Cape Peninsula University of Technology

Advanced Diploma in Urban and Regional Planning

Physical Planning and Construction - Physical Planning Design and Management

Purpose and Rationale


The purpose of the Advanced Diploma in Urban and Regional Planning is to consolidate the knowledge and skills of Diploma in Urban and Regional Planning graduates. This is intended for first-level entrant practitioners in the planning profession to deal with more complex planning and development problems. These issues are found in potentially conflictual situations specific to interactions between society and space at intermediate spatial scales. Solutions may partially fall outside standard codes and practices, aiming to enhance the quality of human settlements, communities, and economies of urban and regional environments.


The Department of Higher Education and Training considers the knowledge and skills of urban and regional planners as a 'scarce skill' in South Africa (SA). Therefore, this qualification aims to address this critical shortage while contributing to the economic growth and development of SA in alignment with the National Development Plan (NDP) 2030. The Advanced Diploma (Urban and Regional Planning) replaces the Bachelor of Technology (BTech) Degree in Town and Regional planning. It provides advanced training in planning practice to elevate the competencies of assistant planners with a Diploma qualification to become registrable planners by the South African Council for Planners (SACPLAN).

The Advanced Diploma focuses on enhancing the skills, knowledge, and attitudes of Diploma graduates as first-level entrant practitioners in the planning profession. It equips them to handle broader planning and development problems in potentially conflictual situations. Graduates should be able to address such challenges, interacting between society and space at intermediate spatial scales where solutions may deviate from standard practices. The qualification aims to respond to the emerging democratic developmental paradigm, enabling graduates to critique planning proposals, engage stakeholders effectively, and improve middle management and leadership competencies in planning and development across public, private, and community sectors.

The Advanced Diploma in Urban and Regional Planning is designed to provide students with advanced knowledge, skills, and attributes required to become assistant planners in critical areas within the industry. This includes:

  1. Preparation and assessment of planning products for local (neighborhood) and suburban spatial scales.
  2. Planning administration, middle-level leadership, and coordination of development planning project teams.
  3. Support for planning research, report writing, decision-making for planning proposals, and revision of local policy formulation and development guidelines for specific localized issues.


  1. Understand the field of Urban and Regional Planning, particularly as practiced in the Global South including South Africa.
  2. Integrate different methods (including geo-spatial technologies) to identify, analyse, evaluate and critically reflect on complex problems.
  3. Develop and communicate well-framed arguments and interact with other professionals, communities and stakeholders in planning processes.
  4. Learn in a self-directed manner, and be accountable for own work.
  5. Apply technology in the analysis of social-economic and environmental conditions and experiences of communities in their spatial contexts to provide insights into their problems and approaches to their collaborative resolution.

Assessment Criteria

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit-Level Outcome 1:

  • Demonstrate a clear understanding of the history, evolution and current practice of urban and regional planning in the Global South and South Africa, including applicable legislation and factors influencing the development of urban areas and regions.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit-Level Outcome 2:

  • Distinguish various urban and regional planning tools and research methods and understand when and how those tools and methods could be used to identify, analyse and reflect on complex problems.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit-Level Outcome 3:

  • Listen and communicate in written, graphic and mapping forms, and be persuasive in the interactions with other professionals, communities, clients and/or other stakeholders.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit-Level Outcome 4:

  • Learn in a self-directed manner, and take responsibility for own work and decisions.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit-Level Outcome 5:

  • Use technology (including Geographic Information System and Computer Aided Design) to identify, analyse, evaluate, critically reflect on, and collaboratively resolve socio-economic, spatial and environmental problems.

Integrated Assessment:

Integrated Assessment forms part of continuous assessment at the institution and takes the form of an appropriate mix of both formative and summative assessment methods.

Formative Assessment:

  • In this qualification, Formative Assessment will consist of a variety of tasks such as problem-solving individual and/or group assignments and projects, case studies, portfolio development, class discussions, quizzes, field trip reports and poster design.

Summative Assessment:

  • In this qualification Summative Assessment will consist of written assessments in the form of written class tests and examination conducted during and at the end of the academic semester/year.

Integrated Assessment in this qualification:

  • Will take place at the third year of study and students will be assessed holistically by means of project reports, a portfolio of evidence and an oral presentation related to the needs and requirements of the Urban and Regional Planning industry.

Qualification Details

Advanced Diploma
NQF Level
Min. Credits
SAQA Source
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Cape Peninsula University of Technology
Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) is a public university located in Cape Town, South Africa. It was established in 2005 through the merger of three separate institutions. CPUT offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various fields including engineering, business, health sciences, applied sciences, and design and informatics. The university is known for its focus on applied research and innovation, and it has strong partnerships with industry and community organizations. CPUT is committed to providing quality education and preparing students for successful careers in their chosen fields.

This page includes information from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) . Builtneat Pty Ltd trading as Study Start, has modified all or some of this information. SAQA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.