Business, Commerce and Management Studies - Generic Management
The purpose of the program is to develop learners with deep knowledge, skills, and competence in the specialized field of Agricultural Management. The aim is to produce learners who can critically review literature, write scientific papers, and formally present and defend their work as aspiring specialists in Agricultural Management. Additionally, the program seeks to equip learners with the ability to integrate theory and application of Agricultural Management with the knowledge gained. Ultimately, the goal is to enable learners to engage critically in current debates concerning development initiatives and demonstrate an in-depth understanding of Agricultural Management strategies.
The rationale behind the program is to increase the pool of well-trained personnel in Agricultural Management. By providing initial research training, the program aims to promote the long-term sustainability of farm businesses. By developing learners who are competent in Agricultural Management, the program contributes to the enhancement of the agricultural sector and supports the overall growth and development of the industry.
The following Associated Assessment Criteria will be used in an integrated manner across the Exit Level Outcomes:
Integrated Assessment: The qualification and all modules are based on a problem solving and learning-centred approach and are designed to foster supervised learning, critical and focussed enquiry/thinking, and experiential learning in a project-orientated environment. Students will be exposed to real case studies and will acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to develop solutions to Agricultural Management challenges. This will be achieved in lectures (through the accomplishment of the knowledge outcomes) and through project components that the students will have to conduct under supervision from the instructor. All modules have continuous assessment-based components through assignments. The module is then capped by a summative assessment in the form of an examination, which is externally moderated. In addition to tests, examinations, practical and tutorials, learners have to complete a research project and seminars.
This page includes information from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) . Builtneat Pty Ltd trading as Study Start, has modified all or some of this information. SAQA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.