Agriculture and Nature Conservation - Primary Agriculture
The Advanced Diploma in Animal Sciences is designed to provide learners with in-depth knowledge of current practices, theories, and methodologies in animal and equine sciences. The core and elective modules aim to prepare learners to work as agricultural advisors, managers in various animal production and equestrian fields, research technicians, entrepreneurs, and effective communicators with farming communities and equestrian environments. Additionally, learners will acquire essential research methodology skills, including biometry, to enhance problem-solving, data analysis, and scientific writing abilities. The qualification offers specialization options in either Animal or Equine Sciences, enabling learners to tackle complex theoretical and practical challenges in their chosen field through appropriate methods and techniques. The curriculum focuses on theory, technology applications, and strategies to enhance animal production systems or equine enterprises for improved productivity and quality within South African and international contexts. Successful completion of the qualification will provide a pathway to the Postgraduate Diploma in Animal Sciences or equivalent qualifications at National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Level 8.
The National Development Plan (NDP) of South Africa vision 2020 emphasizes the critical role of agriculture in economic growth, poverty reduction, and job creation. Agriculture, including livestock and equestrian industries, plays a pivotal role in achieving the NDP's goals of inclusive rural economy development and increased investment in agricultural technologies and research. The livestock industry, highlighted in the Livestock Development Strategy for South Africa (2007), contributes significantly to the agricultural sector and national economy through various avenues, such as food production, income generation, employment, and export earnings. Similarly, the equestrian industry makes substantial contributions to the economy and job creation, particularly in the realm of horseracing, breeding, sport, and ecotourism. The demand for qualified professionals in animal and equine sciences is evident, considering the scarcity of skills in these fields in South Africa. This qualification aims to meet the industry's need for skilled technicians, managers, and consultants in livestock production systems and equestrian enterprises, aligning with professional registration requirements such as Certificated Natural Scientists by SACNASP and registration with the Council of Equine and Equestrian Professionals of South Africa for graduates of equine science electives.
These criteria outline the expectations and requirements for learners to successfully achieve the Exit Level Outcomes in Animal or Equine Sciences.
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