified, that will influence the success of the Protected Area
  • Accommodate human activities effectively
  • Understand and apply the principles of monitoring programmes
  • Select and implement effective appropriate monitoring method
  • Understand and apply the principles of veld evaluation
  • Select and implement effective appropriate evaluation
  • Determine and accurately interpret carrying capacity
  • Determine and accurately interpret browsing capacity
  • Demonstrate and apply knowledge of bush control methods
  • Select and effectively implement appropriate bush control method
  • Understand and apply the principles of veld restoration, radical veld improvement, and veld replacement
  • Select, implement, and effectively manage appropriate soil conservation measures
  • Effectively manage problem plants
  • Demonstrate and apply knowledge of different types of wildlife management
  • Understand the principles of wildlife management
  • Demonstrate and apply knowledge of the ecology and population dynamics of animals
  • Demonstrate and apply knowledge of animals as individuals
  • Demonstrate and apply knowledge of animal distribution and the principles of competition within species
  • Demonstrate and apply knowledge of appropriate aspects of population dynamics
  • Demonstrate and apply knowledge of animal nutrition and feeding
  • Demonstrate and apply knowledge of appropriate water needs and utilization
  • Demonstrate and apply knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the digestive systems of appropriate animals
  • Demonstrate and apply knowledge of natural nutrition and additional feeding
  • Demonstrate and apply knowledge of the management of nutrition and additional feeding
  • Demonstrate and apply knowledge of behavioural ecology and the ecology of predation
  • Demonstrate and apply knowledge of the ecology of game diseases
  • Understand the principles of genetics and animal breeding
  • Effectively apply the principles of genetics to conservation
  • Demonstrate and apply knowledge of methods of game species selection
  • Select appropriate method
  • Demonstrate and apply knowledge of types and methods of game utilization
  • Select appropriate type of utilization
  • Demonstrate and apply knowledge of appropriate wildlife census techniques
  • Understand the management implications of wildlife censussing
  • Understand, demonstrate, and apply methods of estimating wildlife condition
  • Demonstrate and apply knowledge of methods of age and sex determination in wildlife species
  • Accurately determine maximum sustained yield
  • Demonstrate and apply knowledge of ecotourism
  • Understand principles of game management plans
  • Effectively compile game management plan
  • Effectively implement game management plan

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:

  • Demonstrate confidence in speaking
  • Demonstrate fluency in current conservation terminology
  • Demonstrate fluency in presentation, integrated writing skills, analytical reading, and interpersonal skills
  • Use and effectively manage task, activity, and report books
  • Effective record-keeping and manage filing system
  • Accurate processing of analytical observations
  • Demonstrate interpretation and appropriate application of a wide range of data
  • Effectively use telephone techniques and handle correspondence
  • Display appropriate and effective body language
  • Effective communication with supervisor, peers, and subordinates
  • Demonstrate conflict resolution skills
  • Understand and demonstrate dynamics of negotiations
  • Apply knowledge of intercultural communication
  • Adhere to moral standards
  • Demonstrate mutual respect for supervisor, peers, and subordinates
  • Effectively handle a variety of routine and non-routine responsibilities
  • Demonstrate knowledge of environmental education goals, principles, and methods and their appropriateness in different contexts
  • Demonstrate selection, planning, and adapting a contextually-relevant environmental learning programme
  • Implement and evaluate environmental learning programme
  • Select, adapt, and use existing environmental resource materials, and develop supplementary learning aids
  • Use broad networking to source information and support around a key environmental issue or risk
  • Research and analyze environmental issues in the light of principles of environmental justice and sustainability and recommend possible solutions
  • Apply fundamental knowledge of environmental ethics to a field of work or study
  • Design, organize, and critically evaluate original environmental learning programmes
  • Develop original learning support materials for an environmental learning programme
  • Propose and analyze a range of environmental issues and appropriate educational responses for different contexts

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:

  • Perform tasks related to basic computer literacy skills
  • Critically assess the validity of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) solutions for problems posed by the Nature Conservation discipline
  • Use ICT that is appropriate to the Nature Conservation discipline

Integrated Assessment:

  • Formative Assessment: Assignments, written tests, practical tests, mini-projects, research project, reports, oral evaluation, presentations
  • Summative Assessment: Written examinations, practical examinations
  • A portfolio of work is compiled and assessed
  • Portfolio records are kept as per requirements.

Qualification Details

National First Degree
NQF Level
Min. Credits
SAQA Source
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Mangosuthu University of Technology
Mangosuthu University of Technology
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Mangosuthu University of Technology (MUT) is a higher education institution located in Durban, South Africa. It was established in 1979 and is named after Mangosuthu Buthelezi, a prominent South African politician and traditional leader. MUT offers a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various fields, including engineering, business, health sciences, and natural sciences. The university aims to provide quality education and practical training to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in their chosen careers. MUT is known for its strong focus on applied research and innovation, collaborating with industry partners to address real-world challenges and contribute to economic development. The university also emphasizes community engagement and social responsibility, encouraging students to actively participate in community projects and initiatives. With modern facilities and a diverse student body, MUT provides a supportive learning environment that fosters academic excellence and personal growth. The university is committed to promoting inclusivity and diversity, ensuring equal opportunities for all students. Overall, Mangosuthu University of Technology is a reputable institution that offers relevant and industry-focused education, preparing students for successful careers in their chosen fields.

This page includes information from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) . Builtneat Pty Ltd trading as Study Start, has modified all or some of this information. SAQA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.