University of Johannesburg

Bachelor of Arts Honours in Theological Studies

Human and Social Studies - Religious and Ethical Foundations of Society

Purpose and Rationale

Qualification Purpose:

  • Advanced Personal, Intellectual, and Practical Skills: Acquisition, analysis, interpretation, and understanding of scientific principles, methods, and contents in various theological and human sciences disciplines.

  • Advanced Practical Competence: Application of acquired skills within church and society; interpretation of diverse Old Testament texts; insight into theological and ethical trust of the Old and New Testaments.

  • Career Readiness: Competence for careers in theology and humanities, laying a foundation for further learning in theological and human science disciplines.

  • Reflective Competence: Demonstrating advanced knowledge in Church history and Christian faith development; pastoral care provision; interpreting and proclaiming Christian doctrines; effective management and leadership in the local assembly; interpretation of the Bible and application of Christian discipleship values in their lifestyle and vocation.

  • Interfaith Understanding: Understanding the central truths of different world religions in relation to Christianity and promoting meaningful dialogue among them.


  1. Understand and to communicate at an advanced level the Biblical standpoint on various issues### the work of the Holy Spirit, the composition and function of the church and its members and to promote the development thereof###
  2. Identify and reflect at an advanced level on the position and roll of God's Kingdom in this broken world, the relation between the church and state and their mutual responsibilities###
  3. Demonstrate, the ability at an advanced level, to understand and interpret the various genres in the Old Testament and to apply the knowledge in proclaiming the Christian truth and in caring for people###
  4. Evaluate the history of the church at an advanced level to understand its own Christian tradition in relation to others###
  5. Evaluate and reflect, at an advanced level, on the different aspects of the church healing ministry and to promote a responsible healing ministry###
  6. Identify and reflect, at an advanced level, on the central truth of the different world religion in relation with the Christian truth and to create meaningful and respectful dialogue between them###
  7. Identify and express, at an advanced level, their Christian discipleship and vocation in the context of the New Testament Christian ethos and to adopt a positive implementation of Christian discipleship values in their own lifestyle and vocation###
  8. Interpret and reflect, at an advanced level, on various New Testament genres in their historical and literary context and to meaningfully relate Christian ministry and experience to the founding texts of the Christian movement###
  9. Communicate, at an advanced level, the Christian faith relevant and effectively to individuals and groups in culturally diverse environments###
  10. Identify and understand, at an advanced level, various counselling models and to do pastoral care by applying relevant models, methods and skills in culturally diverse environments and to conduct the various norms of Christian liturgy###
  11. Communicate and reflect, at an advanced level, on Christian education to people in their various developing stages###
  12. Work, at an advanced level, effectively as leaders with other members of a team, to manage and to lead the local assembly to fulfil the church's duty in the world and to reflect on the process.

Assessment Criteria

The learner can:

  1. Effectively communicate the Biblical standpoint orally or in writing as required on issues such as the work of the Holy Spirit, the composition and function of the church and its members, and promote their development.

  2. Effectively communicate orally or in writing as required to identify the position and role of God's Kingdom in this broken world, the relationship between the church and state, and their mutual responsibilities.

  3. Demonstrate orally and in writing the ability to identify and understand the various genres in the Old Testament, applying the knowledge in proclaiming Christian truth and caring for people.

  4. Effectively communicate orally or in writing the meaning and truths of church history and the relation of their own Christian tradition to others.

  5. Display the ability to evaluate different aspects of the church-healing ministry orally or in writing, demonstrating participation in a healing ministry.

  6. Effectively communicate orally or in writing the central truth of different world religions in relation to Christian truth, creating meaningful and respectful dialogue between them.

  7. Effectively communicate orally or in writing their Christian discipleship and vocation in the context of the New Testament Christian ethos, adopting Christian discipleship values in their lifestyle and vocation.

  8. Communicate orally or in writing the various New Testament genres in their historical and literary context, relating Christian ministry and experience to the founding texts of the Christian movement.

  9. Communicate the Christian faith effectively in culturally diverse environments, both individually and in groups.

  10. Communicate orally or in writing the various counseling models, conduct Christian liturgy, and provide pastoral care using relevant models, methods, and skills in culturally diverse environments through field studies.

  11. Communicate effectively in Christian education to people in various developing stages, orally or in writing as required.

  12. Communicate effectively as leaders to work with others as members of a team, manage and lead the local assembly to fulfill the church's duty in the world, orally or in writing as required.

Integrated assessment is appropriately incorporated to ensure the qualification's purpose is achieved, with continuous assessment practices forming an integral part of the qualification's design. Learning outcomes are explicit, with a coherent assessment strategy balancing formative and summative assessment practices.

Formative assessment practices include assignments, presentations, fieldwork, case studies, and practical work in local assemblies assessed by assessors. Summative assessment practices focus on exit-level outcomes through written and oral examinations, practical work, assessment by local assemblies, field studies in pastoral care, and preaching.

Qualification Details

Honours Degree
NQF Level
Min. Credits
SAQA Source
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University of Johannesburg
University of Johannesburg
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The University of Johannesburg (UJ) is a public university located in Johannesburg, South Africa. It was established in 2005 through the merger of the Rand Afrikaans University, Technikon Witwatersrand, and the Soweto and East Rand campuses of Vista University. UJ is one of the largest universities in South Africa, with over 50,000 students enrolled across its four campuses. The university offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various fields, including arts, humanities, sciences, engineering, business, and health sciences. UJ is known for its commitment to providing quality education, promoting social justice, and fostering innovation and entrepreneurship.

This page includes information from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) . Builtneat Pty Ltd trading as Study Start, has modified all or some of this information. SAQA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.