Vaal University of Technology

Advanced Diploma in Sport Management

Culture and Arts - Sport

Purpose and Rationale

Qualification Overview


The purpose of the qualification is to develop graduates who can demonstrate focused and integrated knowledge and skills in the field of Sport Management as well as gaining experience in applying such knowledge and skills in a workplace context to address complex problems by applying evidence-based solutions. The qualification is a planned combination of learning outcomes with a defined purpose that culminates in applied competence and services as a basis for further learning in the field of Sport Management.


This qualification is developed to address the national need for a specialized programme (which focuses on applying knowledge) in Sport Management. The majority of the learners will graduate from the Diploma to articulate to the Advanced Diploma. This qualification provides for horizontal articulation into related at the same NOF Level and vertical progression from the diploma to postgraduate studies. The design of this qualification prepares students for postgraduate through the deepening of their knowledge and understanding of theories.

Methodologies and practices in sport management as the development of their ability to formulate undertake and resolve more complex theoretical and practice related problem tasks through the selection and use of appropriate methods and techniques. The qualification represents a specialised qualification accessible to learners in the field of Sport and Recreation Management. The qualification is aligned with industry and tertiary institutions' needs to adequately prepare learners to gain in depth knowledge and insight into the role of sport and recreation ensuring the survival of sport and recreation organisations in a competitive business environment.

This will also allow learners to apply planning, organising and entrepreneurial skills in communities which will inherently address: the effective utilization of resources in sport organisations and communities, the socioeconomic growth of communities in South Africa by giving communities the opportunity to creating sustainable employment; and the employability of qualifying learners.


  1. Integrate knowledge of the central areas in sport management and recreation to be able to appreciate the inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary context of sport and recreation.
  2. Develop detailed knowledge and understanding in the area of sport and recreation management.
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of the South African law environment to be able to apply evidence-based solutions to address complex problems in the regulatory environment of sport.
  4. Demonstrate an understanding of theories, procedures and methods of management to select and apply a range of methods to resolve problems in the governance of sport organisations.
  5. Develop knowledge of key aspects of the governmental framework for inclusive sports participation.
  6. Demonstrate the ability to take decisions and act ethically and professionally in the sport and recreation management environment.
  7. Demonstrate the ability to identify, analyse, evaluate and critically reflect on the social constraints to address complex problems impacting on the developmental role of sport.
  8. Demonstrate the ability to exercise strategic and long term decision making in the sporting industry.
  9. Devise and sustain arguments, and solve problems, using management techniques at the forefront of the sporting industry.

Assessment Criteria

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcomes 1:

  • Integrate advanced knowledge of theories of entrepreneurship in relation to the sport management profession to identify and resolve entrepreneurial-related problems or missed opportunities within sport and recreation management.
  • Apply advanced knowledge, specific skills, approaches, principles and techniques required to function in a group setting, management position or as entrepreneur within the inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary context of sport and recreation.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcomes 2:

  • Apply detailed knowledge of sport and recreation facility design, development, planning, maintenance and management according to national and global standards.
  • Identify and select appropriate procedures, methods and approaches to decision making to resolve problems and safety concerns at sport, recreation and leisure facilities in the area of sport and recreation management.
  • Critically evaluate literature explaining theory and practical approaches and methods of initializing, planning and organizing events of varying size nationally and globally by interacting with different organizations.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcomes 3:

  • Recognise and address legal and management matters most commonly found in sport and sport management.
  • Analyse perspectives approaches and processes of risk management within the South African sport environment.
  • Investigate the principles of agency law in terms of sport agents, sport contracts and antitrust laws.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcomes 4:

  • Effectively select and apply a range of theories, methods and procedures of sport and recreation management to develop research informed, appropriate and practical actions to resolve problems in the governance of sport organisations.
  • Professionally and appropriately communicate and present different types of research.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcomes 5:

  • Investigate inclusive and therapeutic recreation, the socio-demographics affecting group participation and biases affecting client services in a competitive sport and recreation environment.
  • Critically reflect on existing recreation structures in South Africa and various areas, programmes, formats and benefits to develop meaningful, sustainable and inclusive sport and recreation participation.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcomes 6:

  • Demonstrate an ethically sound and professional attitude towards the different sport and recreation programmes and stimulate this attitude in others.
  • Provide truthful and correct research informed written reports or verbal communication to support or inform decisions taken in the sport and recreation management environment.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcomes 7:

  • Apply sound research theories, principles and methods to Identify, analyse, evaluate and critical reflect on the social, psychological, physical and environmental benefits to develop meaningful sport and recreation programmes to address constraints and resolve complex problems impacting on sport development.
  • Produce and present scientific researched and written arguments and solutions to address complex problems impacting on the developmental role of sport.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcomes 8:

  • Apply a range of advanced management theories and methods to identify, investigate, analyse, produce own ideas, opinions, arguments, plan and develop strategies and long term decision making skills in the sporting industry.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcomes 9:

  • Utilise theories, methods, techniques and technological tools to engage in broad spectrum research opportunities in the growing discipline of sport management.
  • Produce innovative and sustainable arguments for the purpose of problem resolution using management techniques at the forefront of the sporting industry.

Integrated Assessment:

  • Formative assessment: Combination of assessment tools to monitor learner progress on a continuous basis.
  • Summative assessment: Written exam at the end of a semester to evaluate learning outcomes. Unsuccessful learners have a second opportunity. All summative assessments are externally moderated.

Qualification Details

Advanced Diploma
NQF Level
Min. Credits
SAQA Source
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Vaal University of Technology
Vaal University of Technology (VUT) is a public university located in Vanderbijlpark, South Africa. It was established in 2004 and is one of the largest universities of technology in the country. VUT offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various fields including engineering, applied and computer sciences, management sciences, human sciences, and arts and design. The university focuses on providing practical and industry-relevant education to its students, with a strong emphasis on experiential learning and work-integrated learning opportunities. VUT is known for its state-of-the-art facilities, research centers, and partnerships with industry and community organizations.

This page includes information from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) . Builtneat Pty Ltd trading as Study Start, has modified all or some of this information. SAQA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.