Cape Peninsula University of Technology

Advanced Diploma in Mathematical Sciences

Physical, Mathematical, Computer and Life Sciences - Mathematical Sciences

Purpose and Rationale


The purpose of this qualification is to develop in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge of the strategies, tools, and techniques needed by learners to solve problems in financial mathematics and biomathematics.

Qualified biomathematicians can find jobs in agriculture and nature conservation, forestry to model changes in forests and vegetation patterns, fisheries to determine the best harvesting strategies, and epidemiology to provide insights into disease dynamics and management.

Learners with Financial Mathematics as an elective will be able to address problems at the interface between mathematics and finance, developing competence in quantifying and managing investment and risk while applying finite difference and transform methods to option pricing.

This qualification empowers graduates to use advanced mathematics, statistics, programming, and numerical methods to solve problems in financial mathematics and biosciences, opening doors to careers in banking, insurance, financial markets, and business analysis.


The Advanced Diploma in Mathematical Sciences aims to empower learners with the knowledge and understanding of core areas in mathematics, statistics, and computation to address problems in finance and biosciences essential for economic growth and national development.

Conducting a 3-phase needs analysis informed the structure, purpose, outcomes, and viability of this qualification. This analysis included benchmarking internationally and nationally, researching workplace practices through Work Integrated Learning, and obtaining input from an Advisory Committee comprising representatives from business, industry, and academia.

The qualification is designed to provide progression pathways for Diploma in Mathematical Sciences graduates, lay a foundation in advanced Mathematics, Statistics, Numerical Methods, and Programming, focus on research activities within the department, and meet learners' needs and interests while aligning with the job market.

There is a growing demand for mathematics and science graduates in various sectors, with mathematics being a powerful tool in addressing workplace problems and ensuring competitiveness. The rise in data generation amplifies the need for competent professionals in fields such as biosciences and finance. Mathematics plays a crucial role in modeling biological phenomena and analyzing vast data sets, making this advanced diploma essential for graduates pursuing careers in these areas.

Job Opportunities:

Graduates of the Advanced Diploma can pursue careers as data analysts, data capturers, quality controllers, or in teaching. Biomathematicians can find roles in agriculture, nature conservation, forestry, fisheries, and epidemiology. Those with Financial Mathematics as an elective can access job opportunities in banking, insurance, financial markets, and business analysis.


  1. Use and apply conceptual knowledge, skills and understanding of advanced mathematics, statistics, programming and numerical methods to solve problems in financial mathematics and biosciences.
  2. Select and apply a range of methods, strategies, techniques and appropriate knowledge to solve problems in mathematics and statistics and areas of application.
  3. Identify, analyse, evaluate, critically reflect on and address routine and complex problems, applying appropriate evidence-based solutions and theory-driven arguments.
  4. Ttake decisions and act ethically and professionally, and justify those decisions and actions drawing on appropriate ethical values and approaches within a supported environment.
  5. Develop appropriate processes of information gathering for a given context or use and to independently validate the sources of information.
  6. Manage processes in unfamiliar and variable contexts, recognising that problem solving is context driven.
  7. Identify, evaluate and address his or her learning needs in a self-directed manner, and to facilitate appropriate collaborative learning processes.
  8. Take full responsibility for his or her work, decision-making and use of resources, and limited accountability for the decisions and actions of others in varied or ill-defined contexts.

Assessment Criteria

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1

  • Knowledge and Understanding: Use integrated knowledge of advanced mathematics to solve problems accurately.
  • Application of Mathematics Concepts: Apply mathematics concepts, theorems, algorithms, and procedures in various contexts.
  • Programming Skills: Apply advanced programming using software like R, Matlab, and SAS to find solutions in financial and biomathematics.
  • Statistical Analysis: Apply statistical models, probability theorems, and tests to analyze processes in Financial Mathematics and Biomathematics.
  • Multivariate Statistics: Use tools like regression and Principal component analysis in analyzing financial or biosciences data sets.
  • Financial Mathematics Principles: Apply principles, strategies, and techniques in various financial contexts.
  • Sub-disciplines Knowledge: Apply knowledge from sub-disciplines like Biostatistics and Business Analytics in solving problems.
  • Data Mining: Use standard data mining software in practical problem-solving.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2

  • Formulate Models: Create conceptual and quantitative models for real-world problems in finance and biosciences.
  • Core Knowledge Application: Competently model problems in Biosciences including disease modeling.
  • Time Series Models: Use appropriate models and algorithms for forecasting in finance.
  • Numerical Techniques: Select and implement correct numerical techniques for various problems.
  • Computational Tools: Use tools like Mat Lab, R, and statistical packages for data manipulation and modeling.
  • Data Mining Phases: Understand and apply phases of data mining competently.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3

  • Structured Approach: Use a structured analytical approach in problem-solving.
  • Mathematical Structures: Identify correct mathematical structures in given models.
  • Problem Solving: Solve open-ended problems by formulating them accurately.
  • Critical Analysis: Analyze mathematical models critically and propose necessary changes.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4

  • Professional Responsibilities: Understand and abide by professional responsibilities and ethical norms.
  • Validation of Solutions: Check answers and solutions for validity, reliability, and accuracy.
  • Analytical Methods: Understand the limitations and power of analytical methods.
  • Justification: Justify and validate conclusions and decisions accurately.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5

  • Evaluation of Information: Access, evaluate, and synthesize scientific or financial information.
  • Academic Integrity: Ensure academic integrity and social responsibility in compiling reports.
  • Communication Skills: Demonstrate effective written, visual, and oral presentation skills.
  • Mathematical Arguments: Construct mathematical arguments accurately.
  • Language Usage: Use correct language in producing clear written documents.
  • Collaboration: Communicate effectively online and work collaboratively.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6

  • Knowledge Demonstration: Demonstrate knowledge of financial instruments, asset pricing, and portfolio selection.
  • Data Analysis: Analyze financial or bio data from various sources.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 7

  • Learning Management: Reflect on and manage own learning needs with minimum guidance.
  • Independent Investigation: Carry out independent investigations using available literature and databases.
  • Learning Strategies: Develop effective learning strategies and skills.
  • Feedback Utilization: Seek and utilize feedback for self-evaluation and improvement.
  • Time Management: Manage time effectively to meet standards and deadlines.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 8

  • Model Adaptation: Critically challenge assumptions and modify models as needed.
  • Data Analysis Principles: Implement data analysis principles with integrity and confidentiality.
  • Problem-Solving Approaches: Evaluate different approaches to problem-solving.

Integrated Assessment

  • Continuous Assessment: Forms part of continuous assessment with a mix of formative and summative methods.
  • Assessment Policy: Promotes constructive alignment, learner-centered learning, and fair assessment practices.
  • Formative Assessment: Enhances student learning through various tasks.
  • Summative Assessment: Assesses learner's attainment against learning outcomes.
  • Integrated Assessment: Holistic assessment across modules for learner development.
  • Emphasis: Integration of knowledge, skills, and abilities in Mathematics, Statistics, and Computing.

Qualification Details

Advanced Diploma
NQF Level
Min. Credits
SAQA Source
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Cape Peninsula University of Technology
Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) is a public university located in Cape Town, South Africa. It was established in 2005 through the merger of three separate institutions. CPUT offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various fields including engineering, business, health sciences, applied sciences, and design and informatics. The university is known for its focus on applied research and innovation, and it has strong partnerships with industry and community organizations. CPUT is committed to providing quality education and preparing students for successful careers in their chosen fields.

This page includes information from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) . Builtneat Pty Ltd trading as Study Start, has modified all or some of this information. SAQA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.